PM [Orpheus Weapons Testing Quarry/ Open] Week: 176 It's Not My Time

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Ok this is open to all, but please note that this is intended to have 3 Horses (Pale, White, and Black) and maybe the Red horse too. I want to avoid a case where people pop in for a post or two then dissappear, or the other extreme of two people having an exostensial crisis conversation. This will be a no holding back all out rumble of men vs. machines. Imagine mixing Matrix movies and the Terminator movies with the Preadtor and Alien movies. Yeah, now hold that imagine till the end of this thread. Now onto the show!

Bolting as fast as his cards could carry him, Aragon could tell he was being tracked. Of course it didn’t take a scientist to figure it out when you constantly intercepting incoming missiles form origins behind you. Nearly twenty minutes had passed since he had left the sister towers which when you take into account of how fast he had travelled in a rather direct line the distance was astounding. The rockets had ceased their onslaught for the time being and Aragon hadn’t attempted to sense if anyone really had followed him or if he was fighting solo for a few minutes. He trusted Jack, but in light of recent news would probably excuse his lateness.

On a secure link that was a feature of this new ear piece, Aragon could talk exclusively to one person at a time. The rest of his men had their orders and he knew from the quality of the ranks that they would be followed. Orpheus had become more than just a working organization again. It had become a brotherhood strengthened by the trials of war, in which a man’s word here was his very honor and life.

"Masato, you are hearing this on a secure channel. I want you to work with Takashi and get all you can on these machines. There is no doubt in my mind that this is only the beginning of their use. I want to know about every bolt and servo used in the damn thing so we can obliterate them completely. Should this tactic I’m a part of fail you are to survive. You’ve been my second since the start. With you Orpheus will live in the possibility I’m either captured or killed. Consider this a personal request, I don’t want to have to make this and order. Tenbanto Out.”

Easing to touch the ground with both feet planted firmly, Aragon let a blast of his reiatsu flare out as a call to all willing to fight him. Settling down, Aragon kept a vigilant eye open.

"Now let’s see what happens.â


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K so, as per Will's orders, Masato's dissecting WHO weaponry to discover their secrets. Gonna do that quick and then join the battle as to not ruin the flow of this fight.

"I've got it." Masato said, his tone somber. The thought of the General dying was hard to get his head around. For as long as he could recall, Aragon had been nigh untouchable -- seemingly invincible even. He knew that was dangerous thinking to place too much trust in any one person's abilities, even if that person was Aragon -- but he couldn't deny the evidence. The man had survived all this time, in the face of the most egregious adversities. No, not only survived, but flourished -- brining their organization back from the brink of destruction. With a reputation like that, it was hard to not view the General as 'unassailable'. Still, if even Tenbanto was worried about losing this battle, then the situation was more dire than even Masato could have imagined. The Order had really done it this time.

"I've got Takeshi and the other techs working at full-tilt. Any salvaged gear we've accrued is coming through here. We'll figure these bastards out, don't you worry." the agent sighed, taking a drag on the smoke that was pressed between his lips.

"And Aragon," Masato added, his voice resonating with concern. "Take care of yourself out there. No one, not even me, could replace the Aragon Tenbanto, so don't you even think about dying on us. Masato out."

Turning his attention back to the workbench in front of him, the advent's sharp amber eyes scanned the firearm in front of him. Departure as the red-coated horseman had dubbed the weapon was quite an outrageous piece of technology -- a treasure trove of information and insight into the Order's newfound power, and Masato would uncover all of its secrets. They would need every advantage they could get in the coming battle. Twirling a handful of precision screwdrivers between his dexterous digits, the dark-haired man began his swift tear down of the device. He would figure this out and go to back up Aragon as soon as possible, orders be damned.



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A steel chamber sat in darkness as the chilly air grew stagnant with each passing moment. It had been quite some time since anyone had set foot in the room but it seemed as if things were about to change. The small tap of jogging footsteps echoed in the distance, getting closer and closer to the thick door. A series of perpetual clicks boomed from a high-above ceiling as industrial sized lamps switched on, bathing the hangar-like corridor in a sterile, white light one section at a time. The footsteps grew louder and louder, slapping against the cold floor until they came to a rest outside the door.

