Halcyon Days FAQ

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Pew Pew Pew
Apr 1, 2009
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All-encompassing Halcyon Days FAQ
A compilation of all those questions you asked, but never got a clear answer on.

Soul Society Specific

-What are the names of the places that exist within Soul Society?
There is the White City - or more canonically referred to as: Seireitei, and then there is the place outside of Seireitei called Rukongai.

-How many Districts are there in Rukongai?
There are a total of 320 districts, 80 in every cardinal direction.

-How large is a single district on average?
A single district is about as large as a city.

-How many years is the Academy?
On average the Spiritual Arts Academy takes six years to complete.

-Where is the Academy?
The Spiritual Arts Academy is located within Seireitei itself.

-What is the name of the Academy?
The official name of the Academy is Shinōreijutsuin, but is oftentimes referred to as the Shinō or Spiritual Arts Academy.

Shinigami Specific

-When do I get a Zanpakutou?
One typically gains their zanpakutou upon completion of the Spiritual Arts Academy.

-When do I reach Shikai?
A shinigami may, at its earliest, reach Shikai at 2,000 reiatsu. However, there have been multiple cases in which a shinigami did not attain his or her shikai until much later.

-What is the Materialization stage?
The materialization stage is where a shinigami and his zanpakutou’s spirit become attuned to one another in such a way that the owner of said zanpakutou may now try and call the blade’s spirit into the realm of the shinigami.

This stage is also a sign that said shinigami is close to attaining his or her bankai.

-When do I reach Bankai?
Typically speaking a user attains bankai upon reaching 15,000 reiatsu, but, as with shikai, there have been cases of shinigami not attaining it until much later.

-When do I reach Bankai Mastery?
This is attained when a shinigami reaches 25,000 reiatsu - if one attains bankai later than 25,000 reiatsu, they attain bankai mastery alongside it.

-Who are/What is the Sine Qua Non?

-Who is the current Soutaichou?
The Fourth Soutaichou of the Gotei Thirteen is Sayis Inuzuri.

-Who was the previous Soutaichou?
The Third Soutaichou of the Gotei Thirteen was Gabriel Faust XIII.

-Who were the previous Soutaichou?
The First Soutaichou of the Gotei Thirteen was Shinkou Masaru.
The Second Soutaichou of the Gotei Thirteen was Amagawa Sougen.
The Third Soutaichou of the Gotei Thirteen was Gabriel Faust XIII.

-Who are the Taichou?
First Division: Arcane Specialists - Soutaichou Sayis Inuzuri
Third Division: Speed - Nana Amaterasu
Fourth Division: Healing and Support - Makoto Matsumara
Fifth Division: Battlefield Preparation and Entrapment - Haresuno Uchiharu
Seventh Division: Enforced Criminal Service - Ishin Katsuji
Eighth Division: Enchanted Blades - Senesati Anenokoji(?)
Tenth Division: Mystics of the Divine - Lilith Maikeru
Eleventh Division: Blood Templars - Kyuketsu Reijuu
Twelfth Division: Tracking and Assassination - N/A

-Who are the Fukutaichou?
First Division: Arcane Specialists - Ilsa Maruyama
Third Division: Speed - N/A
Fourth Division: Healing and Support - N/A
Fifth Division: Battlefield Preparation and Entrapment - N/A
Seventh Division: Enforced Criminal Service - N/A
Eighth Division: Enchanted Blades - Takimoto Kago
Tenth Division: Mystics of the Divine - N/A
Eleventh Division: Blood Templars - N/A
Twelfth Division: Tracking and Assassination - Kono Tsuneo

-Who are the previous Taichou’s?
First Division - Gabriel Faust XIII
Second Division - Taizen Ranymaku
Third Division - Ritoru Furuosha
Third Division - Theron Ascania
Fourth Division - Moira Murray
Fourth Division - Seisatsu Kuragari
Eighth Division - Orpheus Rayne
Ninth Division - Saika Rakushun
Ninth Division - Kaede Kusajishi
Tenth Division - Sayis Inuzuri
Tenth Division - Sennyo Gogyo
Eleventh Division - Tsubaki
Eleventh Division - Leon Valiente Simeon
Twelfth Division - Louhi Kaiho
Twelfth Division - ‘Shiroi’
Thirteenth Division - Thaleia
Thirteenth Division - Saiyoisen

-Who are the previous Fukutaichou’s?
First Division - N/A
Second Division - Spunky Winklebeans (Ren)
Third Division - Okaeshin Teishou
Third Division - Arcadian Kyuu
Fourth Division - Makoto Matsumara
Seventh Division - Spinerip dude (Bakushi Shojo)
Ninth Division - Nakami Kihou
Tenth Division - Lilith Maikeru
Tenth Division - Haresuno Uchiharu
Tenth Division - Vincent Kreuz
Eleventh Division - Tsubaki
Eleventh Division - Masato Yuzuki
Eleventh Division - Reijuu Kyuketsu
Twelfth Division - Louhi Kaiho
Twelfth Division - Shiroi
Twelfth Division - Sayis Inuzuri
Twelfth Division - Senesati Anenokoji
Twelfth Division - Rin Logan
Thirteenth Division - Orpheus Rayne

-What are the previously made divisions?
First Division: Tacticians
Second Division: Most Magical Division
Second Division: Scouting and Reconnaissance
Third Division: Blitzkrieg Strike Unit
Fourth Division: N/A
Fifth Division: N/A
Sixth Division:
Seventh Division: N/A
Eighth Division: Mobile Defense Unit
Ninth Division: Research and Development
Tenth Division: Arcane Specialists
Eleventh Division: Fearless Duelists
Twelfth Division: N/A
Thirteenth Division: Peacekeepers
Thirteenth Division: Zanpakuto Masters

-What is the Goteijuusantai?
The Gotei Thirteen, or Thirteen Court Guard Squads is an organization populated by shinigami, who keep the balance of worlds in check by ensuring the safety of humans, the suppression of hollows, and regulating the population of souls in Rukongai.

-What is a Shinigami’s job?
To regulate and keep order of the balance between the worlds.

-What are the various divisions?
First Division: Arcane Specialists
Second Division: Currently Vacant
Third Division: Heralds of Death
Fourth Division: Healing and Support
Fifth Division: Battlefield Preparation and Entrapment
Sixth Division: Currently Vacant
Seventh Division: Enforced Criminal Service
Eighth Division: Enchanted Typos (Enchanted Blades)
Ninth Division: Research and Development (Currently without a captain)
Tenth Division: Mystics of the Divine
Eleventh Division: Blood Templar
Twelfth Division: Tracking and Assassination
Thirteenth Division: Currently Vacant
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Pew Pew Pew
Apr 1, 2009
Dahlitium (⏆50 per)
Bigatium (⏆100 per)
Auritium (⏆300 per)
Vitatium (⏆1200 per)
Caelitium (⏆6000 per)
Okay, guys, this is... it, I suppose. A Frequently Asked Questions list, but as you can see it's far from finished. Far. From it.

What I need is more information, lists, compilations of anything you may deem worthy of being added to the FAQ. It's not supposed to be finished, ever. It's supposed to be ever expanding, and so I am calling on you, the writers, to help me out and either IM (Robin DvX) or PM me any useful information you may deem worthy of being put into the FAQ, and I'll review it and add it as necessary.

This also includes spelling mistakes, errors or blatant misinformation you may find in this post.



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