Raury Feybrand

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Reiatsu: 14,512
~Logi~ 15,963
Zanjutsu: 8
Hakuda: 10,200
Hohou: 4,296
Kidou: 8




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Division Techs:



Founders are uniquely tied to the world in a physical sense. A rope that allows them to feel the interwoven spiritual particles of any world with an acute awareness. Making their senses keener than most because of this intimate relation, and helping them to understand the world around them. The true reason behind this new-found enhancement, is the ability to manipulate the very fabric of reality to their own desire.

Outside of battle, a Founder has the opportunity to alter the world according to their whim. Able to take a desolate canyon and make it into a field of flowers if they so choose, and have the power to. This allows a Founder to even establish traps where ever they so choose as well within their domain, making them formidable planners and tricksters.

Within combat a Founder’s ability to access [God Hand] is not revoked, but due to the strenuous conditions of a fight, their focus is greatly reduced. For the price of 500 reiatsu a Founder is able to twist a 5 m area to their control and shape it. This may only be used once per turn and only a maximum of 10 m may be altered at one time.


The uses of getting people where you need them to be in a fight is just as important as having the right tools for the job. And sometimes, the enemy just doesn’t give you a whole lot of time to use your tenriku. Even so, you have a job to do. Whether the enemy cares or not about your constraints.

The Fifth have developed a special technique that allows them to move people freely outside of battle like pawns. Picking them up and moving where tactical advantages are gained. Provided that person is willing.

During battle the stress complicates matters, and as such it creates a wall of sorts. Spiritual pressure is being thrown around a lot of the time, and it disrupts a Founder’s ability to move people freely. If willing, the people being moved may harmonize their signatures to quiet the area and allow the Fifthie to pay 250 reiatsu per person, moves them anywhere within 5 m.

However, because it still requires immense focus it will take at least three turns before this technique can be used again, and only 1 person for every 5,000 reiatsu may be moved with no other actions available for that turn.


Suiken, Way of The Drunken Fist

Often considered a novelty, Suiken has been scorned as a parlor trick and even an outright sham throughout history. However, those that adhere to and master the principles and techniques find a hidden power through misdirection, sudden bursts of power, and doling out the unexpected to opponents. There is real power in the body of a Suiken Master, and though it takes time to conquer, those who do so find ample reward.

Training: To be trained in Suiken, the potential pupil must locate a master, then convince them to train them. Attaining mastery requires that all techniques be used at least once, and the final technique must be witnessed by the master.

At the beginning of training, a student will choose a vessel. Be it flask, gourd or bottle, this vessel will hold a special brew that reacts when fused with reiatsu. Students will learn to passively infuse the drink with reiatsu at all times. This vessel is used as payment for the techniques used by a Suiken user, however it cannot be refilled or reinfused while in combat, and at its full capacity can hold ten shots, or ‘charges’. Once the charges are depleted, no more techniques from Suiken can be used in any given fight.

Also, all Suiken techniques are fairly strenuous, and no two Suiken techs can be used simultaneously, or even within the same turn.

Requirements: 3000 Hakuda to begin

Practitioners: Raury Feybrand
Masters: Raury Feybrand

[Staggering Steps]
Cost- 1 Charge

Suiken aims to confound opponents, creating confusion and complacency. At proper moments, this is to be exploited explosively, and often to great effect. The first stage of training shows a practitioner how to create fluidity of motion out of impossible body configurations, capitalizing on a Suiken user’s superior balance, flexibility and strength of core, making natural motions of what appears to be ‘drunken’ stumbling.

When utilizing Staggering Steps, dodging or blocking an opponent becomes considerably easier and more natural. In addition, during the duration of Staggering Steps the user can make a single brutal attack on an opponent. This attack is blurred to the opponent, and the suiken fighter moves roughly in the same fashion as a shunpo, however regardless of hohou stat, the user can travel no further than 10 meters and still connect a hit. The effect lasts a single round.

Staggering Steps is the bread and butter of a drunken fighter, and is often favored as a method of counter.

[Dragon’s Belly] Cost- 2 Charges

Taking the concept of issuing out the unexpected, this technique allows the fighter to infuse charges into a powerful, hyper-reactive mixture internally. This mixture is regurgitated, creating a potent gout of flame outward in a cone in front of the user.

The flame’s power is directly related to the quality of reiatsu infused in the user’s vessel, and thus is tied to overall reiatsu. Dragon’s Belly deals fire damage equivalent in power to 4% of the user’s maximum reiatsu stat, and the flame travels 20 meters outward in a cone.

[Bacchanal] Cost- All Charges

In a singular act of desperation, or simply a desire for outright carnage, a Suiken Master can surrender all control over themselves, allowing the power of alcohol and volatile reiatsu to course freely and unfettered throughout their body. The effects of this are often catastrophic, both for the user and his opponent both. Under the effects of Bacchanal the fighter feels no pain and enjoys a massive boost in raw strength, making them easily capable of tossing around structures such as moderate sized vehicles, stone pillars, etc. Or caving in a few faces.

This has two major drawbacks. During the duration of Bacchanal, the Master can in no way differentiate between friend or foe, and will attack anything on sight without exception. Also, one round after the effects subside, the user will lose consciousness, taxed beyond capability.