The clicking sound of a machine vibrated through the solid walls, followed by a pattern of beeps. The giant door hissed internally, gears spinning, and the large steel beams inside, slid back, freeing the door. It groaned with a deep, mechanical squeak as it slowly crept open. The rectangular trail of light from the hall revealed a large man’s silhouette, stretching across the floor and up onto a shadowed cloth. The figure approached the fabric, draped over a gargantuan being, and extended a hand to pull the cover down.

"It’s time,” the man’s deep voice spoke, "It’s time for you to show yourself, Black Horse.”

The man’s hand swept over an exposed circuit board. He connected a series of relays and shoved the black, metallic cover, engraved proudly with BLACK HORSE, into place again. The man stepped into the darkness again and turned on a milieu of equipment, clicking and whirring to life. A flat, white cursor blinked, on and off, against a blank screen until, finally a word flashed across the screen: ONLINE. A sinister, tortured roar bellowed from within the room and a grin curled up on the lips of the mysterious man.



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Sorry to steal the thread for a minute, but i had something to putforth. As zenny said, this is gonna be a huge throwdown. As such, i think it would actually flow nicely it went something like the return of the jedi final sequence where you have multiple fights going on at that same time. So don't worry to much about breaking up one set of action with another, just like he said dont soul search.

With a flurry of wind, Ishin made it to the quarry. Looking up, he noted the tall buildings around them, some with antennae on them some without. They were in a pit of some sort, and all the buildings looked to be some sort of base for something.

As he looked, suddenly a lot of white coats appeared around theg rim of the pit.

Ishin was struck momentarily with how eerily similar the scene was to when they had fought the SQN in this very city. Maybe even this very spot, a few years ago. It was strange how the parallels were there. Ishin tuend to Aragon.

"So, it looks like the plan worked. Now we just have to deal with these guys before..."

He stopped mid-sentence. He had felt it. The unmistakable presence of those things. And not just the one they had fought earlier. There was at least one more on the way and he could feel another. Things were about to get very messy.

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So. A long turn to get this whole Hollow-battery business out of the way. Headed to the quarry now to join the battle! 8D

Plucking yet another unfamiliar component from the outwardly ordinary shell of the deconstructed firearm in front of him, Masato sighed impatiently, holding up the small glass tube to the light. The cloudy fluid that filled the capsule bubbled and sloshed, but offered no clues as to its use. From what they'd figured out so far -- which wasn't much -- the order's new weapons didn't use chemical propellant to function. Instead, they seemed to be engineered with a set of conductive rails that would fire the ordinance. It made sense in theory, and the data they gathered so far supported the hypothesis, but there was still one missing piece of the puzzle. What was powering these bizarre machines?

The agent's amber eyes gravitated back to the tube as a flicker of movement drew his attention.

"Hm..?" he breathed inquisitively, staring harder at the tiny device. Though hard to make out through the opaque liquid that surrounded it, the agent could discern the outlines of some kind of fleshy mass writhing inside the tube. "What the hell?"

Returning to his workbench, Masato pried and prodded at the glass cylinder with his tools -- trying to open it up, to no avail. It was sealed tight. Sighing explosively, the Major waved over one of the APACHE technicians.

"Bring this to Takeshi, see what he can make of it." the dark-haired advent breathed, handing the strange tube to the man.

"Yes, sir--" the lab technician began before losing his grip on the small component "Whoops!"

The cylinder fell from the man's grasp and smashed, scattering bits of glass over the workshop floor. In the center of the mess, a whitish-gray blob of...something twitched and shook. A flare of malevolent reiatsu reached Masato's perception as the fleshy mass began to grow exponentially. Limbs began to spurt from the writhing blob -- arms, legs, and a head adorned with a familiar, alabaster mask.

A single gunshot rang out through the labs -- the lone round leaving a smoking hole in the Hollow's forehead. Shit had just hit the fan.

Spinning on his heel, the Major raced out of the room. He had to get this information to Aragon, and fast. Thumbing the button on his communicator, the advent spoke hurriedly into the microphone.

"Aragon! If you're hearing me, respond! We've got a problem. The Order...They're using Hollows to power their weaponry! One just got out in the lab. I dealt with it, but there's no way this is an isolated incident. We found the same components in every piece of gear we tore down. The bastards are using Demons as a living power source. Aragon! Do you read me!?”

