Arcadian Kyuu

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Murderface Murderface
Sep 23, 2006
Dahlitium (⏆50 per)
Bigatium (⏆100 per)
Auritium (⏆300 per)
Vitatium (⏆1200 per)
Caelitium (⏆6000 per)
Arcadian Kyuu - Unseated, 11th division
Reiatsu: 3955
~Akuma no Fuchi~ 4350
Zanjutsu: 1000
Hakuda: 780
Houhou: 1100
Kidou: 1075
Kidou Learned:
Encumber -- Bakudou #16
Reaper - Hadou #20
Toutenya - Hadou #26
Thor's Hammer - Hadou #52
Hold - Bakudou #52
Connection: 3565
Super pez, x6
Heavy Combat uniform
[Invisible tech]

AIM: VanguardJ

Name: Arcadian Kyuu [Last name] [First name]

Age: Arcadian appears to be a man in his late 20's. His actual soul society age is 234.

Persona: The greatest breath of air can be found while drowning in the rain. Such nonsensical drivel, and yet there it lies in Kyuu's heart clearly shining. Perhaps these sentiments reflect back to his time in Rukongai.
Kyuu cherished the rain, a break handed down to him from the very heavens. Release from the rigors of farming and raising cattle. It was a flowing sanctuary of dripping freedom. There, in the soft thrum of the rain, he was able to speak until his heart was content, and one of the few times he ever deigned to do so.

Kyuu puzzles over the possibility of his empathy. An intuitive regard for people, and a sensitivity to their plight. This reaction to social encounters often causes him to feel the need to enforce justice, and often he feels in a world so filled with violence it can only be achieved by the blade. While often soft spoken and kind hearted, his ruthlessness is battle shines in stark contrast.

Every time he walks amongst the peasants, he feels as if he should cry. Injustice, inequity, and a lack of egalitarianism is to be found on every street, every corner, and in every person.

The Shinagami . . . yes. . . he is one of those now . . . protect them, but cannot give them a life. Perhaps if he ever sits upon the first seat, he can change that.

Physical Stature: Crystal blue eyes swelling with the turbulence and power of the deep ocean adorn the pale skinned face of this towering man. Well over six and a half feet tall, his body is proportioned perfectly for his height. Raven hair escapes the knot on the nape of his neck to fall down beside his strong chin and masculine lips, teasing the hem of his gi. His movements are controlled and graceful, but the worn and toughed skin of his hands reveal a life of hard work. The expression worn upon his face is one of quiet empathy, perhaps coupled with a tinge of regret.

Division and Seat: Kyuu has just graduated from the academy and some of his instructors have urged him to capitalize on either his affinity with water or developing speed. He has, with the greatest respect and dignity, declined their offers. Right now, his eyes are fixed directly on the emblem of the 11th squad.

Zanpakutou: Ungainly, large, and freakish. That is what many of his peers, and even his instructors have called his odachi zanpakutou. It is worn on his left side, and fit to be worn by only a man of his size. Frustratingly long, the blade extends to four and one half feet. The tsuba of the blade is detailed with painstaking engravings, minute kanji wrapping themselves in a spiraling circle. The hilt of the soul slayer itself is lavished by the caress of a deep aquamarine ribbon, again oversized as to trail off the end by a foot.

Biography: After several centuries in Soul Society Kyuu has little remembrance of his real life. At least, little that he would reveal to those he speaks with. Only the memory of having to swim through terrible, icy water to save something dear to him remains. A decision that cost him his own life, but he never feels regret over it. Once brought to Soul Society, he used his large size to his advantage, working for a demanding farm lord on the outskirts. His master used to tell him that his budget for food was so great, he could afford to give him nothing other then meager clothes and a bed to sleep in. For several centuries, this was enough.

In fact, the only thing that could have changed his life, finally did. While traveling during a rainstorm, a shinigami noticed the figure of Kyuu happily consuming a meal fit for three. It was not long after then Kyuu was enrolled in the academy. His time there was one of social and physical pain. The abnormality of his soul slayer and lower class status caused a great deal of hardship yet he endured even as the ocean will always remain when buffeted by the winds.


Murderface Murderface
Sep 23, 2006
Dahlitium (⏆50 per)
Bigatium (⏆100 per)
Auritium (⏆300 per)
Vitatium (⏆1200 per)
Caelitium (⏆6000 per)
Akuma no fuchi "Fiend of the deep ocean"

1 form, 2 abilities, Zanpaktu body, +30% stat boosts. (15% zanjitsu, 15% hohou)

The long blade of Akuma no Fuchi has plagued Kyuu with its bulk and ungainly size since he began wielding it. It was anything but an easily wielded blade. It slowed him down, and made learning zanjitsu difficult. His lack of talent with Kidou and hand-to-hand fighting limited his options of growth even further.

The nature of these challenges are fully revealed when Kyuu calls out, "Reveal the unseen I, Akuma no Fuchi/Fiend of the Deep Ocean!"

This call to his Zanpaktou create an instant effect of a rushing sphere of water that blasts out centered around Kyuu and the blade. While the force is great, it is not enough to dislodge a human being, but may be sufficient (if well timed) to retard incoming attacks. This however is just a feature of his release, and not the main purpose. As the transluscent water settles, the new form of Akuma no Fuchi is revealed. The blade is shortened down to 1/3 of its original length, allowing for incredibly rapid movement, and incased in scalding steam. At will, this steam may be directed to resume the shape of the original blade, allowing for Kyuu to retain the original blade's length without the bulk. (this explains the stat increase ability)

As the sphere settles, the opponents will see the face of the predator: another Kyuu.
Condensing the summoned water into a shape exactly that of Kyuu, the soul slayer is brought forth into the world in all its wrathful glory. The twin is not under the direct control of Kyuu, and may do as it wishes when brought forth. Usually, this involves savagely attacking the enemy, however; the soul is ancient and understands the value of coordination.

To determine the combined strength, the +10% reiatsu modifier is added to Kyuu's base, then pooled equally among the two fighters. The summoned clone possess 75% of Kyuu's stats, after modification. Each expenditure of reiatsu, through technique or kidou, affects the pool, regardless of who used it. Damage taken is also subtracted from their combined pool, regardless of who received it. It should be noted, however, that the body of the soul slayer clone is not made of "flesh and blood" , and thusly while still taking damage from hits that would damage water, is not subject to the encumbering effects of wounds that Kyuu is, and the two maintain mental communications, though the soul slayer is not prone to taking commands.


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