Techniques and Feats Thread

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Welcome to the Techniques and Feats Thread


  • [post=349809]Waza Toshokan | Library of Techniques A~M[/post]
  • [post=349820]Waza Toshokan | Library of Techniques N~Z[/post]
  • [post=349823]Goteitai Bunshou | Gotei Divisions' Documents[/post]
  • [post=349824]Hametsujutsu no Rireki | Logs of the Destructive Arts[/post]
  • [post=349882]Kisotekina Bujutsushi | Records of the Fundamental Fighting Arts[/post]
  • [post=450157]Joukyuu Bujutsu Shiryou | Archives of the Advanced Fighting Arts[/post]
  • [post=521899]Shinseina Bujutsu Rekidaishi | Annals of the Sacred Fighting Arts[/post]
  • [post=643403]Yuujigou no Sondou | Hall of Heroic Deeds[/post]
  • [post=643404]Bulletin Board[/post] - *2006.11.3*
  • [post=649080]IGNORE LIST[/post] - *2006.2.28*


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Feats are powerful skills that a character earns after fulfilling certain duties or achieving certain deeds within the RPG. Empty slots are given out by Wind, and its filled contents are then examined, reviewed, and approved by the Techniques and Feats Staff (along with any necessary changes).

The maximum number of Feat slots available to any character is seven (7). All new characters start out with zero (0) Feat slots. As such, form a generalization of what you would want your future Feats to be and trim them all down to no more than seven. If you're eligible for another Feat, but already have the full seven, one Feat must be deleted for the new one to be in place. One thing worthy of noting is that there is no way you can increase this maximum.

Feats are separated into different categories : Unique, Rare, and Common.

[ Unique ] - Unique Feats are individualized abilities or special traits that augment your character's archetype and/or unique strength. Remember that Unique Feats are special to each character, so no more than one PC character may have that exact same Feat. Also, certain aspects of a Unique Feat cannot be duplicated or emulated by any other Feat.

[ Rare ] - Rare Feats are special skills that a character may earn after completing a specific task. However, once one character gains a particular Rare Feat, no other character may possess it. But, it is possible to transfer a Rare Feat to another PC character, but the transferring character must surrender that particular Rare Feat from his or her repertoire.

Rare Feats are usually pre-made by the Techniques and Feats staff, or by their 'sponsors.' Depending on the circumstance, Rare Feats may or may not require an empty Feat slot. If a particular Rare Feat does require an empty Feat slot, then the receiving character must have at least one available at the event of transfer. If an empty slot is not required, then a Rare Feat goes through a special process in which the receiving character is automatically given an empty Feat slot, which is then immediately filled by the Rare Feat. However, should the Rare Feat ever be relinquished, the empty slot it previously resided within will vanish automatically.

[ Common ] - Common Feats are particular skills that may be earned by anyone that fulfills their requirements, and are not limited by how many characters may learn them at a given time. Like Rare Feats, Common Feats are either created by the Techniques and Feats staff or by their 'sponsors.' Common Feats may or may not require an empty Feat slot in order to be obtained, very much in the same way as Rare Feats. However, Common Feats may be transferred to other PC characters without having to do any type of relinquishment, though the receiving PC characters obviously must fulfill the pertinent requirements first.



Techniques are self-explanatory; they're special abilities or traits that any character may attain by fulfilling certain Tech-specific requirements (i.e., base value of 1,500 Reiatsu and 1,500 Hakuda must be reached) or when it is passed on from teacher to student (i.e. Sunaheki is awarded to B-kun after learning it from A-san).

Techs are displayed in two ways: Tech List and Tech Allocation.

The Tech List shows all the Techs you've acquired so far. Remember that the maximum number of Techs you may have at any given time is fifteen (15). The Tech list serves to compile and organize all of your Techs, along with explanations for each.

The Tech Allocation is basically what Techs you have equipped for RP battles. The maximum number of Techs you may carry into battle is six (6), hence you have a maximum of five Tech Allocation slots to equip Techs into. Be sure that if you have more than five Techs, take careful consideration in what to bring to the fore. Equipped Techs are not displayed in week-end evaluations like Kidou spells are (this is to avoid over-complication in posted stats), but should rather be displayed in your profile. This also helps to encourage other RP'ers to read others' profiles and update their own regularly.

For example:

Suzuki Namiko
Reiatsu: 1,100
Shikai -- ~1,320~
Zanjutsu: 275
Hakuda: 275
Hohou: 275
Kidou: 275
Kidou Slot 1
Kidou Slot 2
Kidou Slot 3

Connection: 1,000
[ Tech Slot 1 ]
[ Tech Slot 2 ]
[ Tech Slot 3 ]
[ Tech Slot 4 ]
[ Tech Slot 5 ]
[ Tech Slot 6 ]
* [ Invisible Tech ]
** [ Invisible Tech ]
*** [ Invisible Tech ]

Item Slot 1
Item Slot 2
Item Slot 3

Note the [ Invisible Tech ] insert. Invisible Techs are Techniques that do not occupy space in the Tech List, nor occupy a slot in the Tech Allocation. The most common form of these Techs are Division-based Techniques. There is no set limit on how many Invisible Techs may be carried at any given time at the moment.

There are three types of Invisible Techs: ones that occupy space in the Tech List, but do not take up a slot in the Tech Allocation; ones that do not occupy space in neither Tech List nor Tech Allocation; and ones that are conditionally invisible on a case-by-case basis. When inserting such Techs into your profile, be sure to mark them with asterisks as they are displayed here in this thread:

*: Denotes Tech List-occupiers that do not take up a Tech Allocation slot.
**: Denotes a Tech that does not count toward both maximums for the Tech List and Allocation.
***: Denotes a conditional Invisible Tech (each has its own way of working).

A new addition to the Tech system is fighting style Techs, which may be explained further in the fighting styles section.

Lastly, it is highly encouraged that you write about your character learning the Tech instead of just shopping for them and automatically equipping them.



Each Technique is given a categorization tag (-/-/-) with three available classification slots. This method was created to better provide an at-a-glance summation of a Technique's function and streamline interpretations of skill descriptions. All Techniques may have a combination of different classifications, based on structure and function.

Attack Techniques (Atk)

Techniques that are used mainly for offensive purposes. Attack Techs vary in the way they appear, and may be summed as being one of or a combination of physical, mental, and/or spiritual attacks.

Defense Techniques (Def)

Techniques that are used to defend against general or special attacks and/or abilities. Defense Techs may appear markedly in the battlefield in the form of barriers or any type of deflection mechanism, or may appear much more discreetly in the form of subtle or unseen methods of protection.

Status Techniques (Sta)

Techniques that work to incapacitate the enemy's fighting ability. Status Techs usually come in the form of stat deductions, bindings, and/or negative status effects, though they may have other influences. These Techniques do not directly deal damage to the target, however.

Healing Techniques (Hea)

Techniques that afford the user with the ability to heal and/or recover from a deprived condition. Healing Techs are used to repair and/or remedy damaged/infected matter through a number of various methods and processes.

Movement Techniques (Mov)

Techniques that enable the user to move in a special way that cannot be achieved normally. These Techniques often allow the user to move at a much quicker pace.

Boost Techniques (Bst)

Techniques that are used to boost the capability of the user. Boost Techs are strictly limited to boosting stats, however.

Aura Techniques (Aur)

Techniques that grant augmentation/protection that cannot be reflected stat-wise.

Aura Techs have a wide range of uses and purposes, and often cover Tech types that do not fall in any other category.

Synergistic Techniques (Syn)

Techniques that are able to link with or link certain other abilities for higher potential effect. Usually, Synergistic Techs require the cooperation of several characters.


Concerning Stat Boosts

The magnitude of stat boosts vary among different skill types (Techs, Feats, Kidou, Zanpaku, etc.). Generally, stat-boosting abilities (including Techs and feats) cannot have their augmentations stack upon one another (with the exception of stat boosts granted by Zanpaku). Simply put, the character is only able to adopt the highest-valued stat boost, and that any non-Zanpaku stat boost valued below the highest is automatically nullified. Keep in mind that the Connection stat cannot be augmented skill-wise in any way, and that all stat boosts mentioned within the scope of this thread excludes the Connection stat.

This rule does not apply to the natural Reiatsu boosts granted by the Zanpakutou Kai (i.e., the +20% Reiatsu gained from using Shikai, and the +40% Reiatsu gained from using Ban Kai). The Reiatsu value resulting from these Kai bonuses automatically become the base Reiatsu value of the character while the respective Kai is active, and any other stat boost besides this cannot affect Reiatsu in any way.

Techniques may grant a maximum boost of +40% to a single stat. However, any stat boost valued +31% to +40% can only last for a maximum of four RP rounds. A "safe" boost to a single stat is +30%, which lasts for as long as the boosting skill allows. The maximum boost for two to three simultaneous stats is +20%, while the maximum boost for all stats is +10% (these boosts also last for as long as the boosting skill allows). A character may hold as many stat boosting Techs as he/she can within the limit of the Tech List, however, be mindful of the stat boost rules stated within this thread and refrain from loading up on too many stat boosters.

Stat boosts for Feats work a bit differently. They enjoy a maximum +50% boost to a single stat, but still may only last for four RP rounds. All other stat boost arrangements remain the same as Techs. Keep in mind that a single character may only have a maximum of two stat-boosting Feats at any given time.

There is also an order of supersedence as according to the stat boost type.

  • Single stat boosts valued over +20% take precedence over all multi-stat boosters. This means that once a stat boost that augments one particular stat becomes valued over +20%, all other stat boosts that augment several stats are ultimately canceled out. Naturally, the highest valued single stat boost takes the highest precedent over all other stat boosts the character may be under.

  • Stat boosts that augment two to three stats take the middle precedence. They are automatically canceled out by any single stat boost valued over +20%. Note that this type of stat boost MAY coexist with another single stat boost, but only if no more than three stats boosts occur as a result (ie., 10%/10%/20% is possible, but 10%/10%/10%/20% and 10%/10%/25% aren't).

  • Stat boosts that augment all stats take the lowest precedence. At any given time that a two-to-three stat boost or single stat boost is activated, this type of stat boost is automatically canceled out.

For example:

  • Namiko has Techs A, B, and C. In battle, she activates Tech A, which grants her a +10% stat boost to all of her stats. Further into the battle, she activates Tech B, which grants a +30% boost to her Kidou. Once this occurs, Tech A's multiple stat boosts are automatically canceled and are superseded by the +30% boost from Tech B. Near the end of the battle, however, Namiko activates Tech C, which grants a +40% boost to Hohou for four rounds. By this, Tech B's stat boost is canceled out because its percentage value is lower than Tech C's boost. Similarly, if Namiko was to activate Tech C while Tech A was active, Tech C would take precedence. Keep in mind that generally (and unless otherwise noted) once a stat boost has been canceled, it cannot "pick up from where it left off," so to speak, unless otherwise noted. It must be reactivated and may only take effect if it has the highest supersession factor over all other stat boosts that may also be in effect.

Remember that even if a Feat or Technique doesn't specify a stat boost quantified by a percentage, the stat boost maximums are still very much in effect, and that maximum stat boosts will be reviewed on those Feats and/or Techniques by the Tech/Feat Staff.

Note: Some people seemed to have mistaken the definition of stat boosts. A stat boost occurs whenever any stat gets augmented. This applies to all situations, even ones in which one or more other stats are decreased in order to facilitate a stat boost. No single stat may increase over 40% or 50% for Techs or Feats respectively. No two or three stats may increase over 20% for both Techs and Feats. A stat boost that augments all stats (except Connection and Reiatsu) will never breach 10% to each of them. This rule is absolute, and may only be bypassed (with reasonable magnitude) if PC permission is required. Also, aside from the inherent augmentation of Reiatsu when entering a Zanpaku Kai, Reiatsu cannot be boosted in any other way.


Concerning Stacking Stat Boosts

As a rule, stat boosts between Techs/Feats and Kidou spells cannot stack upon one another. Stat boosts derived from both skill types behave as outlined above.

However, stat boosts derived from Techs/Feats or Kidou spells are able to stack with boosts derived from Zanpakutou Kai:

  • In the case of a stat boost derived from a Zanpakutou ability, the boost stacking is additive. Instead of different boosts being applied singly on top of each other, stat boosts from Techs/Feats or Kidou spells will merge with the stat boost from the Zanpakutou ability.

Example with a +20% Zanjutsu boost from a Shikai ability stacked with a +10% Zanjutsu boost from a Tech.

Base Zanjutsu : 1,000
New Zanjutsu : 1,300

As you can see, the +20% and +10% boosts have merged to form a +30% boost. This merging rule affects all stages of Zanpakutou Kai.​

  • Again, as a rule, no stat boost outside that of the inherent increase derived from any level of Zanpaku Kai may affect Reiatsu.

  • Stat boosts from Prestige Class skill(s) are applied before any other stat boost. Unlike the example above, stat boosts from PrCs modify the base stat value to generate a new base stat value. Hence, any stat boost derived from a Technique, Feat, or Kidou will be applied upon the new base stat value. This process will occur by default unless otherwise denoted by the actual PrC skill.

  • There is a way for stat boosts from Techs, Feats, or Kidou to stack upon one another, though it is often tricky and does not necessarily mean being able to add two boosts together to make a larger stat boost. Rather, this only affects boosts that modify multiple stats.

    • For stat boosts that effect one to three stats, these may be stacked up to form a maximum, multiple stat boost. As asserted before, however, this is tricky:

      The maximum stat boost that affects three stats is +20% to all three. Though this is usually achieved by using a single, powerful skill that gives such a stat boost, a character may come to be affected by two or three different stat boosts simultaneously to achieve the +20%/3 boost.

      For example:

      • Tech A increases Hohou by +20%, while Tech B increases Zanjutsu and Hakuda by +20%. If these two stat boosts are activated simultaneously, they will add up to a +20% stat boost that affects the three respective stats.


      • Tech A increases Zanjutsu by +20%, Tech B increases Hakuda by +20%, and Tech C increases Hohou by +20%. If all three stat boosts are activated, they achieve the same results as the above example.