Waiting for the General's response with baited breath, the advent sped off in the direction of the quarry.


Divine Truth

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“What?!” the nobleman barked at the dispatcher on the other end of the connection.

The awkwardly pitched and eerily androgynous voice cleared its throat in an annoying manner before trying to speak again. “You are hereby ordered by the Central Forty-Six to…”

“I heard you the first time,” Makoto snapped. The captain was growing more exasperated by the second. Nothing made sense about this conflict. He came into the mission thinking it was one human organization against another, but now there were reports of numerous militant groups fighting one another, god forsaken Quincy archers were running around making trouble, and now the Forty-Six wanted him to assist the convict captain in going after some old relic running around in a party mask. “I was simply expressing my annoyance at how scatterbrained this whole operation is becoming.”

“Oh, well unfortunately, Matsumara-taichou, orders are orders.”

“I’m well aware of that, I hardly need to hear it from you,” the captain responded through gritted teeth. “Just tell me where Ishin is and I’ll set right off to assisting him. It’s not like I have a division of my own to be concerned about or anything.”

The ambiguous voice sighed at the man’s response but promptly did as he or she was told nonetheless.


It took only a short period of time to find the location of the Seventh Division captain. But what he found was totally not what he had expected. Before him was not a handful of desperate vizards, cornered and ready to fight for their lives. But instead…

“Uh, exactly what’s going on here?” Makoto asked as he arrived at Ishin’s side. “I was sent to help you bring in Hisao. But somehow I don’t think that’s what’s going on here…”



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Aragon had sensed it too, but the rumble was far more convincing than anything else. It was brief but enough to tell him that something more than a subway train had passed by. Hey was just about to make some sideways comment about how he loved to play the odds, but it was then a third man came to stand in the middle of the hell hole.

“Evening Captain…”

The leader of the respectable human organization mentioned in a sub-sarcastic tone sighting the clothing the newest warrior was garbed in. He did hear his major’s static filled gibberish of which only two words were understandable; hollows and source. This information he would hold on to for a little bit of time, considering that two of the three present knew it already by first hand experience.

“To answer your question it is quite simple. It is going to be hell in which either them or us are going to get served and not in a good way.”

Aragon’s eyes narrowed as an explosion of rock shot from the ground sending a rush of dust and debris to fill the quarry. Acting quickly Aragon used the pebbles in the cloud to strike down some the stronger men on the white ring encircling the ridge. Most of the slain had a level of presence that indicated a degree of awakening. As the dust cleared and curses rang out by the discovery of the dead, a monstrous whit machine stood in the middle of it all. The call sign was written in red under the glass, which was probably stolen from a black hawk read The White Horse.

“That confirms at least three are here.”

[281 / 625]

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"Goddamnit!" Masato hissed as his comm channel was flooded with static. Flinging the device from his head, the agent's reiatsu flared -- his earthen armor snapping up to cover his form. He had to get to the General fast -- there was only one option. Wisps of reishi exuded from his sillouhete as his armor destabilized -- flares of materialized energy gathering beneath his feet. Though he promised himself he wouldn't use this technique again, it couldn't be helped given the current situation. Preparing his body for the grueling acceleration and inevitable disorientation he was about to experience, the Advent crouched low to the ground and disappeared in a flash of high-speed movement.

Everything else was a blur. The city seemed to stand still as he sped towards the quarry as fast as his body would allow -- finally coming to an abrupt halt at Aragon's side. Stumbling slightly as the blood rushed back into his head, but trying his best to remain composed, Masato peered around the desolate trench. Order agents lined the perimeter of the area, but seemed reluctant to jump into the fray. The Major could understand why after getting his first look at the Order's White Horse.

"Aragon," Masato finally heaved, turning to face the General. "What the hell is that?"



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"That, young man, is what we will be fighting. We need to take care of it before the other one gets here. It's one the way, i can feel it. Now then, to fight that thing first we have to get near it. Which means first we have to rip through the faceless mob. Now, normally i wouldn't take any pleasure in beating the ever living shit out of humans. In this case, however, you have it coming to you."