The duration of Bacchanal is tied directly to how many charges remain in the vessel, ranging anywhere from one round to ten, but the amount cannot be chosen. When this technique is used, all charges are consumed.

Requires 7000 Hakuda

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Raury’s Zanpakutou is relatively non-descript, being of the usual 60cm length, and possessing no unique qualities aside from a kanji carving in the hilt reading "Drunkard”. Like its owner, it appears ragged and unkempt, having a chip here and there in the scabbard, and being haphazardly jammed into Raury’s sash wherever it won’t be in the way. Any metal on the weapon, however, is cared for with precision.

Release Command: Drink them in, Lógi


Previously thought by its owner to be a wonky little chimp, Ruary has learned that he had been given a false name, his zanpakutou thinking him to be unready for its proper power. Through personal growth, his Zanpakuto has finally found Raury unwanting, and shown him its proper form and name.

Lógi is a massive dragon, its elongated body coiled around a wine pot easily eight men heights tall, his flat head hovering over the mouth of the pot, ready for a drink. Its scales are the color of steel, riveted flat against its skin. Lógi’s pale green eyes can be seen from anywhere within the dark cave it resides in. For a dragon, it is relatively goofy in appearance, its body exceptionally long, large eyes and extremely expressive face.

Lógi’s personality has changed very little from the chimp, still nonsensical to the extreme, always drinking and boisterous. It also has a penchant, to Raury’s endless confusion, to break the ‘Fourth Wall’.

Inner World:

Though the alehouse Raury previously thought to be his entire inner world still stands, the world outside of it has opened up, it being a massive and dark cave housing Lógi, the world’s proper master. It is essentially the usual dragon’s nest, complete with hoards of treasure piled about, with the addition of a three story wine pot in the center.


Lógi (Fire)

The true form of Raury’s zanpakuto breaks into a network of metallic scales, these forming around his arms from wrist to just past the elbow. The scales offer the same strength of a blade, with the added benefit of flexibility, a necessity for his preferred in-close style. The scales give off considerable heat, flames energetically licking across their surface.

Phlogiston Soul-In its released state, Lógi begins to drain 3% of Raury’s reiatsu per turn. The energy used enriches the drunkard’s martial prowess, effectively combining his hakuda and hohou skills into a unified ability for the purposes of attacking or defending. While Phlogiston Soul is in use, Raury’s melee attacks are now coated in flames. This ability does not have an effect on Raury’s speed.

Enkindled Guard- At the cost of 10% of Raury’s total reiatsu, a partially visible shell of flame will erupt from his body. This shell hovers around the drunkard, serving as a persistent barrier not subject to normal barrier decay. When struck, Enkindled Guard responds to an attack by meeting it with a gout of fire of equal strength, making melee attacks within 2m of the drunkard exceedingly dangerous and painful. The barrier persists until its strength runs out.

Romuve Lógi (Sanctuary Fire)

Upon release, the scales of Lógi spread across Raury’s body, knitting a network of metallic scales across Raury’s hands, arms, chest and face. The scales of Romuve Lógi channel incredible heat, and as such, the flames given off by them has grown along with Raury’s strength, now wreathing his arms in torrential fire. As further testament to this draconian transformation, Raury’s pupils alter into a more slitted appearance and he will, on occasion, exhale smoke.

~Ability High Phlogiston Soul-In its released state, Lógi begins to drain 3% of Raury’s reiatsu per turn. The energy used enriches the drunkard’s martial prowess, effectively combining his hakuda and hohou skills into a unified ability for the purposes of attacking or defending. While in this state, Raury's melee attacks are wreathed in flame, and successful uses of attacks from the Hakuda school leave a lingering burn equivalent to 25% of the cost each round, for two rounds following. This ability does not have an effect on Raury’s speed.

~Attack Conflagrate- Raury can utilize the flames birthed by his final release to hurl an intensely hot ball of fire roughly two feet in diameter at the cost of 3% of his total reiatsu. Left to itself, the flame will simply stick to the location it lands in, burning in an intensity equivalent to the cost of Conflagrate. At any time, Raury can pay this cost again to detonate the ball of flame, the detonation effecting a five meter radius, and in an equivalent intensity to the cost paid for the ball in total. If undetonated, the balls will burn for the duration of the Bankai. Raury can have no more than five balls of flame active on the field at any given time.

~Attack Flames That Deny- The volatile power given off by Romuve Lógi can be felt by anyone within close proximity of Raury, and thus any area within its influence is subject to the devastating roar of heat it projects. At the cost of 5% of Raury’s total Reiatsu, Raury can choose to target any reiatsu based projectile entering within 10m of himself, infusing it with power intense enough to consume it, negating the attack.

~Attack Wurm’s Sanctuary- The embodiment of a dragon’s legendary hide, for one round Wurm’s Sanctuary extends Romuve Lógi’s scales to the entirety of Raury’s body in an extremely powerful act of defense. This ability drains 15% of Raury’s reiatsu, empowering the scales to defend against attacks up to twice that cost for a single round, after which the scales immediately fall to the ground.
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