      However, if even one of the stat boosts increases a single stat past +20%, then that specific stat boost will take priority. This means that all other stat boosts are nullified until the higher stat boost runs out, is canceled, or returns to a stat boost rated at +20% or lower.

      For example:

      • Tech A increases Zanjutsu by +20%, Tech B increases Hakuda by +20%, and Tech C increases Hohou by +20%. During battle, however, Tech C suddenly increases to +30%. Given this, Tech C will take priority, and Tech A and Tech B will be nullified until Tech C either runs out, is canceled, or returns to a boost that is valued +20% or lower.
      • Up to four different stat boosts may be activated simultaneously to achieve a +10% boost to all combat stats in very much the same way as shown in the above examples. However, just like what is shown above, if even one of the stat boosts breaches +10%, then that particular stat boost will take priority and nullify all the other stat boosts until it either runs out, is canceled, or returns to a value of +10% or lower.


Concerning Stat Decreases

This rule applies to all abilities and attacks (excluding Feats) that aim to or have a stat decreasing effect on enemies. The maximum for this stat decrease is -20% to an individual stat (five of the opponent's turns maximum for the duration). The maximum stat decrease affecting two stats is -15% (four of the opponent's turns for the duration). The maximum stat decrease for three to five stats is -10% (three of the opponent's turns maximum for the duration). Connection is not effected by any sort of hostile stat decrease. Remember that these values apply to stat decreases incurred upon an opponent. Stat decreases that you incur upon yourself as the result of using certain abilities or attacks have no set limit on the magnitude of decline and/or duration.

Feats may ignore this rule, but only to a reasonable extent, which will naturally be set in place through review by the Tech/Feat Staff.


Concerning Turn-Based and Time-Based Effects

In the case of abilities/conditions of whose effects last a certain amount of "turns," what is meant by "turns" is not the number of the user's turns. Rather, it is the number of absolute RP turns as a whole. So, if an effect lasts for three turns, then that effect will end once three RP turns have expired, even if the user was only able to be under the effect for one or two of his/her turns. Note that the turn in which the user comes under the turn-based effect, that same turn counts as the first turn towards the effect's duration. This rule applies to all, unless otherwise stated (i.e., this effect lasts for x of the opponent's turns, etc.).

A "round" in RP terms is a complete rotation of all participating RP'ers in a given collaboration or fight. In other words, once all RP'ers have been given a chance to write a turn, the completed cycle is considered a round. Effects that take rounds into consideration tend to last longer than those that take turns into consideration instead.

As for time-based effects (seconds and minutes), it should be assumed that no longer than fifteen (15) seconds passes per RP fight turn, and that such judgment on the passing of time must be reasonable and fair.


Concerning Stat-based Requirements

Keep in mind that all stat requirements look at base stats, not finalized stats. In other words, even if you used a Tech/Feat, Kidou, or Zanpakutou ability that raises your stats to or beyond that of the stat requirement(s) of a Tech, you cannot use the Tech in question. Your base stats are the only stats allowed to be taken into account when weighed against such requirements.


Concerning Cost Types

In general, the costs of using skills falls into three categories: fixed, percentage, reflective, and cursing. All four have certain conditions and ways of working.

[ Fixed ] - A fixed cost is a cost with an explicitly delineated, quantitative value. For instance, "100 Reiatsu" is a fixed cost. However, "1% Reiatsu" is not. The advantage to a fixed cost is in its ability to grow in quantitative uses. Basically, a skill with a fixed cost is able to grow in "ammunition" as the character's Reiatsu grows. This is because the Reiatsu reservoir is ever-increasing, but the amount of Reiatsu a skill with a fixed cost uses stays the same. However, this also means that, usually, a skill with a fixed cost is not able to grow in power in tandem with its user. Because the "ammunition" stays the same and is packed with the same amount of energy no matter how strong the user is, a skill with a fixed cost derives its advantage from its amount of uses, but not primarily in its power.

[ Percentage ] - A percentage cost is just that: a cost with a percentage value. For instance, "1% Reiatsu" is a percentage cost, but "100 Reiatsu" is not. Skills with a percentage cost derive their primary advantage from being able to "grow" with their user(s). This is mainly due to the continuous growth of Reiatsu. For instance, 1% of 1,000 Reiatsu is worth 10 Reiatsu, which makes the skill relatively weak. However, with 1% of 10,000 Reiatsu, it is worth 100 Reiatsu, which makes it decent. But with 1% of 100,000, it is rated at 1,000 Reiatsu, which makes it reasonably strong. Thus, percentage cost-skills are able to enjoy a growth in power along with the pace of their users. But, a prime disadvantage to using percentage costs lies in their limited "ammunition." A percentage, in this case, never decreases or increases in percentage value, so 1% of 1,000 Reiatsu will yield the same amount of usages as 1% of 100,000 Reiatsu.

Note that fractional costs may be converted directly to a percentage cost, so they are both fundamentally the same.

[ Reflective ] - A special type of cost where a condition outlined within the effect of a skill has been met, and a certain amount of Reiatsu is consumed. A prime example of this is Hanki, where the user needs to expend an amount of Reiatsu to nullify an attack, and that spent Reiatsu is equivalent to the energy contained within the hostile attack. Usually, a skill with this type of cost does not possess a limited number of uses, but rather is only limited by the amount of Reiatsu that the user actually has.

Reflective costs are usually non-static, and their actual magnitudes vary from circumstance to circumstance.

[ Cursing ] - A sacrifice-type cost, where a stat that is usually non-consumable (i.e., Connection, Hakuda, Zanjutsu, etc.) is "spent." Skills that use a cursing cost are able to conceive a rather large effect in exchange for a penalty incurred upon a particular, non-consumable stat. As a general rule, one point of a combat stat is equivalent to three to four points of Reiatsu (i.e., a skill with a cursing cost of 500 Zanjutsu possesses the same effectual magnitude as a skill with a cost of 1,500~2,000 Reiatsu); one point of Connection is equivalent to one to two points of Reiatsu. A skill with a cursing cost may have an additional cost of another type in tandem, though there may be skills that consume a non-Reiatsu stat entirely to fuel their effects.

Note that cursing costs are never permanent unless stated otherwise, but a penalty incurred upon oneself through a cursing cost will never go away until the end of a battle. A penalty that lasts for a set number of rounds or turns is treated as a conditional penalty, and does not apply as a cursing cost.

Also, by consuming Connection, the power of a Kai release (as well as any other skill that depends on Connection to gauge effectual power) drops by a certain percentage based on exactly how much Connection was consumed. For instance, spending 500 Connection while having a maximum of 1,000 Connection will result in a universal -50% power drop of all Kai releases and pertinent, Connection-gauged skills.

Additionally, keep in mind that cursing costs cannot be used to boost other stats; Reiatsu and Connection are stats that cannot be boosted in any way (aside from inherent boosts from Zanpaku Kai).



Here is a reference to some lesser known concepts used in various skill descriptions.

[ Output Cost ] - Output cost is the amount of spent energy within a given attack or skill. It should be noted that this is a constant value: it never changes unless more energy is spent, or if energy is taken away from the actual attack or skill itself. Compression does not affect output cost, since the amount of energy spent still remains the same. Also, note that attacks or skills that consume negligible amounts of energy (such as purely physical attacks or skills that delineate no real cost) do not use output cost, but rather, output power.

[ Input Power ] - Input power is a vital facet to Reiryoku compression; it is basically the initial amount of power present in an executed or active skill, or the "baseline" level of power. Once the input power is modified either by compression, decompression, or any other such effect, the "output power" results.

[ Output Power ] - Output power is the final result of compression, decompression, and the like. This value may or may not be higher than the input power, depending on how the input power itself was modified. Compression will allow for greater output power, though proportionately less volume, while decompression will allow for less output power, but with greater volume. Note that output power will dictate the resulting damage of an attack, or the level of effectiveness for a non-offensive skill.

[ Input Volume ] - Input volume is the initial size of an attack or skill. It may be modified by compression, decompression, and the like. An input volume is not limited in how much energy it may store, but rather, it dictates how large or small an area that given energy occupies. When the input volume is modified, it becomes "output volume."

[ Output Volume ] - Output volume is the final volume an attack or skill may adopt, generally as the result of compression or decompression. Compression will shrink the volume, causing any energy it contains to be put under more pressure. This results in higher output power, but proportionately smaller area of effect. Decompression will expand the volume, conversely causing any energy it contains to be put under less pressure. This results in lower output power, but greater area of effect. Note that output volume will dictate how much an area the given attack or skill will effect. In terms of attacks, this may or may not affect how much damage is received. The same is basically true for non-offensive skills, such as healing.

[ Output Defense ] - works just the same as output power, where the initial amount of energy put into a defensive (i.e., shield, barrier, coating) skill is modified and intensified to produce the output defense, a value that decides the maximum defensive integrity of that skill. Output defense is generally weighed directly against output power: any source of output power that is lower than the output defense is subject to the defensive skill's effect, while a source of output power that is higher than the output defense has a good chance of bypassing it.


Concerning Approvals

The following words are absolute:

Techs require the majority of Tech/Feat Staff members' explicitly stated approvals in order to be official. HOWEVER, if there are any similarly stated disapprovals, that particular Tech will be withdrawn for another review. If the disapproval still stands, that Tech is automatically scrapped.

Feats require the approvals from ALL Tech/Feat Staff members in order to be official. Those that run off without meeting that requirement are automatically placed in either the Warning List or Ignore List in the eighth post of this thread (check the said post for more details). If there is one or more disapprovals, the Feat is stalled for further review and modification. If the disapproval(s) still stand(s), that Feat is automatically scrapped.

Because Bujutsu generally encompass more concepts and possess more complex structures, they require approvals from all Tech/Feat Staff members after an extended review. This in particular applies to any and all Bujutsu that derive their own Techs.



Bujutsu are special fighting styles that your character may adopt, and allow him/her to fight in a unique way. At any given time, the character may only adopt one Bujutsu. Ones that occupy Tech slots are divided into two main categories:

[ Kisotekina Bujutsu ] -- "Fundamental Fighting Art"
These are the basic fighting styles that possess no formal heritage or tradition. Characters that adopt a Kisotekina Bujutsu fight in a special way and with a strict philosophy that is taught and enforced by the adopted style. Kisotekina Bujutsu may be differentiated by the stat modifications they give, along with a number of positive and/or negative special conditions. However, because they possess no real tradition, Kisotekina Bujutsu have no Techniques of their own. Initially, Kisotekina Bujutsu are not required to be taught to the RP'er that conceives the style, but must be taught to any other RP'er that desires it.

Kisotekina Bujutsu use a special system of balanced stat boosts. From the outset, a +10% increase is granted without penalties. This +10% is distributable and hence, may change depending on the number of stats affected. For instance, if the fighting style equally augments two stats without penalties, then each stat would increase by +5%, and if all five stats (excluding Connection) are affected, then a +2% boost would be given to each.

For stat boosts that exceed +10%, however, a penalty is put in place. Example given:

+15% Hakuda
-5% Hohou

In the example, the boost given to Hakuda exceeds the initial +10%, and because of that, a new stat penalty must be in place. The cumulative stat penalty must be equal to the sum of all the positive stat boosts minus 10%. Also, negative stat penalties may be mitigated or compensated for by special conditions the fighting style comes with.

Special conditions are certain rules the particular fighting style is bound to. These special conditions may come in the form of positives or negatives, and the number of each varies from Bujutsu to Bujutsu. Like the stat boost rule for fighting styles, each Bujutsu is given one free positive special condition, but for more added on, they must be balanced by adding a negative special condition and/or stat penalty of equal magnitude.

Kisotekina Bujutsu are also balanced by a system of stat requirements relevant to the stat modifications. For every ±1% into a stat, a 100 stat requirement is placed upon it. Example given:

+15% Hakuda (base value of 1,500 Hakuda required)
-5% Hohou (base value of 500 Hohou required)

A Kisotekina Bujutsu may also have other restrictions such that a user may not learn certain Techniques outside of the style that violates its philosophy. This comes in the form of negative special conditions, and just like requirements placed upon stat boosts, negative special conditions are accompanied by requirements of their own. However, this does not apply to positive special conditions.

One thing to keep in mind that Kisotekina Bujutsu take up a Technique slot in the Tech List, and thus are Techniques in and of themselves. They are special, however, in that they do not need to be equipped in the Tech Allocation for the character to fight in the way emphasized by that fighting style. But, in order for the stat modifications and special conditions granted by the Kisotekina Bujutsu to be activated, it must be equipped in the Tech Allocation.

For clear examples on how all this works, refer to the Kisotekina Bujutsu already listed in the Master Tech List.

[ Joukyuu Bujutsu ] -- "Advanced Fighting Art"
These are refined fighting styles that possess a formal heritage. Practitioners of a certain Joukyuu Bujutsu do not gain stat boosts as Kisotekina Bujutsu styles do, but rather, gain the ability to access a number of Techniques that stem from that Joukyuu Bujutsu's philosophy.

Joukyuu Bujutsu tend to have steep requirements, more so than Kisotekina Bujutsu. In order for a Joukyuu Bujutsu to be initially obtained, the very first practitioner of the respective style (in this case, the requesting RP'er) must attain stats that are at least 50% higher than the stat requirements of the Joukyuu Bujutsu (the requirements are put upon the fighting style in question by the Tech/Feat Staff's judgment based on a good description provided by the requesting RP'er).

In the time during which the character works to fulfill the 150% stat requirement, no Techniques stemming from the conceived Joukyuu Bujutsu may be given to the character. Once the 150% stat requirement is fulfilled, that character may officially implement any Tech/Feat Staff-reviewed Techniques to his/her Tech List and Allocation. After that, however, the RP'er must be willing to teach this Joukyuu Bujutsu to any other requirement-fulfilling RP'er that requests it.