The last words were said to the mass of people lining the quarry, but they had no time to think about what he had said. Instead, in an instant of horrifying speed, Ishin was among them. It was like a shark in the middle of a school of tuna. Most never even knew what happened. They were laid out with carefully aimed punches, kicks, and throws, their body mass acting as a weapon he used against their fellows. He side stepped a few sloppy lunges at him, and blocked a kick. As the enemy tried to rush him, he planted his feet and connected with his palm into one of the attacker's face. The force of the blow combined with the man's own velocity made the end quick and clean. A loud crack was heard as the man went limp for a moment. Then his body was flying backwards as Ishin planted it into the ground with the remaining momentum of his attack. The otehr's spine contorted then came to rest at an odd angle. As he slowly stood, the surrounding attackers suddenly wanted to be nowhere near him.

Too bad for them. There was suddenly a smile on Ishin's face.

His blade rang as it exited his sheathe, the sound like an eager child finding out they were going to their favorite amusement park. He cut this way and that, his blade nothing but an extension of himself. It didn't take him long to get to work. When he was done, the scene was gruesome. In the space of a few heartbeats, there were at least 10 more dead and more than twice that injured.

He turned his attention on the horse that was currently there.

"Guess we can play until your friend gets here."

Divine Truth

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“Evening, stranger,” Makoto returned with a raise of a ginger eyebrow. From what he could sense, the human that spoke to him was powerful to say the least. His mind momentarily shifted to the memory of the beastly energy he felt from the Quincy known as Eve, but this man was not quite in that league. No wonder there is such chaos, these humans have more power than they know how to deal with. “There’s going to be hell, you say?”

It was then that Makoto noted the force of white clad individuals surrounding one of the oddest looking constructs he had ever seen or sensed. “Oh, that kind of hell…figures.” He listened to the words of Ishin and sighed, knowing the coming conflict would be anything but easy. Hands that could crush stone flexed and tightened into fists at Matsumara’s sides as unease settled into his being.

“It will indeed be unfortunate, having to harm those who we are supposed to protect. But to align themselves with something that feels so malevolent, they really do have it coming.” With that, Makoto followed Ishin’s lead and cut through the ranks of the men standing around the Horse, plowing through them like a bowling ball through pins. Almost as quickly as the formation was broken, the ranks reformed as a seemingly endless stream of cannon fodder clad in white collapsed upon the healer captain.

The first to reach Makoto threw a poorly aimed kick and found the captain grateful for the offered appendage. Taking hold of the man’s ankle, Makoto spun on the spot and used the grunt to bat away several of his mates before letting go and allowing him fly not so gracefully and crash roughly upon the gravel floor of the quarry.



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Four glossy, black orbs shimmered in the air above the quarry. As the small, metallic bombs plummeted towards the rocky basin, they danced around each other in orbit, spinning concentrically in formation. Halfway to the pit’s floor, the perfect spheres released thin mesh wings that began to rapidly twitch. The winged orbs would continue to spin in freefall for a brief moment before slowing to a pause, mid-air, and, as if like charges repelling, zoomed off into opposite directions. The explosives within had been intended for four spiritually enhanced targets, fumbling with the White Horse agents below.

As the destructive orbs raced to the shinigami and humans, a dark figure stood at the edge of the quarry, crushing the tumbled stone beneath its weight as it waited from above.


Reiatsu seeking...One headed to each of you in the quarry


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Aragon stood stagnate as the captains mopped the floor free of the grunts while his attention was elsewhere. It was in this moment of clarity that Aragon was permitted to catch the weapons launched out towards the four untouchables.

Twirling El Toro and Le Maestro in his hands, he was anticipating what was on its way. The blade on El Toro whipped out as a blast from the muzzle of Le Maestro sent the last pyre round in the chamber seeking down the incoming orb bound for Masato. With a bit of infused power from the General, the round collided with flight bound explosive causing a mid-air fireball consuming two white coats and several others caught in the rain of shrapnel.

"Masato on you feet, the second one is here.”

Shortly following his directive, Aragon kicked up a stone, which he sent ripping through the second incoming orb repeating the same effect. Bringing up the sister guns, Aragon spent two more rounds keeping the combatants cleaning house safe from their impending dangers.

Two monstrous cylinders busted out to the sides of the machine, which then erupted into plumes of fire thrusting the machine out of its entrapment and onto the battleground. Quad mini machine guns each with a laser sight began unloading onto the war ripping through friend and foe alike, but mostly it was friend that fell to the gunfire.

"Our turn.”

[233/ 857]

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"Hmph," Masato smirked, his armor's fanged maw twisting into a thin smile. "We can't let the Grim's have all the fun now can we?"

Drawing back the slide of his Spectre, the agent ejected a single incendiary round into his waiting palm, crushing the bullet in his stony grasp. The reiatsu infused, combustible fluid dripped from between his fingers, quickly oxidizing and igniting in his hand as the morose blade on his forearm began to thrum with energy. In the blink of an eye, the Advent's weapon erupted into a roaring inferno, lancing outward to an outrageous length. Holding the flaming, ethereal blade out to his side, Masato's grin widened. "Lets get this started."

In another flash of high-speed movement, the Major dashed through the hordes of whitecoats that still lined the quarry's edge -- cutting a long, burning swathe through their ranks; all the while watching as the two white-robed Shinigami dispatched other foes around the trench.

"You're too soft, Grim." Masato said lightly to the towering swordsman as he passed, eying the incapacitated Order agents left in the Shinigami's wake with apprehension. "They don't deserve pity or mercy..."



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The lurking machine observed as the orbs were intercepted on the way to their intended targets. As the incendiaries mushroomed into small clouds of fire, detonated earlier than hoped, the steel giant lunged forward and plummeted to the quarry floor below. The monstrous machine passed through the plumes of smoke and debris from the numerous explosions. Taking almost no time for the goliath figure to hit the ground, the impact shook the entire area, quaking the ground beneath the puny humanoids feet and shaking the stone filled walls. The tremors caused the rocks to avalanche, sending hundreds of earthen chunks tumbling to the basin.

As the dust from the landing swirled about, a shoulder mounted device hummed to life atop BLACK HORSE’s frame and began to glow dimly. The polished frame stood nearly a story tall topped with a white-plated dome, fashioned like a skull, with two black stripes printed down the center. The gap in metal, seemingly the eye sockets, seemed to be of no purpose and the rest of the armored suit seemed to show no sign or command center or cock-pit. The mech’s arms were traced with various cables and tubes, all covered in black and littered with chambers.

One of the arms lowered suddenly as the hand let loose a series of shifting pieces. The extension rapidly formed into a Gatling-gun-like head as the monstrosity began to walk slowly forward. As the first step hit the rocky ground, the arm began spraying an array of energy-infused ammo, turning in every direction, uncaring of who would be shred to pieces.



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He noticed the arrival of the new mechanical monster, watched it as it launched it's attack. He was about to respond when the things simply exploded. He wondered for a moment what happened then realized that he felt Aragon unleashing some of his power. A smile graced his face for a moment then he went back to the fight.

Ishin dodged several more blows as the young human sped past him. He sighed and his response was given in a voice that echoes of a meloncholic tune.

"Every living thing deserves mercy, boy. No matter what happens, the second you lose that thought is the second you cease to be any sort of human. Always remember that."

He sliced the tendons of another attacker's leg, sending him screaming to the ground. He was disabling as many as he was killing, more for the fact that they could provide information. After the call from Sayis, he want4ed to have at least something to show for his little act of insubordination.

It was at that moment that the world shook. Granted, Ishin remained upright and hardly moved at all, but the perception of the area around him shook with such vehemence that he had to jump up and hover in the air to avoid the avalanche of debris that encompassed the ground he had just been standing upon.

The man who he had taken out a moment before had not been so lucky. As Ishin looked down, he saw the man had been torn in half by falling steel pylons. A small mask of grief showed for a split second, then disappeared to be replaced by rage. He turned and faced the machine responsible. He called out to his peer over his shoulder.

"Makoto, we need to take these bastards out. I'll take this one you get the white one. We need to hurry, though. The other one is on it's way."

Ishin knew that of all the people there, Aragon would know what he meant. The last time they had fought the other one, Ishin had felt something odd. Something familiar. Which meant one thing.

He had fought it before.

Walking towards the black monster, Ishi' sword morphed into the giant axe that was his shikai. As he stalked towards his prey, the giant machine transformed one of its arms into a gun and started shooting anything, and everything more importantly, it could see. That included the other members of the organization. Ishin shook with barely contained rage.

"You would disregard the lives of your own comrades simply to take out a few men? I am but glad that you are a machine. That will make this so much easier."