Joukyuu Bujutsu Techniques mostly do not have stat requirements, but rather must be attained through a collaboration with the founder of the respective style. Keep in mind that the Joukyuu Bujutsu itself (without the Techs) takes up one Technique slot in the Tech List, and that at least one Technique from that fighting style must be in the Tech Allocation at all times (this does not apply to a student that does not already know two of those Techs). Additionally, the most basic Technique (usually the first listed one) is half-invisible, marked by a single asterisk (*). The maximum number of Techniques a Joukyuu Bujutsu may have is five (5).

As a note, the master of a Joukyuu Bujutsu may, with reasonable justification, expel a pupil/practitioner from the teachings. When this occurs, the expellee is stripped of all of the Joukyuu Techs and the Bujutsu itself.

Again, the requirements of each individual Joukyuu Bujutsu are varied, but generally, all of them have numerical stat prerequisites and no stat boost(s).


Shinseina Bujutsu

[ Shinseina Bujutsu ] -- "Sacred Fighting Art"
Shinseina Bujutsu are the Sacred Fighting Arts, ones that occupy a Feat slot and are more potent and complex than their Tech-occupying counterparts. They are fighting styles that only your character alone may have, and may not be taught or passed on to other RP'ers. As a rule, there is no clear cut structure of requirements, special conditions, stat modifications, and/or classifications/organizations of Techniques for these Bujutsu, as they may differ more or less in comparison to Kisotekina Bujutsu and Joukyuu Bujutsu. Because they are Feats by nature, Bujutsu of this class are considered to be honed for generations, and thus many of their weaknesses have been compensated for by modifying the fighting form and/or developing specialized Techniques.

Note that Techniques derived from Shinseina Bujutsu are all treated as individual Feats when taken into consideration by certain skill effects.


Staff Notes

Keep in mind that the rules stated in this thread are not set in stone and may be changed as according to what the Tech/Feat Staff sees fit. If you have any questions, feel free to contact any one of us:

- PM Shiggtyluffluff or instant message shiggtyluffluff on AIM
- PM xero_ghost or instant message xero01 on AIM
- PM Proggy or instant message proggybs on AIM
- PM Amadeus or instant message sigmaparadox9 on AIM
- PM Mizumiko or instant message makotosatonaka on AIM

Also, our policy with reviewing Techs/Feats that also deal directly with Kidou, Zanpaku, etc., is that both us and the corresponding Staff governing over the mentioned branches will make appropriate changes and decisions to the Techs/Feats in question.

Mar 19, 2005
Dahlitium (⏆50 per)
Bigatium (⏆100 per)
Auritium (⏆300 per)
Vitatium (⏆1200 per)
Caelitium (⏆6000 per)
Waza Toshokan - Library of Techniques

Waza Toshokan
Library of Techniques


Techniques in the Waza Toshokan may be learned freely by anyone who 1) desires to have them, and 2) meets the requirements.



[ Library Count: 61 ]

[ Atozukeru ] -- "Trace" (Aur/-/-)
Based entirely on the reasoning behind meditation, this Technique is performed solely through the control and focusing of the mind. It is a specialized ability to "trace" Reiatsu. This includes the basic form of being able to sense where people are, but in battle, Atozukeru is used to trace and learn "patterns" in movement (by tracing smaller patterns of energy movement, like the wave of an arm, for example), both within the opponent (e.g., footwork, hand to hand combat) and also for the Zanpakutou (e.g., swordsmanship). It enables the ability to "see" these patterns so openings for attack and opportunities for defense are increased. However, the user's Reiatsu is drained at a rate of 150 per round for the duration of Atozukeru's effect.

[Attained when 3,000 Hohou and 5,000 Connection are reached. Optimum efficiency for Atozukeru is reached at 4,000 Hohou and 7,000 Connection.]

[ Baizou Tobiagari ] -- "Double Jump" (Mov/-/-)
The user of this Tech can jump into the air, pause by gathering Reiryoku at the base of their feet, then spring-board off the gathered energy. This Technique is tiring and takes a lot out of a person when used more than once in succession of the base jump. One must also be prepared to compensate for the fall that comes afterwards. During the pause, the user cannot perform other actions than the jump, or else the succession will be broken and they will fall back to the ground. Each usage drains 80~150 Reiatsu, depending on the spring-boarding effect's level of potency.

[Attained when 2,500 Hohou is reached.]

[ Battou Shunpo ] -- "Drawing Sword Shunpo" (Atk/Mov/-)
A combination of the samurai art of drawing his sword in a deathblow fashion and a large burst of Shunpo. Note that the sword itself does not move at Shunpo speed, but rather only as quickly as the user's body can utilize it while in Shunpo. A large amount of Reiatsu is consumed, and if the character's Zanjutsu is not higher than his target's, the Shunpo fails. Otherwise, a high success rate occurs.

[Attained when 10,000 Zanjutsu and Hohou are reached.]

* [ Chiyudou no Senmonka ] -- "Chiyudou Specialist" (Aur/-/-)
The Kidou practitioner, with time and devotion, has learned to use Chiyudou Kidou exceptionally well. For Chiyudou Kidou only, the user treats the Chiyudou Kidou as having a cost -10% the listed amount. This allows specialists to both use higher level Chiyudou Kidou than normal and also allows them to use Chiyudou more efficiently. However, their devotion and specialization in this art has caused them to treat all non-Chiyudou types of Kidou as having +10% more cost than their listed amount.

[Attained when at least thirty Chiyudou spells are used.]

[ Daitou no Hi ] -- "Great Blade's Fire" (Atk/-/-)
The concept of Battoujutsu has long been valued as one of the strongest and quickest ways to dispatch an opponent. Though Iaijutsu holds a similar power, the quick-strike power of Battoujutsu has long appealed many swordsmen. However, in the Reiatsu-based strength of Shinigami, Battoujutsu quickly lost its appeal when easier methods of killing were available.

Masters of Battoujutsu quickly countered this with a powerful Battoujutsu-based Technique; Daitou no Hi. Named for the 'fire' that appears on the blade when the Technique is used correctly, Daitou no Hi works by imbuing Reiatsu into one's sheath and exploding it outward, forcing the blade out at a far faster pace than any normal Battoujutsu unsheathing.

When used correctly, an ethereal fire explodes outwards from the sheath and coats the blade; this fire does no harm but is a manifestation of the 'exploded' Reiatsu. If the opponent is cut with this Technique, the fire lingers on the body for a slight moment before dissipating into nothing.

Each time this Technique is executed, 500 Reiatsu is consumed.

[Attained when 3,000 Zanjutsu and 2,000 Hohou are reached. Full drawing speed is reached at 4,300 Zanjutsu and 3,000 Hohou.]

[ Dondengaeshi ] -- "Complete Reversal" (Atk/-/-)
A Technique combining a mastery over Hakuda, Reiatsu, and Kidouryoku. Dondengaeshi is initiated by forming a twisting spiral of Reiatsu around the user's arms or legs (depending on what part of the body he or she prefers). The energy only lasts for a moment-- five to ten seconds, or one complete turn-- but it blazes so furiously that it actually causes to affected limbs of the user to flare with the color of his or her Reiatsu, though this is simply cosmetic.

The user then strikes out at the target, the spiraling force of the blast digging into the part of the zone of impact, while thin streams of Reiatsu spread throughout the struck area. The streams exit out through the user's body and split across the target's limb, leaving black marks across the area hit in the form a deep spiral. The afflicted body part then convulses severely.

This is not because of the strike, so much as the Kidouryoku used in conjunction with it. It is a specialized Kidouryoku that works without a set program. The Kidouryoku that is released upon the impact cuts through the skin and deep into the body, going so far as to imprint itself onto the muscles and bones. The bone is then cut by the strike and the muscles are twisted, compacting the area and causing it to crush itself. This attack is extremely painful and can leave a struck area almost useless, and... if struck in certain parts of the body, it can prove to be fatal. As such, it usually is not recommended for use in most casual fights (as with most high level Techniques).

The attack itself consumes 6% of one's Reiatsu with each use, and can only be used once for every 5,000 Hakuda that the user has.

[Attained when 10,000 Hakuda and 6,000 Kidou are reached.]

* [ Eishouhaki ] -- "Revocation of the Recited Poem" (Aur/-/-)
Allows the user to bypass of the chanting of a Kidou spell and simply state the name. However, this also results in a drop in the efficacy of the bypassed Kidou, based on its level as outlined below:
Low Level

1:1 User's Kidou:Spell Cost = 66% Power
2:1 User's Kidou:Spell Cost = 88% Power
3:1 User's Kidou:Spell Cost = 100% Power

Mid Level

1:1 User's Kidou:Spell Cost = 50% Power
2:1 User's Kidou:Spell Cost = 75% Power
3:1 User's Kidou:Spell Cost = 100% Power

High Level

1:1 User's Kidou:Spell Cost = 33% Power
2:1 User's Kidou:Spell Cost = 66% Power
3:1 User's Kidou:Spell Cost = 100% Power​

Note that this only takes into account the base, listed cost of the Kidou spell. Kidou cost reductions from any other effect/skill cannot be taken into account and be used as "shortcuts."

[Attained when 2,500 Kidou is reached. Cannot learn Kichouji.]

[ Fumishidaki ] -- "Trample" (Aur/--/--)
In many forms of martial arts, it is believed that stamping the foot down right at the execution of a devoted attack further excites the fighting spirit, thereby augmenting the said attack. Such a concept has been made much more tangible in Soul Society with the advent of Reiryoku, namely in the form of the universally accepted Fumishidaki. Through assiduous training and exercising the use of one's legs, concepts of timing, and control of Reiryoku and Reiatsu, the practitioner gains this multi-faceted skill.

With Fumishidaki, one is able to take powerful steps while covering ground with one's legs. Each step generates a small shockwave of rippling Reiatsu and an outward flume of air that may disorient and intimidate the opponent. Since air is being evacuated with each step, a brief vacuum is left in its place, creating a sense of "downforce" for the user. With that, it becomes more difficult for the opponent to sweep the user off of his/her feet while Fumishidaki is effective. Because such training has been allocated towards the use of the legs, skills involving kicks, leg throws, jumps, etc., are all +25% more effective and damaging (when applicable). Fumishidaki is dependent upon the user's Hohou stat. With rising value, this Tech becomes more potent when used against an opponent of reasonably less Hohou or Agility. Fumishidaki lasts for thirty second bursts, and may only be reactivated on the user's following turn.

Increased usage of this skill puts harrowing stress and tension on the legs. After using Fumishidaki for a certain number of times, the user may experience weakness and burning within the legs, as well as a degenerated ability to use Shunpo. This usage limit can be calculated by dividing one's Hohou by 900, rounded to the nearest whole number.

[Attained from a practitioner that already has Fumishidaki. All Bujutsu masters are given the option of learning this Tech on his/her own. All practitioners of a Bujutsu may learn Fumishidaki from their master (if there is no master, it must be learned from someone else). Requires 4,500 Hohou.]

[ Fuojin ] -- "Untainted Blade" (Atk/-/-)
Untainted Blade is a skill that an anonymous blademaster learned by going through numerous battles. This skill requires full knowledge of the various Zanjutsu Techniques in order to receive the true mark of a master.

The user holds his blade with two hands as he starts to channel his Reiatsu into his blade. As the user's Reiatsu mixes in with his Zanpakutou, the blade will emit a dull light glow. The user will then compresses the energy and begins to motion for an attack.

Once the user swings his blade, all the gathered energy will then break from it. A vacuum will then be created at the path of the sword. This vacuum is like a blade of the wind. It is almost unseen due to the nature of it. It will take an experience fighter to notice the blade coming at him.

Fuojin will have an effective range of one meter from the user with a maximum range of two meters. The damage Fuojin can cause will vary due to the degree of the user (Zanjutsu stat). Each attack consumes 1% of the user's Reiatsu.

[Attained when 2,500 Zanjutsu and 2,000 Hohou are reached. At least two other Zanjutsu Techniques must have already been learnt beforehand.]

[ Gisei ] -- "Sacrifice" (Aur/Atk/-)
Gisei is a powerful but self-detrimental Technique that allows the user to absorb the energy from an Reiryoku or Kidou based attack and send it back as a power wave of Reiryoku energy at the cost if one's own health. The Technique works by having the user burn his or her own Kidouryoku to form a thin barrier around his or her body. The barrier is more for absorption than it is for defense however, the user taking the attack dead on and absorbing it to send out a powerful counterattack.

When the energy attack hits the user, his/her Reiatsu is instantly cut by the difference between his/her Reiatsu and the opponent's Reiatsu, as well as paying an additional cost equal to 10% of his/her Kidou energy (Kai increases are also taken into account when calculating damage done as is the power boost dependent on the power of the Kidou fired at the user) in the form of Reiatsu deduction. The user is not knocked down by this attack, and can then use the gathered energy to send out a large wave of Reiryoku energy in a counterattack (like Soukatsui, but about half the size).

To calculate differences when going against people of Reiatsu too close to each other, one must measure as such:

If the opponent's Reiatsu is 10% greater or lesser than the user's, then the user loses 10% of his/her Reiatsu.

If the opponent's Reiatsu is lower than 10% of the user's Reiatsu but higher than 35%, the user only loses 5% of his/her Reiatsu, but must also pay an additional cost equal to 15% percent of his/her Kidou against the attack.

If the opponent's Reiatsu is valued at around 35%-50% of the user's Reiatsu, then the user loses 5% Reiatsu, but only has to pay the initial 10% Kidou cost.

If the opponent's Reiatsu is at or lower than 50% of the user's Reiatsu, then the user takes no Reiatsu damage, but must expend 15% of his/her Kidou for the counter, however, the power of the attack is increased the larger the Reiatsu difference is between both the opponent and the user.

Gisei has its limitations on usage, however. Obviously, it cannot be used when the user has lesser than 20% of his/her Reiatsu left, and it can't be used when the user is too fatigued to use it (too many injuries, Reiatsu capacity too low from battle, etc.). Also, unless the attacker is extremely weaker than the user (to the point that his/her/its attack wouldn't do much damage to the user, around 5x Reiatsu difference, etc.), the user cannot absorb high-powered attacks (attacks that drain a large amount of the user's Reiatsu), as well as Kidou spells with costs over 1,600.