The gun bore down on him. It fired, hundreds of bul;lets tearing through the air towards him at speeds that would be incomprehensible to most.They came closer. !00 meters. 50. 10.

And they all missed.

He didn't alter his course. He did nothing but continue to walk. When the bullet got within 5 meters of his person, however, they suddenly veered of course and harmlessly struck teh walls of the quarry around him. He simply continued forward.


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With his partner now on the battlefield, the white horse continued to mow through the men that had aligned themselves with the machine. They were fodder that got in his way and such did not deserve to continue on. While the mini machine guns ripped a path in the sea of white, the war machine put forward its own arms. Out of the left a barrel rolled up with a laser pointer focusing in on the known Orph agent in combat. From the other arm a monster blade cleaved off the heads of the order members too stupid to stand back.

The thrusters on its back rotated up while tires appeared under the feet. A blast of the rocket caused third degree burns on six more coats while the explosive flew towards Aragon. The thrusters shot plumes of fire rocketing the machine across the granite rock floor with bloodied blade set to cleave Masato in two.


At this Aragon was stirred to finally make a move. In a burst of speed, Aragon met the mechanical beast head on with the cards holding the blade back in mid-swing. His eyes were black without pupils and a merciless cold expression of death.

“No one who kills their own can touch one of my men. I am your opponent.”

[217 / 1064]

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"Heh. You're always doing unnecessary things, Aragon." Masato said jokingly to the General. "Just keep'em right there..."

Spinning on his heel, the armored advent unfurled a small, red-bordered scroll. Reiatsu seethed into the parchment as the spell contained within activated.

"Material Summon..." the human said dryly as a whirling vortex of energy built around his outstretched hands. From the center of the torrent, an object emerged -- the butt of a rifle. Grasping at the weapon's handle, Masato pulled the sizable firearm from the eye of the vortex as the spell dissipated. "Hmph. I've been waiting to use this."

Snapping the breach back on his SCAR-S and chambering the first of many rounds, the agent took aim at the hulking, mechanical monstrosity held in Tenbanto's grasp and fired -- sending a hail of fully-automatic hellfire raining down towards the automation.



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They struggle so well. You've been watching for a while, are we ever going to join in the fun?

"You think we're strong enough to make a difference?" Silas responded to the dark voice from the void of his mind.

His cold eyes trailed the murderous rain of bullets and burning trail of cards. From his vantage point he could also see his former Captain holding his own against a foe of his own and those same merciless eyes rolled in disdain.

"I have no desire to assist that man and I can't say I agreed to help the humans but these fuckers need to go down. Ishin Taichou and that guy with the cards could probably take down that suit together. I guess me and that bullet kid can hold this one for a while; long enough, anyway."

That's more like it! The hollow screamed in ecstasy.

In the instant that Aragon appeared, cards and eyes burning with fury beneath the machinated menace, robotic arms closed in to redirect its own endless gunfire to the man. It would have been an even trade of blows if not for the swarm of slithering arms wrapping around the hydraulic arms and pulling back its attack.

Aragon's blow, along with the gold streaks cutting through the air from Masato's SCAR-S into the rampaging Horse's armor landed in full, sending the restrained robot staggering backward.

Still entangled with the monstrosity, Silas sent a desperate glare toward Aragon. Even beneath the cover of his mask, the Vizard hoped he'd understand the chance to go assist the Shinigami Captain and return in force for this one.

"We've got this now, right kid?" Silas' sinister glee echoed from beneath and echoing from within his mask.


Sorry for the extended entrance. Ish mentioned that this might be a good plan to take them both down and still keep up the multiple battles. Silas is about 21k rei right now w/ mask and shikai active. If Aragon doesn't go I'm sure we could still three way this and come to his rescue after we take it down.


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Jan 9, 2006
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In a flash of movement timed to the millisecond, Aragon used El Toro to sever a major hydraulic line on the bladed arm of the machination of doom before dodging a rain of molten lead on the machine. From the dark depths of the unknown he picked up on the presence of another momentary ally whom had made his presence known by creating an opening to which Aragon exploited as before mentioned.

Jumping skyward then leaping off a platform of soul power before touching back on to his surfboard of aces, Aragon caught the glare cast his way. The unspoken language of fighters was clear. This masked man and his major would be able to hold their own for now.

Spring boarding off the surf board into a swan dive like a professional high diver, the General flared his power while bringing the ionized horn of El Toro as a dagger in the hands of a merciless serial killer. His target was non-other than the very heart of the machine fighting against Jack.


The alarms were all going off. The major left hydraulic had been severed. Servos were reaching ninety percent output strain, and the reshi barrier was at a critical twelve percent. The countless pellets unleashed by Major Fujikawa were chipping away at the triple diamond plate. Forgoing all protocol, the Pilot increased the draw of the demon cell and with a few deft strokes of the keyboard began rerouting power to the critical systems and engaged the regenerative back feed.

Three grapples shot out plunging through the nearest victims of which all were grunts. A sickly green aura encased the cables and the very existences of those men were sucked through the soul straws. The entire machine exuded an eerie white light while the damages mended. One by one the alarms settled and the lights grew brighter. A tail similar to a scorpion’s unfurled out of the back and exposed another set of fully auto machine guns which separated to reveal a blade of the same length as the one on the arm.

The tail lashed out after the newest arrival, and a second rocket was launched towards the major.

[363 / 1427]

Divine Truth

Word. Adjective. Pronoun.
Sep 18, 2004
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Being preoccupied with taking out as many of the white clad fodder as he could, Makoto didn’t notice the actions of the mobilizing White Horse. That is, not until he heard the ominous whir of machine gun fire followed almost immediately by the strangled cry of men. The healer delivered a swift front kick to the nearest white shirt and allowed his hazel eyes to travel towards the sound of flippant murder. The captain was mortified by what he saw. The White Horse was cutting a vicious meandering path across the battlefield, carelessly mowing down its own allies.

Blue blood boiled beneath the nobleman’s skin as he dodged yet another haphazard attack from the white garbed riffraff. He had had enough of this. One hand flashed out and then another, each appendage suddenly finding themselves palming the head of the two nearest agents. Matsumara turned the necks of both men with the grip he had gained and forced them to gaze upon the fate of their comrades.

"Do you see your worth?” the roaring captain questioned. "Do you see what your superiors think of you?” It was not only the two that were forced to stare wide eyed at the careless Horse, but all of the foot soldiers within earshot of the shinigami captain turned and looked upon the grizzly scene. "Do yourselves a favor—”

A hard shove sent each of the men in his grasp flying forward into the backs of their compatriots. Dozens of eyes turned back towards the captain to inquire as to just what this favor would be only to find him shedding his kosode and shitagi, allowing them to fall and hang from his waist.

"—and get the hell out of here.” Having said that, Makoto spiked his spiritual pressure and began diverting massive amounts of kidou energy to his shoulders and back. He’d said his peace to the grunts. If they listened to him, good, if not, oh well. Makoto would concern himself with these men no longer. Now he would focus on incapacitating the White Horse as soon as possible.

At the moment the construct was being kept occupied by the younger of their human allies and a new arrival: A vizard? Makoto though as he deftly maneuvered the battlefield, angling closer and closer to the tank-like structure while taking care to avoid both its indiscriminate fire as well as its notice. Suddenly it seemed that almost every variety of spiritual being was determined to make an appearance in this convoluted campaign. But in the grand scheme of things, that didn’t matter really. As such Makoto shook the thought off and compounded the energy building in his back and shoulders to a breaking point.


The word was uttered with the utmost of calm as the Devil’s Surge raced through the martial artist’s being. There was no need to shout, the nobleman’s body was now primed to do all of the raging necessary to get the job done. With a bit of concentration, Makoto funneled a massive amount of power into his right arm. With a bit of luck, the coming attack would spell the end for the White Horse.

With a roar like that of lion, Makoto came to a stop at last and punched at the air in front of him, sending a massive rush of pure destruction rocketing towards the infernal metallic beast.


Hakkeiki (Demon's Release) - Shunko #85, 2000 Kidou
Description: While Kyuuzou Maou is active, the user builds up kidou energy at a point in their body and then releases it in a blast of raw, destructive force that extends for fifty feet. The energy must be released within seconds of concentrating it, or it will explode in the user's face. It takes a remarkable kidou user, at least 8000 base Kidou, to be able to divide or restrain the blast once it's released.

This ability will strain the stability of Kyuuzou Maou. If used two turns in a row, Kyuuzou Maou will fail.

Incantation : None
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