[Attained when 9,000 Kidou is reached.]

[ Hanki ] -- "Anti-Spirit" (Def/-/-)
Cancels out non-Kidou attacks valued less than the character's current Reiatsu by counteracting the attack's flow of energy. However, the user must expend the exact same amount of Reiatsu for this effect to work. If the attacker's Hakuda or Kidou value is lower than the user's base Hakuda or Kidou value, then the attacker is subject to a counterattack.

[Attained with Shunkou and after writing a full-fledged volume dedicated to learning this Technique.]

[ Hankyou ] -- "Echo" (Atk/-/-)
A hand-to-hand Technique that is executed as any direct attack. Using the Technique creates an echo of the user's strike following instantly after the initial attack with great speed, often leaving the opponent bewildered if he is not cautious. It's most useful when doing heavy attacks, as it will force the attack to strike twice. When performing this Technique, the second attack--the echo--will only do half the damage the initial strike would. Doing this Technique will seem like watching a film glitch. You see the initial strike, and then suddenly an exact replica follows.

[Attained when 3,500 Hakuda and 2,000 Hohou are reached.]

*** [ Hankyoukan Kai ] - "Echo Perception Release" (Aur/-/-)
This is an ancient sensory compensation Technique developed millennia ago as a way of substituting lost sight or blindness with a "seventh sense." In order for this Technique to work, the user's eyes must either be shut or be non-functional. With this, the Reiatsu usually used by the eyes are redirected to the other senses, thus heightening their potency. Hankyoukan Kai and its higher forms use this "eye Reiatsu."

Hankyoukan Kai works by having the user fire a specially structured, brief burst of Reiatsu throughout the area. The Reishi, or spiritual atoms and molecules, react to this Reiatsu burst and are shortly imprinted with its signature. In turn, the Reishi themselves begin to emit a special waveform that only the Hankyoukan Kai user can detect. This is the "feedback" that the Reishi gives to the user, hence, an image is formed in the user's mind. However, "image" may be the wrong word. What the mind gains from the information given by the Reishi is not particularly a visual image, but rather a superhuman sense of knowing where everything is. Depending on the level of experience and strength of the user, the Reishi feedback cuts off after ten to thirty seconds.

Hankyoukan Kai's flaw is its inability to reach Reishi that are left in the "shadow" of the Reiatsu burst. In other words, it is like shining a bright flare in the middle of a cavern. Anything touched by the light can be seen, but what is left in the shadows cannot.

Once Shinkan Daikai is learnt, this Tech automatically becomes fully invisible, hence does not occupy either Tech List nor Tech Allocation slots.

[May be attained from a Hankyoukan Kai practitioner.]

*** [ Hankyoukan Shoukai ] - "Echo Perception, Higher Release" (Sta/Aur/-)
Hankyoukan Shoukai is the step above the original Technique. It may be done by firing off a more potent burst of Reiatsu that bears command over Reishi. When this Reiatsu makes contact with the Reishi within the area, the Reishi begin to emit strongly in such a way that it affects all other Reishi near it. In this way, it is like executing Hankyoukan Kai several trillion times at the cost of only using it nearly twice. The Reishi act upon one another, sending a sort of chain reaction all throughout the area. This enables the user to sense and account for every aspect of the surrounding environment, even in the "shadowed" areas that are not covered by the original Hankyoukan Kai Technique. The duration of feedback given by the Reishi is also prolonged, lasting anywhere between a minute to ten minutes.

Hankyoukan Shoukai also has the ability to cancel out the Reishi feedback given by the opponent's Hankyoukan Kai by overpowering its effect. Thus, by using Hankyoukan Shoukai, the user may "blind" the opponent. This can only happen, though, if 200% of the user's Reiatsu is higher than 150% of the opponent's Reiatsu.

Once Shinkan Daikai is learnt, this Tech automatically becomes fully invisible, hence does not occupy either Tech List nor Tech Allocation slots.

[Attained when 6,000 Reiatsu is reached. Must be learned from a Hankyoukan Shoukai practitioner.]

*** [ Haryuu no Fuuin ] -- "Seal of the Feathered Dragon" (Mov/Aur/--)
It is often believed that divine dragons reside only within realms concealed behind clouds. Those seeking the power of the Dragon offer their homage to the high clouds above in order to attain the privilege of flight. The Seal of the Feathered Dragon is singed upon both of the user's arms and posterior shoulder regions in glowing coils. The seal then charges for at least three turns, rapidly absorbing any visible cloud formation in the immediate sky. By the end of that turn, the seal illuminates with a brilliant, almost tangible, feathered formation of light that unfurls outward. With that, the user is given the ability to fly at speeds relative to his/her current Hohou stat. This seal automatically cancels out any usage of Shunpo-like abilities in the air.

The duration of flight time in rounds is equal to the amount of turns used up for the charging process (longer charging times equal longer flight durations). After that duration is used up, the seal consumes 100 points from the user's Reiatsu per round in order to maintain flight for longer periods of time. In order for Haryuu no Fuuin to work, the user must have an unobstructed view of the general sky (enclosing walls, roofs, or ceilings will nullify the execution of this Tech). A sufficient amount of clouds must also be present for the charging period. Maximum amount of charging time is based solely upon the enormity of the clouds present. After the complete execution of this Tech, it should be noted that there will be an unnatural lack of clouds in the sky.

[Attained when 7,000 Reiatsu and 3,500 Hohou are reached. Only one Fuuin Tech may be held at all times. At 10,000 Reiatsu and 5,000 Hohou, Haryuu no Fuuin does not occupy a Tech Allocation slot, but still counts toward the Tech List total.]

[ Hokuten ] -- "Northern Sky" (Atk/Aur/-)
A special, non-lethal Technique, the Hokuten could be called a "gentle breeze." The user gathers Reiatsu into his forearm and swings it broadly, displacing the air directly about him and creating sort of a ripple effect, shocking for a distance of five feet for every 1,000 points in Reiatsu.

The effects of the Hokuten are mainly directed at disrupting an enemy's attack formation, and delaying a strike just long enough to counter. For reference, the Hokuten's strength is equal to one fifth of its user's maximum Hakuda score.

Hokuten costs 100 Reiatsu to use initially. When one's Hakuda reaches another thousand marker, then it goes up by 50, and so on and so on.

[Attained when 1,500 Hakuda is reached.]

*** [ Houganbiiki ] -- "Rooting for the Underdog" (Aur/-/-)
Throughout history, many Techniques and abilities have been developed to refine the use of the Kidou energy and enhance its potential; while holding a vast arsenal of spells, Kidou specialists have enjoyed a huge collection of abilities that took their battle prowess even further, leaving those who were not blessed in an affinity to the art in their dust.

As a part of an attempt to grasp something that could never be theirs, those less talented in Kidou invented the Technique called Houganbiiki, they have specialized in one single Kidou and by doing so have taken it to heights not seen before.

Houganbiiki is "attached" to a certain Kidou spell (only within the first 1~33 range), reducing its cost by 25% and boosting its effect and/or range by 30%, the user is also able to cast the spell without the necessary incantation even without learning Eishouhaki; furthermore, he is granted the ability to manipulate the Kidou to a certain degree in a strictly cosmetic level. However, the power penalties of Eishouhaki still apply to the bypassed Kidou spell.

[Attained after one specific Kidou spell has been used ten (10) times. User's Kidou stat must be one of the two lowest stats. This Technique cannot be attached to more than one Kidou spell at a time. Houganbiiki does not occupy a Tech Allocation slot once 1,000 Kidou is reached.]

[ Iaiken ] -- "Settling Fist" (Atk/Aur/-)
This Technique was founded upon the basic principles of Iaidou (unique art of sword drawing and cutting), but is instead performed with the fist and any sort of adequately taut covering (i.e. pocket, obi sash, tightened sleeve, etc.). In turn, the resistance created from the covering will increase the push from the strike, enabling a faster attack.

The result is a "bullet" of sheer air pressure. It strikes at an increased velocity-- faster than a normal punch from the user. However the strike's speed is weakened in raw power due to no tangible Reiatsu/Kidou empowering the blow (1/10th attack power of Hakuda stat). Its maximum range is six meters, with one usage gained for every 500 points into Hakuda that the user has.

The other added ability to this attack is the fact that the user's arm moves faster than his/her opponent's eyes can see. Unless the antagonist has at least 50% of the user's Hakuda stat, viewing the arm in motion alone is considered impossible. However, those with more than half the user's, they will be able to see the speeding fist.

The strength in this Technique lies within its faster than normal, invisible attacks. More or less consider this a mix between the two Techniques Hankyou and Kireme no Kobushi. Though unlike the former, it doesn't require an initial strike. And with the latter, the fact that it doesn't require Kidou/Reiatsu strengthening the Technique enables the user to mix in different Hakuda/Kidou skills and spells to further accentuate and heighten the power of Iaiken (meaning both Hankyou and Kireme no Kobushi could be used in conjunction with this Technique).

[Attained when 9,000 Hakuda is reached. Usable once per 500 points in Hakuda.]

*** [ Junkyoushagyuu no Fuuin ] -- "Seal of the Martyr Ox" (Aur/--/--)
By beseeching the earth for the protective blessing of the Ox, an ancient signet is temporarily branded onto the user's back. The Seal of the Martyr Ox grants protection over half of the user's equipped Kidou (of his or her choosing). Those protected Kidou spells are afforded with a +20% increase in precision, though their potencies are reduced to 90%. All deliberate attacks aimed at the seal region deal -20% less damage, though depending on the magnitude of the said attack, the seal may break. All direct boosts in power, efficiency, and the like previously given to the protected Kidou spells are automatically canceled, however, with the exception of Eishouhaki and Kichouji. If the user's Reiatsu falls below one-third of the full amount, Junkyoushagyuu no Fuuin automatically dissipates and cannot be reused for as long as the user's current Reiatsu is at or below one-third of the full capacity.

[Attained when 3,000 Kidou is reached. Only one Fuuin Tech may be held at all times. At 7,000 Kidou, Junkyoushagyuu no Fuuin does not occupy a Tech Allocation slot, but still counts toward the Tech List total.]

[ Kagami Jujutsu ] -- "Mirror Spell" (Aur/-/-)
A Technique in which the same projectile-type Kidou can be fired twice during the same chant. The Technique fires the two identical Kidou spells right after another and in the same direction(s) as the previous one. The attack costs about 150% the regular amount of the two Kidou, however the second blast will be around half the strength of the first one. This can even be used with lingering effects having one activate after the other.

[Attained when 5,000 Kidou is reached.]

[ Kakusan ] -- "Diffusion" (Aur/-/-)
This Technique is designed to counter Atozukeru, however, it is also useful in its own right. As a counter, it enables the user to "diffuse" their energy patterns, and at higher levels, the user is able to diffuse patterns so much so that they may become untraceable by those with less Reiatsu. As a unique Technique (and a higher level one), Kakusan enables the "throwing" of energy patterns so as to distract or confuse opponents by resting patterns on sound waves (e.g., echoes). When this Technique is mastered, Kakusan can be used to form "clouds" of energy around opponents which dull their sense abilities by 10%. Kakusan's passive diffusion drains Reiatsu at a rate of 150 points per round and/or 120 Reiatsu for every time its active effects are used.

[Attained when 5,500 Reiatsu is reached. Optimum efficiency for Kakusan is reached at 7,500 Reiatsu.]

[ Kandan ] - "Pause" (Aur/Syn/-)
Fights between two masters of the sword have long been upgraded by several levels since the introduction of Reiryoku and Kidouryoku based Techniques, yet the basis to all of these implementations can still be traced back to the fundamental ideas of Kendo, Iaidou and Battoudou.

Kandan is a Technique which stems from either the Battoujutsu or the Iaijutsu, as it doesn't matter if the blade is sheathed after the execution (Iaijutsu) or not (Battoujutsu). It's a Technique which, while not giving the user any special offensive abilities, comes to heighten the chances of the impact; Kandan is a deceptive Technique, designed to confuse the enemy and open a chance for a successful strike not by coming before the foe had a chance to create a decent defense, but after the said defense is no longer effective.

Kandan was designed to be used mostly with Zanpakutou-based zangeki attacks; with sufficient levels of mastery of Reiatsu manipulation and a bond strong enough with one's blade, the user sends the zangeki at the enemy but commands the wave of energy to halt in its tracks a split second before impact; obviously, this forceful stop can't sustain itself for longer then a fraction of a second, but that is exactly the time frame needed for Kandan.

The foe will be lead the believe the attack is still coming at him, and so will unleash his defense sooner that its needed and will most likely create an opening for the attack to now really hit him.

While a preliminary requirement for the use of Kandan is to have a zangeki Zanpakutou ability, if no such ability is available then Kandan itself also becomes the attack, referred to as Ginpa ("Silver Wave" ), the user will be able to send out a wave of Reiatsu at his foes, though it can only travel a distance of a few feet and the usage is even more limited then that of Zanpakutou abilities, only once per fight.

[Attained when 7,000 Reiatsu and 4,000 Zanjutsu are reached. Ginpa is attained at 8,000 Reiatsu only if a zangeki is not available.]

[ Kanshunpo ] -- "Perfect Shunpo" (Mov/Aur/-)
Rather than having to rely on bursts, this special form of Shunpo is a continuous flow of Reiatsu that increases the distance that can be traveled ten fold and allows for a smooth transition into Shunpo and out of it consistently in battle. The character is allowed to evade many more attacks, but Reiatsu is drained at a quicker rate.

[Attained when 20,000 Hohou is reached.]

*** [ Kenchou no Fuuin ] -- "Seal of the Steadfast Boar" (Aur/--/--)
The great Boar may only respond to those that display a powerful Kiai. A flaming, abstract rendition is painted across the target's abdomen, reaching up to his/her sternum with horn-like branches. The seal of the Steadfast Boar acts to buffer the target's Reiatsu and Kidou against any and all antagonistic effects derived from either the opponent or from the recoil of a taxing skill (with the exception of natural Reiatsu damage incurred from injuries). Also within the Boar's blessing, the target is better able to withstand larger presences of Reiatsu. Kenchou no Fuuin, however, cannot compensate natural Reiatsu consumption derived from any sort of skill, and will only protect the current capacity the two stats are both at (boosts/decreases included). This seal will only dissipate if Reiatsu falls below half capacity. Kenchou no Fuuin may only be used while the user is performing Kiai.

[Attained with 4,000 Reiatsu and 2,000 Kidou. Only one Fuuin Tech may be held at all times. At 5,000 Reiatsu and 3,000 Kidou, Kenchou no Fuuin does not occupy a Tech Allocation slot, but still counts toward the Tech List total.]

* [ Kichouji ] -- "Precious Letters" (Aur/--/--)
Purists that follow the recitation of Kidou incantations have developed a method of facilitating spell usage through honoring the words of Kidou. Kichouji works the opposite way in which Eishouhaki does by truthfully and spiritedly reciting the incantation of a chosen Kidou. This skill, once used in tandem with a Kidou spell, automatically and temporarily nullifies all modifications made to the user's Kidou stat and spells for the duration of the casting (unless expressly stated otherwise in the description). Power, speed, accuracy, and recoil of all spells cast with Kichouji receive a +30% benefit in efficiency. This bonus does not apply however, to any Kidou spell of whose cost exceeds the value equal to or more than half that of the user's maximum Kidou stat.

[Attained when 2,500 Kidou is reached. Cannot learn Eishouhaki or Absolute Bypass.]

[ Kidan ] -- Trickshot (Aur/-/-)
A Technique that works for any Beam, Sht(Shot), or Wave Hadou spell with a cost valued at 600 Kidou or lower. When mastered, Kidan allows the user to mentally redirect a Kidou attack for up to three times.

However, for a modified Kidou of this kind to be used, one must extend an addition 30% of the Kidou spell's initial cost. Also, while the Kidan is free to use off solid objects, to redirect it while it hangs in midair, one must expend an extra 10% of the Kidou's cost every time it is redirected in midair. Also, Kidan does not increase a Kidou's range or movement (i.e., if a Kidou is short-ranged, it can only be bounced within that range. If a Kidou moves in a straight line, even if you alter direction, it will still move in a straight line, the direction will have just been shifted.).

[Attainable when 3,000 Kidou is reached.]

[ Kidou Yuugou ] -- "Kidou Fusion" (Aur/Syn/-)
An upper level Kidou Technique which allows the user to "fuse" two Kidou spells together, creating a new hybrid Kidou. Simply put, this Technique works by gently mixing the Kidou as they're formed. When the Kidou is cast, the result is a hybrid spell that carries properties of both of the original Kidou used. The resulting hybrid spell requires 125% of the sum of the Reiatsu costs of both spells, but has an attack value equal to 150% of the combined power of both of the original Kidou. There are, however, certain limitations to the Kidou that can be used. First, both Kidou must be within ten numbers of each other. Second, only low or mid-classed Kidou can be used due to the immense difficulty of completely controlling the energy required to use high-class Kidou. Thirdly, the cast times of each fused spell are compounded. Finally, when using this Technique, one cannot use a multicasting Technique, Feat, or PrC skill.

[Attained when 5,300 Kidou is reached.]

[ Kidounen ] -- "Kidou Burn" (Bst/-/-)
This character is able siphon off his/her Reiatsu in order to increase the effectiveness of their Kidou. For every 5% of total Reiatsu drained, Kidou stat increases by +10%. Drained Reiatsu cannot be recovered until the end of every week (each time grades come out). The Kidou stat's boost may never breach +40%. When this Tech is used to boost Kidou by +40%, the entire effect stays in effect for four rounds per battle.

[Attained when completing Kidou training with a member of the Sanbagarasu.]

[ Kiremeryuu no Kadouga ] -- "Rift Dragon's Vortex Fang" (Atk/Aur/-)
The culmination of Rift Techniques into one. The distance of the attack spans fifteen feet. The strength is dulled at this apex, dealing 75% of the user's normal striking power, though the user is capable of executing this Technique three times consecutively.

The user MUST expend at least 2% of his or her Reiatsu to utilize this Technique. The radius of the burst is five feet, with a striking power equal to 125% of the user's normal capacity. At maximum range, its strength is reduced to half power. However, if desired, the projectile itself may detonate into a six-feet radius eruption of concussive air, dealing 75% damage that the Technique would normally dish out at non-max distance.

When the user expends 3% of his or her Reiatsu, the gust of wind may be used as an adverse gale, creating a vortex. It will pull in the opponent in this case; however, the pull will only work on opponents of equal level Reiatsu or less. The radius of the vortex is five feet, and its maximum distance is ten feet. Note that this does NOT place the opponent in stasis; they are fully capable of counterattacking while being pulled in. Once the opponent falls into the effect, they are still struck by the force of the user's limb.

The defensive capability of this Technique remains the same against energy based attacks: the amount of Reiatsu poured into the strike determines if the attack is nullified or not. Once again, perchance the energy attack is any higher than this, it will be slowed down by the air current and its damage decreased by a small fraction. Against physical attacks, however, this Technique may deflect anything rated equal to or lower than the amount of Reiatsu used to fuel the attack.

[Attained when 12,000 Reiatsu and 7,000 Hakuda are reached. One usage of this Technique is gained for every 1,000 points in Hakuda.]

[ Kyokkou Rakurai ] -- "Aurora Bolt" (Atk/-/-)
The Shunkou Technique has been recorded in the annals of Shinigami history as being one of the most difficult abilities to learn. Rigorous training involved in both the fighting paths of Hakuda and Kidou are required to utilize such a dangerous ability. However, there has been a Technique birthed from the basic principles of Shunkou, enabling the user with an attack that is very similar to (yet weaker than) its parent.

With enough knowledge of Kidouryoku flow within, the user is able to create ranged and concentrated blasts of energy from nearly any part of their body. This eliminates the need to incant Kidou spells (think Chad's ability). Kyokkou Rakurai is considered to rival an Arrancar's Cero blast, or a Shinigami's Zangeki (given they're on equal standing with the user). The further the knowledge with this ability, the more dangerous this projectile becomes.

At first, this blast is used as a haphazard concussive force of Kidouryoku. Through further training, the size, distance traveled, and applications become more versatile. Its initial distance is five meters. The size created at first is roughly quadruple the width of the user's arm.

The second stage in this Technique enables the user to channel the Kidouryoku into a smaller area-- thus breaking its application as a projectile, but now being used as an explosive close range attack with the gain of more power. Distance of the projectile is now increased to seven meters, and size is now eight times the width of the user's arm.

The third stage enables the user to literally bend the trajectory of their normal blasts, but only by a marginal amount. The furthest the blast can stray is roughly a fifteen degree angle break, and can only be initiated at the halfway mark of the blast's distance (five meters; max distance is now ten). Its width is now increased to become the size of the user itself.

By the time the practitioner is just about ready to reach Shunkou, the Technique will become mastered. Also, this Technique consumes 5% Reiatsu per use.

[Attained when 5,000 Hakuda and Kidou are reached. Second stage mastery requires 6,000 Hakuda and Kidou. Third stage mastery requires 7,000 Hakuda and Kidou.]

[ Kyuu Picchi ] -- "Quick Pace" (Mov/-/-)
Practitioners of the Way of physical combat have always lived by the same principle day after day: Death is only an arm's length away. Even the most powerful of warriors can be brought down by a single weak enemy that can keep them at a distance, and as such, this Technique was conceived to help them close the distance to the enemy in a matter of seconds. For Shinigami, this skill has been labeled as Shunpo, but the ability to attack in Shunpo is beyond the reach of most, and even after it is attained, it can only be used a few times in a battle due to the strain on one's energy reserves. Kyuu Picchi answers the need to close the gap, but also covers the need to attack as quickly as possible by being fundamentally close to Shunpo, but not as instantaneous. By concentrating for a brief moment, the user can summon Reiatsu to his or her feet and burst forward at half the speed of Shunpo, while also being capable of striking the enemy during any point of the movement with added momentum to his or her attack.

[Attained when 2,600 Zanjutsu/Hakuda and 4,000 Hohou are reached.]


*: Denotes Tech List-occupiers that do not take up a Tech Allocation slot.
**: Denotes a Tech that does not count toward both maximums for the Tech List and Allocation.
***: Denotes a conditional Invisible Tech (each has its own way of working).

Mar 19, 2005
Dahlitium (⏆50 per)
Bigatium (⏆100 per)
Auritium (⏆300 per)
Vitatium (⏆1200 per)
Caelitium (⏆6000 per)
Waza Toshokan - Library of Techniques



[ Nanten ] - "Southern Sky" (Atk/Aur/-)
The Nanten ability is the same basic Technique as the Hokuten, except that it is performed with the legs. Because more stress is put on the legs in a fight, especially with Shunpo, Nanten's strength and cost are greater. Of note is that the Hohou stat, as well as the Hakuda stat, both play roles in this Technique's efficiency.

Nanten is powered by a charge of Reiatsu into the feet and lower legs, which naturally brings up the possibility of performing an "imperfect" Shunpo-- a sudden burst of speed with one mighty thrust. This is possible, but the impact of the ground (rather than the air) multiplies the cost of the ability by 150%; it also takes some inventive form to utilize properly.

The strength of Nanten is equal to 50% of the user's normal striking power. It costs 80 Reiatsu per 1,000 Hakuda to use.

[Attained when 3,000 Hakuda is reached. Must have used Hokuten Technique at least five times beforehand.]

[ Nijuu Dantoudai ] -- "Dual Guillotine" (Atk/Mov/-)
A Hakuda specialist must be able to deal with many types of situations. Against airborne enemies, a simple uppercut or jump kick may be able to handle the situation. But a more thorough Technique was devised to better deal with natural enemies in the sky.

This Technique requires the user to store a certain amount of Reiatsu within his/her legs (2% total). The jump expels a certain amount of Reiatsu (1%), which enables the user to quickly soar into the sky (at 125% his/her Hohou). Once the person reaches his/her desired height, he/she swing outwards with one leg, releasing the Reiatsu outwards explosively.

The result is a crescent shaped arch of energy, which equates to roughly the user's height, with a width of the user itself. This crescent, or 'guillotine', which the Technique was named after, becomes as sharp as a Zanpakutou and is able to combat against physical attacks up to 1.5x its strength.

The duration in which the crescent stays is no more than a second, but that leaves the user open to creating the latter half of the Technique. With that said, the user quickly spins in midair, and releases another guillotine of Reiatsu afterwards. It is the same as the first, and was created to damage/finish off the opponent (the first kick is mostly used as a counter). Note, however, that the user may not extend into the second kick if he/she deems it necessary. With that totaled, the amount of Reiatsu expended is now 3% (1% for the jump, 2% for the crescents).

Those who further master the Technique are granted with the ability to physically launch the guillotines of Reiatsu and hurtle them like projectiles (at the cost of expending more Reiatsu; 1% for the dual crescents). The distance to these guillotines is rather limited though (five feet maximum before dissipating).

For one that has ultimately mastered the Technique, he/she need not jump anymore. Rather, he/she is able to effectively kick these guillotines from the ground if need be and launch them like projectiles. The maximum distance is now ten feet.

[Attained when 3,000 Hakuda and Hohou are reached. Mastery is attained when 6,000 Hakuda and Hohou are reached. Technique gains one usage for every 1,000 points in Hakuda.]

[ Nukite ] -- "Spear Hand" (Atk/Sta/-)
A Technique necessitating the formation of a knifelike position with the hands and using Reiatsu to fortify or harden them, enabling the user to pierce through most surfaces. The damage incurred by Nukite mainly depends on the speed and accuracy of the attack, but it rarely finishes off the enemy.

Nukite is mainly used to subdue or weaken a part of an opponent's body. Once this Tech is applied to an opponent, it forces out small amounts of energy to disrupt the flow of power into the struck parts of the body. It basically disrupts the function of that area for a couple of seconds before returning it to normal.

[Attained when 700 Hakuda and Hohou are reached. For every additional increment of 300 Hakuda and Hohou, the user gains one more usage of this Tech.]

[ Oni Tsugikomi ] -- "Demon Imbuement" (Aur/-/-)
Shinigami possess a myriad of Zanpakutou types whenever they are released, whether they be swords, scythes, staffs, fans, armor, and so forth. As such, many Shinigami encounter a problem in which they must utilize both hands to successfully control and wield their powerful Zanpakutou, consequently hampering their ability to cast even the simplest of Kidou spells.

However, instead of having to rely upon one's hands to cast Kidou spells, Shinigami of higher levels of power are able to focus their energy from their body, into their arms, and through their Zanpakutou, thusly further able to use their soul slayers as a casting medium. This Technique can only operate, however, if both hands are dedicated towards wielding the Zanpakutou, therefore this Technique cannot work if even one hand is free.

[Attained with 4,000 Zanjutsu/Hakuda and 2,500 Kidou.]

[ Onidama Shunpo ] -- "Demon God Shunpo" (Atk/Mov/-)
A combination of the physical prowess and speed used to strike one's foe quickly and effectively. This Technique allows the user to use Shunpo and propel a concentrated attack perfectly into a specific part of their opponent's body, causing severe damage to the inflicted area. A large amount of Reiatsu is used, and if the character's Hakuda is not higher than one's target and the Hohou similar, the attack may be easily countered. Otherwise, the Technique has a high chance of success.

[Attained when 10,000 Hakuda and Hohou are reached.]

*** [ Onko no Fuuin ] -- "Seal of the Hidden Tiger" (Aur/--/--)
The majestic Tiger grants its blessing only to those standing in either sun or moonlight, usually visible in the form of a striped, ethereal tattoo branded all around both the user's and the opponent's neck and shoulder crowns. Onko no Fuuin may only be used if the opponent's current Reiatsu capacity is at or below 75% capacity. Once the seal is in place, up to half of the opponent's equipped Kidou may be disabled (the user chooses which Kidou spells to seal). The sealed Kidou spells are then sealed off from usage for as long as the opponent's Reiatsu stays at or below 75% capacity. Any boosts, modifications, and/or effects (but not damage) previously incurred by the disabled Kidou are automatically canceled out. A deliberate Kidou skill aimed at the user's neck seal may be nullified at the user's choosing, but doing so will break the seal, and ultimately end the entire seal effect. Onko no Fuuin may be only be re-used two rounds after its dissipation, and the user must be standing in direct sun or moonlight.

[Attained when 10,000 Reiatsu and 3,000 Kidou is reached. Only one Fuuin Tech may be held at all times. At 20,000 Reiatsu, Onko no Fuuin does not occupy a Tech Allocation slot, but still counts toward the Tech List total.]

[ Renge ] -- "Lotus" (Atk/Mov/-)
The Lotus is essentially made up of three sections, the first two doing damage on their own but merely there to set up for the true attack, which is the third section. The aim for this attack is simply to drop down, driving your enemy into the ground at a high speed.

The first section is comprised of the user charging up Reiatsu into a striking spot in his/her legs. The initial strike only works if the user is traveling at a high speed, thus the user must charge at their opponent (or circle him/her until the correct speed is accomplished). A single high kick is then delivered to the enemy. The effect of this kick is to both stun your opponent and to drive him/her skywards far enough for the second section to begin.

The following two stages all rely on the initial kick's aim to stun the opponent, since if the opponent isn't stunned long enough for the second stages combo to begin, the enemy may escape.

Beginning the second stage, the user pushes him/herself upwards from the ground using a burst of Reiatsu to propel his/her body upwards towards his/her supposedly stunned opponent, then a series of high speed kicks is delivered into the opponent. The kicks must be harsh and packed with Reiatsu as each kick needs to propel both the user and the enemy skywards with sheer momentum. About ten to fifteen kicks are delivered within a brief moment, which gives the user the proper height to initiate the final and most devastating part of the Lotus.

The final part of the Lotus is the trickiest: upon carrying out the heavy combo of kicks, the user grapples onto his/her opponent in the fashion of a bear hug, angling the opponent's body towards the ground head first. Once the enemy is secured, a two stage burst of the user's Reiatsu is used to both spin the two of them at a high speed while the second is used to forcefully propel the user and the enemy towards the ground in a devastating spinning pile driver.

There are three times an opponent can stop the Lotus from finishing each stage having a more difficult rate of failure the further up it goes.

Stage One : If the opponent is 2x stronger than the user, the initial blow will not stun him/her and thus the opponent may counter before the second part is able to begin. Also, if the opponent's Hohou or Hakuda is more than 1.5x the user's, then the kick may not even land.

Stage Two & Three : If the opponent is two times stronger than the user and the initial strike successfully connects, the opponent may be able to stop the combo and counter or escape.

The Lotus has its effects upon the user though. If all three stages are carried out, a grand total of 10% of his/her Reiatsu is consumed (3% for stages One and Two, and 4% for stage three). And after all three have been carried out, another Lotus may not be initiated until after a two-round rest, in which time the user's Hohou will be penalized -10% due to fatigue.

[Attained after reaching 15,000 Reiatsu and 7,000 Hakuda and Hohou.]

[ Ryouhakudou ] -- " Soul Pulsation" (Aur/Def/Atk)
Ryouhakudou is a Technique which explores a simple idea and makes full use of the possibilities behind it, many of which are both offensive and defensive. The Technique is utilized by expending an amount of one's Reiatsu into one's sealed Zanpakutou. This energy acts similar to the way a magnet does; it attracts large quantities of Reiatsu from the air. The gathering of this Reiatsu, and by extension various small items, has been documented to create a sound similar to air rushing out of compressed tank. This Reiatsu does not enter the Zanpakutou; no, it merely gathers around the outside, slowly grinding away the metal. When an adequate amount has been gathered around the blade (one round charge time), the user then releases the energy, creating a sort of rubber band effect. The energy snaps outwards and acts in one of three ways, based upon how much Reiatsu used.

The simplest method directs the Reiatsu in one direction, taking a form similar to a Zangeki; it counteracts any physical attack or Kidou spell whose output power is valued less than the sum of 1/5 of the user's Zanjutsu/Hakuda (depending on how the energy was 'thrown' back) and the amount of Reiatsu that was captured during the charge time.

The second method involves consuming 3% of ones Reiatsu in the form of a wall of energy and air. This creates a multi-directional counterattack that is capable of warding off multiple or large-sized attacks whose output power is valued equal to or less than double the sum of the amount of captured Reiatsu and the 3% Reiatsu cost.

The final use consumes 5% of ones Reiatsu and releases the snapping effect in the form of a dome; this particular use can even ward off Ban Kai-level attacks rated equal to or below triple the sum of the amount of captured Reiatsu and the 5% Reiatsu cost. Also of note is that the opponents themselves can easily be blown back by the force of the release.

After using this Technique, a recoil period is experienced where it may not be used again for another three rounds.

[Attained when 25,000 Reiatsu is reached. Must be taught by a user of Ryouhakudou.]

[ Sakuganki ] -- "Rock Drill" (Atk/-/-)
A sword Technique that utilizes advanced Reiatsu control to repeatedly anchor the tip of a sword onto a target point. Repeated withdrawals of the blade away from the target, and the subsequent attraction of the blade's tip towards it creates a series of thrusting attacks that, with sufficient skill, can create a drill-like force that can punch through a target, or burrow through various obstructions.

[Attained when 2,000 Zanjutsu is reached. For every 1,500 Zanjutsu, one usage of this Technique is gained. For every 750 Zanjutsu, one thrust is gained.]

*** [ Sankakuen ] -- "Fate of Triangles" (Syn/--/--)
Real, unconditional comradeship is a rarity that comes only to those true of heart. Allies that have attained such a legendary bond are said to be inseparable and unbreakable in battle. Sankakuen emphasizes the power of invincible bonds, allowing indivisible comrades to combine their efforts into a singular, unique, and synergetic skill. Sankakuen remains wholly invisible in a "non-duel" circumstance. Otherwise, it automatically occupies a Tech Allocation slot (though still does not count towards the Tech List). No more than three characters may unite under a single Sankakuen. All characters are limited to one Sankakuen group.

[Attained after writing 60,000 words with other character(s). May be learned at a reduced requirement of 51,000 words between members of the same Division. All connected characters must have Touitsu Sensen and Touitsu Kousen with each other beforehand. Word count for Sankakuen starts after the cumulative 75,000 words required for learning both Touitsu Sensen and Touitsu Kousen.]

*** [ Seimokuto no Fuuin ] -- "Seal of the Blue-Eyed Hare" (Aur/--/--)
Only by being in considerable motion may the Hare grant its protection. The Hare's flowing crest appears all around both of the target's knees, shins, and feet, signifying its consent. Seimokuto no Fuuin locks down the target's Hohou, meaning that all boosts/decreases made to it and all effects that modify Hohou-related aspects not only last three rounds longer, but are also protected from being modified in anyway by anyone. This seal cannot lock down boosts and/or decreases that last shorter than one turn. If the seal is struck with a considerable amount of force (not from the target), it will instantly vanish. The user may only execute the allocation of this seal while in exerted, constant motion (ie., running, sprinting, jumping).

[Attained when 3,000 Hohou is reached. Only one Fuuin Tech may be held at all times. At 6,000 Hohou, Seimokuto no Fuuin does not occupy a Tech Allocation slot, but still counts toward the Tech List total.]

[ Seireitei no Tsurugi ] -- "Sword of Seireitei" (Atk/Aur/Syn)
A combination of Kidou and sword Techniques created by some of the strongest in the Seireitei, it is without a doubt, one of the most useful and strongest Techniques ever created. Through work and research conducted by Kyin Fenre, the idea and concept originally thought of by Diega Cofresi, the Technique Sword of Seireitei was created. The two tinkered around and experimented extensively to create the complicated Technique, each needing something the other possessed-- Diega needed Kyin scientific and Technical knowledge and he needed her raw power.

Kyin developed a dummy Zanpaku with a hollow core. The blade's material makes it conducive to spiritual pressure and material placed in the hilt and in the core helps to stabilize and conduct the spiritual pressure that the blade is infused with. They discovered the merely infusing the blade produced a very weak yet unstable result so they cooked up a way to make the power placed in the blade more stable.

This was where Kyin's vast Kidou knowledge came in handy. With the help of some of his more Kidou-able assistants, Kyin and Diega developed a method of using Kidou to stabilize the pressure into a manageable force. They even developed a medium through which to process the energy and infuse it safely into the sword. They created a pyramid out of a form of bloodstone that was more conducive to Reiatsu and created 12 slots in its side, 3 on each side and called it the Ra stone. There was a slot on top for the dummy Zanpaku to be placed. A chant and ritual was developed to use Kidou to stabilize the pyramid and use it to serve as a focus of energy. As long as the pyramid was intact, the sword's power would not diminish.

When the sword was drawn out, it would take on a unique shape, molded by the influences in the pressure applied to it. Using a few 11th division member and a few 8th division members, the two captains jointly drew the sword from the pyramid in it's first experimental test run. The first sword had exploded when bombarded with so many different pressures that they were hoping this second one would work.

It did. They drew the broadsword-esque blade and for a moment, Kyin let Diega hold it. The energy took the form of a cold mist curling along the blade. The blade was able to launch ten blades of ice in a single stroke and lasted for three minutes until Diega decided to get creative. She infused her pressure a little with the blade and encouraged it to draw on everything it had. The blade did, with Quimera's influence, and Diega unleashed a massive shower of hundreds of ice needles and blades that obliterated an abandoned building that they were testing it by in a flurry of ice and snow. After that, the sword reverted to it's usual self and the pyramid ejected the blades from it. It was the first successful test of the Ra stone and Sword of Seireitei.

- 1-4 Kidou capable practitioners with at least 5,000 in their Kidou stat, preferably Kidoushuu
- One person to wield the sword with at least Ban Kai.
- Two people minimum to contribute to the blade
- Ra stone
- Dummy Zanpaku (Sword of Seireitei)​

The Kidou practitioners assemble and stand ten feet apart in a square shape. They will cross their hands at the wrists, palms spread wide. The Ra Stone with the dummy sword placed in it will sit in the center of the square. The chant will be said and green lines will issue forth from the caster's hands that will connect to every other caster and to each corner on the Ra Stone. The Kidou will flow along the edge and the stone will start to float. At that point, the Kidou practitioners will kneel and place their palms on the ground, bringing the web of green light to the ground. The Ra stone will continue to float and now is when the contributors step forward and place their blades in the slots. When all the contributors have done so, then the Wielder may step up and draw the sword. At that point, they seem to have a running clock. Five minutes tops. The Wielder uses the sword either for minor attacks or for one big attack that combines the max pressure of all the Shinigami involved against an enemy. After that, the sword returns to its unused form and the green lines disappear. The Ra stone ejects the Zanpaku and then settles back down on the ground.

Because of the strain of holding in the Reiatsu of multiple persons, the wielder of the blade can only put so much power into the sword. This power is dependent on the wielder's own Reiatsu. When the Technique is used by two to three persons (wielder included in count), if the group's power exceeds the wielder's power, the max power of the attack cannot exceed 100% of the wielder's Reiatsu rating; if used by four to five person's, it cannot exceed 150%.

Chant: "Add the individual to create a greater whole, unite the strength into one, bring it together."

[ Senka ] -- "Flash Flower" (Atk/Sta/Mov)
An offensive sword Technique that specially utilizes Shunpo, where the Shinigami effectively moves behind the target, and in one swift, accurate attack, destroys his or her Hakusui, effectively sealing off the victim's powers forever. If the opponent's Hohou or Zanjutsu is rated less than half of the user of this Technique, it has a 100% success rate. (Can only be used on PCs with their permission)

[Attained when 15,000 Zanjutsu and Hohou are reached.]

[ Senpuuken ] -- "Whirlwind Sword" (Atk/Mov/-)
A sword Technique where by using momentum from a spinning motion, a fast and wild attack is performed. The user swings his/her sword in wide strokes all around them, using the momentum of the rotating motion to increase the speed of the second attack until a rapid combo of strikes is performed all around them. With the wild, long strikes used in this attack, there is not true aimed shot at a specific place, but because of the large area and rapid succession of each attack at the right distance, it is becomes difficult to avoid this attack (this is if both people are at equal standing).

[Attained when 4,000 Zanjutsu is reached.]

*** [ Shaowanzaru no Fuuin ] -- "Seal of the Short-Armed Monkey" (Aur/--/--)
By outstretching one's arms, the user may bestow the luck of the Monkey. A swirling network of sigils is burnt onto the target's arms and hands, marking the presence of the seal. Shaowanzaru no Fuuin locks the target's Zanjutsu and Hakuda, all boosts/decreases made to them, and all effects that modify Zanjutsu and Hakuda-related aspects very much in the same way as Seimokuto no Fuuin. This seal cannot lock down boosts and/or decreases that last shorter than one turn. Releasing a weapon or relaxing the arms into a non-combative stance for five seconds will cause the seal to prematurely vanish. This seal may only be bestowed if the user outstretches his/her arms out.

[Attained when 3,000 Zanjutsu or Hakuda is reached. Only one Fuuin Tech may be held at all times. At 6,000 Zanjutsu or Hakuda, Shaowanzaru no Fuuin does not occupy a Tech Allocation slot, but still counts toward the Tech List total.]

[ Shiden Issen ] -- "Violet Electricity, Single Flash" (Atk/Mov/-)
Shiden Issen is a Technique that relies completely on the skills of the user with the sword and his or her speed. This Technique is made from the Japanese art of drawing the blade, Iaidou. A combination of skill and speed makes this Technique the perfect opening attack in battles. Not only is it quick, but it also can be deadly when projected in the right direction.

Shiden Issen is performed by having the user hold the blade by its scabbard in one hand, while the other hand is loosely placed upon the hilt of the blade. Once the user moves, he or she times the drawing movement of his or her sword with a sudden burst of Shunpo to close the gap between him or herself and the opponent. Everything will only seem to be a quick flash to the other person, hence the name "Shiden Issen."

[Attained when 3,000 Zanjutsu and Hohou are reached. When mastered at 9,000 Zanjutsu and Hohou, this Technique may be equipped without occupying a Tech Allocation slot, but still counts toward the Tech List maximum.]

[ Shin no Hikari ] -- "Soul's Light" (Def/-/-)
When one is fighting another of equal or greater strength, such fights usually become much more than a war of attrition. Stamina and endurance are a large part of the fight, and those who do not have such things often find themselves at a disadvantage when confronted with many physical blows. Shin no Hikari is a Technique that allows for one to take less damage in a crucial strike and therefore create a good opportunity for attacking.

This Technique has two different effects, depending on the attack being received.

If the attack is based on spiritual pressure, then Shin no Hikari works on a lesser degree like Hanki. By concentrating one's spiritual pressure to one point, letting waves of it fall out. Using this reiatsu, the user then explodes it outwards a moment before the strike. This disrupts the flow of spiritual pressure and attacks the spiritual core of the Technique, therefore rendering the 'special' aspect of the Technique something akin to useless. This use of the Tech only disrupts one strike, and the entire Tech cannot be used again for one minute.

If the attack is not based on spiritual pressure, then Shin no Hikari works something like an intangible shield. By concentrating and compressing energy at the point of impact, as well as consuming 2% Reiatsu, this shield is used to block a physical aspect of a strike. While it doesn't 'block' the strike, it dampens the power to a marginal extent. Also, the shield can be maintained for more than one strike, but its strength doesn't regenerate as it waits between strikes. Therefore, Techs like Hankyou, if used correctly and efficiently on the same shield, could easily break this 'shield'. If broken, the Tech cannot be used for the rest of the fight, and the user suffers a -5% penalty to his or her combat stats for four rounds.

[Attained when 11,000 Reiatsu is reached. One additional usage is gained for every 3,000 points additional points in Reiatsu.]

[ Shin no Sou ] -- "Burial of Gods" (Aur/Sta/--)
A number of spiritual sects once believed that the habitat of the gods could never be entered, or much less approached by humans, and reasoned this by coming to the conclusion that no mortal could ever hope to survive in the incomprehensible climate of such a divine environment. Enlightenment, that which is sought after by most, if not all schools of spiritual practice, has been popularly believed to have been derived from and bestowed by the Way of Heaven, and by taking that reasoning, a certain spiritual group devoted itself towards developing a new way to gain enlightenment. This method was kept as a secret, yet somehow, it has made itself apparent once again in the form of a hostile skill, and it is now known that the said method strove to turn an immediate environment into a living hell, one that only a god may dwell within.

The extremely volatile skill of Shin no Sou bears methodologies derived from the Hankyoukan Techniques. By unleashing several fine-tuned, yet enormous bursts of Reiatsu, the user is able to negatively harrow Reishi within the immediate environment. The result is a battlefield "intensified" many times over. In other words, all climatic characteristics become highly amplified, thus creating an atmosphere of utmost sensual hostility. Examples of such effects include the intensification of humidity, air pressure, general temperature trait, light/shadow contrasts, the exponential amplification of sounds, etc. Such an environment causes antagonistic effects upon Reiatsu emission and flow, resulting in the loss of 3% Reiatsu per turn for all soul forms within the area of effect. Shin no Sou lasts indefinitely, and can only be cancelled out by either the initial user or another user of Shin no Sou. To cancel out Shin no Sou, a series of Reiatsu bursts with magnitudes and frequencies double that of the initial activation bursts must be fired outward.

[Attained when 15,000 Reiatsu is reached. Hankyoukan Kai, Hankyoukan Shoukai, and Shinkan Daikai must be learnt beforehand.]

[ Shinkan Daikai ] - "God Perception, Great Release" (Aur/-/-)
Shinkan Daikai is the highest form of Hankyoukan Kai. Through mastering the essence of Reiatsu control, the user is able to use one's own Reiatsu that is normally and unconsciously emitted to maintain an indefinitely constant Hankyoukan Shoukai. In other words, Hankyoukan Shoukai may be maintained for days on end at almost no cost at all. Because such a high level of Reiatsu is required to learn this Technique, its effect is virtually impervious to anything the opponent can do to it.

Releasing Shinkan Daikai's highest effect grants the user supreme senses and new eyesight, even if the user has no eyes to begin with. The power that is usually concentrated for this Technique's effect gathers at the eye sockets and the visual/sensory components of the brain. With this, the user is able to see 360 ° around him/herself completely and perfectly. Within Shinkan Daikai's effect, the user is able to see through low to mid-level illusions. This all-seeing effect lasts for one to three minutes.

[Attained when 10,000 Reiatsu is reached. Must be learnt from a Shinkan Daikai practitioner.]

[ Shin'ishikengo ] -- "Firm Will of Gods" (Bst/-/-)
A stronger power form of Shikai. Rather than running on Shikai Reiatsu, the user taps into their inert Zanpakutou power and brings out Ban Kai Reiatsu and uses that to run the Shikai state. Due to the immense energy that Ban Kai gives off, the power from the release works to boost two of the user's stats by +15% (except Reiatsu and Connection). This boost can only affect stats that are valued over 6,500.

[Attained when Ban Kai is reached and after training with a Shin'ishikengo practitioner. At least two combat stats must exceed 6,500.]

*** [ Shirei Hatsuri ] -- "Command Bypass" (Aur/-/-)
After achieving Ban Kai, the release phrase for Shikai is no longer necessary. This Technique allows the user to simply release his or her Shikai instantaneously through a higher bond achieved with his/her Zanpaku.

When initially learned, Shirei Hatsuri may be equipped without occupying a Tech Allocation slot (but it still occupies a Tech List slot). After 20,000 Connection is attained, Shirei Hatsuri is fully invisible, but when the Shikai command phrase is bypassed, the Reiatsu bonus from Shikai is reduced by half. After 30,000 Connection is attained, this penalty will no longer apply.

[Attained when Ban Kai is acquired.]

[ Shunkou ] -- "Instant War Cry" (Atk/Bst/Aur)
Torrents of Kidou can now be channeled to support the body of the user in unarmed combat. These torrents manifest themselves as explosively charged electric lines of spiritual power that radiate outwards from the user's shoulders and back. While the torrents are in place, the user will experience a +20% boost to both Hakuda and Hohou. In addition, the user is able to channel large amounts of Kidou to release huge blasts of Kidou energy with their strikes. These blasts of energy cost 8% of the user's total Reiatsu value with each use. Also, by learning Shunkou, the user gains access to the defensive Technique, Hanki, with the additional requirement of having to be learned by itself in the form of a written volume dedicated solely to learning the Technique. Shunkou's duration (in rounds) can be calculated by taking the average of Hakuda and Kidou, dividing that value by 1,000, and rounding it to the nearest whole number, with a Reiatsu drain of 2% per passing round.

[Attained when 8,500 Hakuda and Kidou are reached.]

[ Sunaheki ] -- "Sand Break" (Atk/Aur/-)
A Technique which compresses Reiatsu around a limb or weapon and releases it upon impact. The ensuing expansion of the coiled energy is violent in nature, but is directed outward from the user's weapon. In turn, the release causes a jarring impact that breaks the guard of a defending opponent or increases the damage done on an open one. Timing is important, since the strike must be made the instant Sunaheki is activated. Otherwise the Technique evaporates and loses form. Additionally, if two objects under the influence of Sunaheki come into contact, the one with more Reiatsu wrapped into it nullifies the effect of the lesser. Each successful use drains a quarter of the Reiatsu used in the Technique, whereas a failed use drains all of it. Lastly, Sunaheki can also be used to wrap certain projectile Kidou spells with Reiatsu in order to increase its potential damage, but also drains Reiatsu as if it were a failed use.

[Attained when 10,000 Reiatsu and 6,000 Zanjutsu, Hakuda, or Kidou are reached. Must be taught by a Sunaheki practitioner.]

[ Tesoumi ] / [ Bankan ] -- "Palm Reader" / "Flood of Thoughts" -- (Aur/-/-)
It is said that some people are able to touch objects or people and glean memories from that object or person. Most of these people who have this ability are capable only because they excel in one of the fighting paths or have a high level of Reiatsu.

Tesoumi cannot deal any damage in combat but it can be used to learn a little bit about your enemy. Depending on how high your primary stat is that enables the ability to begin with, you could get anything from a quick two seconds flash of a memory to a thought or even the name of one of your opponent's skills. The things that pop up most often are recent memories or whatever is in the forefront of your enemy's mind. Occasionally, one can pick up his/her opponent's intent and inner desires. This not only works on living things but it works on passive objects as well. One could touch a tree and find out exactly who sat under it a year ago or even a century ago.

The Technique is activated by the touch of the user's hand upon an object or person. At that point, it is up to the target what information he/she wants to give. This Technique can be fought, however, since the things usually picked up are the things going on actively in the person's mind. The retaliation to the Technique is called Bankan and can be done by anyone smart enough to throw their thoughts into chaos to make a user of Tesoumi use his/her own Technique against them for a second or two. Being taught Bankan allows for the person to be able to immediately shield him/herself from the Tesoumi Technique.

*Note* When using this Technique, please keep in mind exactly what you touch when using the Tesoumi Technique. If you touch your opponent's hakama, you are going to get an impression from the pants rather than from the person wearing them. Make sure you touch exactly what you want the info from. Also note where you touch. The memory or info you get will be associated with the body part you touch. For example, if you touch the target's arm, the memory or information will have to do with that arm loosely.

[Requires one stat to be at least 5,000 higher than the second highest stat. For every 1,000 points into the highest stat after that, the length of the memory and effectiveness of the reading ability increases. Must be taught by a Tesoumi/Bankan user.]

[ Tetsubou ] -- "Helmet" (Def/Aur/-)
A Technique that causes the user's face and body to glow green. This green barrier is a mental barrier; it does nothing to any physical attacks, but prevents mental attacks. This includes mind reading and attacks that would do damage to the user's mind. It also increases resistance against abilities that would decrease the user's senses, as those are all linked the abilities of the mind. This barrier is created by converting the way a user's body manifests a mixture of highly dense Kidou and Reiatsu, hence, it effectively nullifies any mental attack weaker than the sum of both the user's Reiatsu and Kidou. Tetsubou lasts for a maximum of three minutes.

[Attained when 7,000 Reiatsu and 3,500 Kidou are reached.]

*** [ Touitsu Kousen ] -- "United Resistance" (Def/Aur/Syn)
Allies that have faced many hardships together often gain a higher bond. Through such a connection, comrades are able to face the brunt of duress and adversity with a heightened degree of tolerance. Touitsu Kousen, a sister Technique to Touitsu Sensen, culminates this aspect of bonds into an inherent defensive mechanism. This Tech allows characters that have reached a special bond to endure and tolerate more damage than usual. Characters under Touitsu Kousen's effect receive a -15% physical and spiritual damage reduction, and a +15% effectiveness increase to all defensive Kidou, Techs/Feats, and Zanpaku abilities. Touitsu Kousen remains wholly invisible in a "non-duel" circumstance. Otherwise, it automatically occupies a Tech Allocation slot (though still does not count towards the Tech List).

[Attained after writing 45,000 words with another character. May be learned at a reduced requirement of 38,000 words between members of the same Division. All connected characters must have Touitsu Sensen with each other beforehand. Word count for Touitsu Kousen starts after the initial 30,000 required for Touitsu Sensen.]

*** [ Touitsu Sensen ] -- "United Front" (Bst/Syn/-)
In battle, two characters who have spent much time with one another and are fighting together against an adversary receive a +20% stat boost to two stats of their liking (except Reiatsu and Connection). Outside of PC vs PC battles (Sou Kyouko, direct duels, etc.), Touitsu Sensen does not take up a slot in either the List or Allocation. However, in order to be used in PC vs. PC fights, Touitsu Sensen must be equipped, and takes up an Allocation slot.

[Attained after 30,000 words have been written together. May be learned at a reduced requirement of 22,000 words between members of the same Division.]

[ Toukihaku ] -- "Surpassing Drive" (Aur/--/--)
Throughout the generations, further study of the ancient skill "Shunkou" has led to various advances in Kidouryoku control, as well as increased understanding in the behavior of such energy. Toukihaku exists as one of the more rudimentary applications of such research, allowing one to allocate more Kidou energy into skills that already use Kidouryoku. This Tech works to widen the channels of energy passage, as well as facilitating the flow and density of Kidou energy, resulting in the ability to, at most times, double the power of the Kidou spell by consuming more power. Toukihaku governs over all skills that utilize Kidou, and with it, the user is able to execute the said skills with +100% more power at the cost of consuming +75% more Reiatsu than normal. There is no limit to how many times Toukihaku may be used, and rather than being limited to a duration of effect, the usage of this Technique is purely selective. After the initial usage, Kidou may not be replenished for the entire duration of battle. Also, Toukihaku may not be augmented by any other enhancing effects derived from any other skill.

[Attained after reaching 3,200 Kidou. Members of the Kidoushuu may learn Toukihaku without having to meet the stat requirement.]

[ Tsukime ] -- "Eye of the Moon" (Aur/Def/--)
Throughout human history, the concept of "night" and "day" have always been held at odds with one another, including "life and death," "good and evil," and "white and black." Philosophers that have realized the limits of the human eye that sees only in the day have devoted themselves toward creating a new method of vision. By wishing to see what light does not show, the skill of "Tsukime" was born, and those that use and follow it justly are given the privilege of seeing things most others fail to visually perceive. With Tsukime, Reiryoku, or spiritual energy, gathers at both ends of the pupils, forming energetic lenses that work to manipulate incoming visual cues and images. The user's pupils and irises glow with a meek shimmer, and his/her whites of the eyes are veiled in a dark silver shade.

Upon activation, the user's vision automatically shifts from a positive perspective to a negative one. Light becomes shadow and shadow becomes light, and if desired, the user may filter all incoming light by converting colors into a grayscale. Also, the special, energetic lenses become mildly sensitive to Kidou energy, and by that, users of Tsukime are able to visualize the flow of Kidou throughout the body of any being he/she sights. Illusions, too, may be pierced with Tsukime, and the ability to more acutely spot spatial and/or energetic distortions is enhanced. The cost for using Tsukime is negligible; however, consecutive or overextended use within a given amount of time may lead to complete loss of visual balance, daunting dizziness, crippling headaches, and/or temporary blindness. Usually, using it for more than five times per battle, or keeping it on for more than five straight turns may lead to one of these side effects.

[Attained when 5,000 Reiatsu and 2,800 Kidou are reached. Must be learnt from a practitioner of Tsukime.]


*: Denotes Tech List-occupiers that do not take up a Tech Allocation slot.
**: Denotes a Tech that does not count toward both maximums for the Tech List and Allocation.
***: Denotes a conditional Invisible Tech (each has its own way of working).

Mar 19, 2005
Dahlitium (⏆50 per)
Bigatium (⏆100 per)
Auritium (⏆300 per)
Vitatium (⏆1200 per)
Caelitium (⏆6000 per)
Goteitai Bunshou - Gotei Division's Tech Documents

Goteitai Bunshou
Gotei Divisions' Documents
on Division-based Techniques


Division-based Techniques are skills unique to individual Divisions, and may only be learned from the Captain of the respective Division. Unseated Division members may only learn one from the list, seated officers may learn two, Vice-Captains may learn three, and Captains automatically have all four.

Remember that Division-based Techniques do not count toward the maximum Tech List count (15) in your Tech List, and nor do they occupy slots in your Tech Allocation. In other words, all Division Techs are Invisible Techs. By leaving a Division, that departing member must relinquish all learned Division Techs.


1st Division Techniques

Amagawa Sougen has chosen to conceal the nature of the First Division's specialty for the purpose of subterfuge. Hence, the skills practiced by the First Division members are kept secret until further notice.

** [ Chuugi ] -- "Loyalty"

** [ Gi ] -- "Justice"

** [ Yuuki ] -- "Valor"

** [ Makoto ] -- "Truth"


2nd Division Techniques
Reconnaissance and Vanguard Spec-OPs

Techniques of the 2nd Division are geared toward facilitating special operations, thus they increase the user's versatility on the field.

** [ Shungyouran ] -- "Instant Fury" (Atk/Mov/-)
At dire times, it may be necessary to incapacitate the opponent within as small a space of time as possible, especially on occasions in which speed and efficiency are paramount. Shungyouran, one of the 2nd Division's finest Techniques, is taught for the sake of fulfilling this very goal. Having honed the ability to execute Shunpo to great effect, the user realizes the virtues and mechanics of initiating the said Technique, and as such, Shungyouran is born of this knowledge.

Once executed, the user commits a series of short, high-powered Shunpo bursts, all the while attacking the target with lightning quick strikes from either empty-handed methods or light-mid-weight weapons at the end of each burst. The mechanics of this Technique are complex, and the result of using it is devastating to the target to say the least.

The maximum number of bursts allowed per execution of Shungyouran may be found by dividing the user's Hohou by 1,500. Round the result to the nearest whole number, and that will be the number of bursts allowed. This number is also the maximum number of times Shungyouran may be used per fight.

The cost of each individual Shunpo burst is rated at 50% compared to normal Shunpo executions. After using Shungyouran, the user may not perform any kind of Shunpo (including Shungyouran) for half a minute.

[Attained when 3,000 Hohou is reached.]

** [ Toorima ] -- " Phantom Thief" (Aur/-/-)
Members of the Gotei's Second Division often times find themselves acting in situations where speed and stealth is key to their survival-- and more importantly-- is key to successfully reporting whatever bit of information that they have picked up. In these cases, Kidou and Shunpo are often utilized to make a quick and efficient escape for the scout. There lies a problem, however, with this. Typically, utilization of one's Reiatsu for any sort of skill results in a subsequent "flare" of Reiatsu that is easily detectable by skilled warriors. To remedy this problem, the Technique of Toorima was developed.

By creating a zone of "no-emissions" , one can effectively utilize skills such as Kidou and Shunpo while maintaining the appearance of not being there. This zone is created by compressing a thin layer of Reiryoku into a "bubble" around the user; the compressed Reiatsu is meant to be dualistic. The outer layer functions as a cloak, acting similar to the Bougyoudo "Fuseruki" , by masking the Reiatsu of anyone inside it. This alone, however, is not enough; Reiatsu flares can easily penetrate such a layer. It is for this reason that there is a second, inner layer. This layer acts as a filter of sorts, allowing Kidou or Shunpo to fully be utilized, while absorbing the "ripples" of Reiatsu which are commonly utilized by warriors to detect Reiatsu usage.

The skill itself takes relatively little Reiatsu to perform, consuming only 3% of the users Reiatsu to fully utilize. Outside of normal combat situations (anything that isn't a one on one fight), this skill works for one minute per every 2,000 Reiatsu that a Shinigami possess, maxing out at a total of five minutes. Within combat, it becomes one round per every 2,000 base Reiatsu, maxing at a total of five rounds. Members start out with one use of the Technique, and gain an additional use for every 10,000 Reiatsu they possess.

** [ Tasogare no Shirushi ] -- " Twilight's Brand" (Mov/Bst/Aur)
When being admitted into the Second Division, all members have the option of having a unique mark or insignia added to the base of their neck. This mark is unique to each person, of any design of their choice, and it is from this insignia that Tasogare no Shirushi is derived. This brand serves as both a decoration and as a seal, which grants several unique abilities to its holders.

The simplest of abilities relates to the fact within the radio dispatch room inside the Nibantai Taisho, there is a four by four steel plate on the ground engraved with "二" . When both the seal on a member's neck and the seal on the plate are imbued with 400 Reiatsu, an attractive force is emitted between the two, and within a moment of activating both, the member will appear within the Taisho through a method of long distance teleportation, safe from any harm.

In terms of combat, this is not the most important ability. Rather, by redirecting all of one's Reiatsu to the seal for a split second, it is released and the body is strengthened. The most obvious effect of the release of Tasogare no Shirushi is a +25% increase to one's Hohou, utilizable in both Shunpo and acrobatics. The second effect can be considered even more important to some of the members of the Second; all Shunpo costs have been decreased by -25%, allowing for more usage of Shunpo. The duration of the seals effects is a period of four rounds, after which the mark shall reappear on the back of their necks. There are no detrimental affects to releasing the seal, but one must wait another four rounds before being able to utilize the seals power again. Additionally, the number of times one can utilize this skill is dictated by their base Hohou; for every 2000 additional Hohou, members gain another usage.

** [ Kisokuen'en ] -- "Last Breath" (Bst/Aur/-)
What can be considered the penultimate ability of the Second Division, this Technique is geared toward situations in which one must quickly defeat an opponent at a hefty cost to their reserves. Through immense training, members of the second can learn to spike their abilities for a very short period of time. It is by spiking these abilities that an incredible attack is delivered. For the duration of a single round in RP time, these noble scouts can boost their Hohou as well as a second stat of their choice by +20%. Normally considered to be a respectable boost, this boosting skill is unique in that it will stack on top of boosts granted from feats or Techniques. However, when the turn that this attack is active in finishes, any active boosts are eliminated; additionally, the user of this ability may not utilize any more stat boosting abilities for the duration of the fight.

The attack portion of this Technique is also unique in that it ignores the defensive capabilities of the opponent; all damage is directly dealt. This is accomplished through the consumption of 10% of one's Reiatsu. By coating the chosen medium, be it a fist, a blade, or a Kidou, with a unique form of spiritual energy, one can disrupt the spiritual defense of any opponent for a split second. That second, however, is all that is needed to deal a critical blow that can debilitate any unaware fighter. Additionally, the chosen attack receives a +25% increase to the damage it can deal as well as creating a five-round period in which any wound obtained from the attack can neither be healed nor regenerated. Following the end of the round, one's body becomes weakened by the strain put on it and receives a drop in defensive and offensive capabilities by 20%. As time progresses, the body gradually readjusts and gains +5% of the capabilities back each round. This attack is only usable once in any given fight, and should only be utilized when absolutely necessary.

[Requires 5,000 Reiatsu to learn.]


3rd Division Techniques
Advanced Medicine and Restoration

Healing and recovery are the themes of the 3rd Division's skills. They work to further expand on one's ability to treat wounds and enhance bodily functions.

** [ Myouga ] -- "Blessed Protection" (Hea/Aur/-)
Healers are frequently placed in situations which require protection against further attacks while attempting to render medical attention. Myouga was designed under the same principle as Chiyudou #25, Bandaidification, but improves it through a more efficient use of Reiatsu, and actually becomes two different Techniques based on whether the member activates it upon themselves or a separate target.

To activate this Technique on a separate target, the member casts Chiyudou #25 at only half of its required cost, but while the Kidou is forming, the member will mold their Reiatsu to accomplish three things. First, the spell will form patches of Reiatsu "bandages" that concentrate themselves automatically over exposed wounds and begin the healing process at the same rate as Chiyudou #25. Second, once healing begins, the member and the target will remain invisibly connected through Reiatsu for an additional minute, which allows them to use further Chiyudou without requiring the member to remain near the target. If this is done, however, any further Chiyudou will only be 70% effective (due to the distance). Third and finally, as Bandaidification expires, the Reiatsu of the member will gradually spread over the target's body to protect them +10% from further attacks for half a minute while the healing is activating.

Myouga, when activated on the member him/herself, produces a variant Technique. Once the spell is cast, a thin but strong layer of Reiatsu spreads over the entirety of the member's body by extracting inner Reiatsu and spreading it out evenly externally, providing +20% defense from further attacks for 30-45 seconds. This Technique, however, is forbidden for use during fights or battles against other members of the Gotei 13, and may only be used when conducting healing work for others. If the member chooses to attack while using this Technique, the Reiatsu protection decreases by half with each attack.

** [ Kouzoushugi ] -- "Structuralism" (Hea/Aur/-)
While specialized Chiyudou is often the most convenient and appropriate tool for members of this Division, a great deal of healing can be done with general ability, as seen in Chiyudou such as Tereiki and Aotenohira. Kouzoushugi uses this principle to allow a user to "structure" or mold the energy they would use in casting a Chiyudou to achieve "general healing" once the user has rendered a diagnosis.

The use of Kouzoushugi can be measured by degree in correlation to Chiyudou costs. Users require a base stat of 1,000 Kidou to use this Technique properly. At 1,000, users are able to heal in power up to what is the equivalent of Chiyudou #50, while at 1,500, users are able to heal in power up to the equivalent of Chiyudou #63, and so forth in 500 stat intervals.

Kouzoushugi operates in much the same way a Chiyudou use does. If one renders extremely high level healing through Kouzoushugi, such an act would drain Reiatsu in the same way the use of Chiyudou #50 would, for example. However, it is not meant to override the use of Chiyudou which is preferred to the use of this Technique.

The benefit to using the Technique is its increased flexibility of Reiatsu use (e.g., focusing more widely or narrowly if a user prefers), but also to give healing to any wounds that a user may miss in their inexperience.

** [ Kinsei ] -- "Balance of Power" (Bst/Aur/-)
Following duelist logic (e.g., "The best thief is he who guards money and the best liar is he who knows the truth" ), despite their role as medics, members of the 3rd Division are simultaneously warriors of the Gotei 13, and are reminded to maintain their strength as such.

Therefore, Kinsei enables the heightened use of Chiyudou #10 (Healing Sight) for battle purposes. Once this spell is cast at its normal cost, a Division member is able to "see" internal and external weaknesses in their opponents for a time period of two minute (which shows them where to attack).

Once Healing Sight has been activated, for the next four rounds, a member may use Kinsei to bring up a +20% boost in his/her their Hakuda, Hohou or Zanjutsu stats, but does so by consuming 1% Reiatsu. Following the four round window, the chosen stat will return to normal.

** [ Chiyudou Jukutatsu ] -- "Chiyudou Mastery" (Aur/-/-)
The majority of healing ability accessible to members is through the use of Chiyudou. Jukutatsu is a progressive Technique that increases a Chiyudou's efficiency (e.g., accuracy and power) and reduces its cost as a user becomes more experienced with Chiyudou use.

For every fifty Chiyudou spells used successfully, a user is capable of increasing a Chiyudou's strength as well as reducing its cost by 8%. This percentage may not breach 40%.

Once a member has used five-hundred Chiyudou successfully and has proven such to the Division captain, special training with the captain will enable the user to activate an extension to this Technique called Tesabaki ("Manipulation" ).

Manipulation enables the user to increase the flexibility of a Chiyudou (e.g., extend its range, change its effects reasonably, etc.) within reason.


4th Division Techniques
Blitzkrieg Strike Group

Speed and bursts of power are what the 4th Division's skills excel upon. These Techniques aim to overrun the enemy opposition in as little time as possible.

** [ Kitsue no Seisoumoku ] - "Gun's Origin Tree" (Bst/-/-)
Through intense and repeated combat situation training, Fourth Division members establish a unique 'ideal combat status' in both mind and body. They build their energy reserves based on a scale, aiming to raise the level with each passing moment to maximize their chances of knocking an enemy out.
During a battle, the practitioner's mind enters a state of situational calmness, in which their body moves more smoothly and naturally. Eventually the training allows them to surpass their original strength the longer a battle goes on, delving deeper and deeper into a state of perfect battle meditation.

Physically, the meditation calms the user's body and releases potential energy stored within in greater and greater amounts as the battle progresses. For every round that this Technique is active, the user gains a +10% boost in Hohou, an increase that maxes out at +40%. This complete boost lasts for four rounds, and afterwards cannot be used for an equal amount of four rounds. During this recoil period, the user's Hohou suffers a gradually lessening penalty due to the recovery of their muscles. Immediately after use, the user's base Hohou falls by -15%, a penalty that reduces by +5% in every succeeding turn until the user's Hohou is back to base values.

[Attained when 2,000 Hohou is reached. With each additional 2,000 points in Hohou, the user gains an extra use of Kitsue no Seisoumoku. This Tech can't be used on the same battle session as Tsuken no Jakureijin]

** [ Yari no Namidatsu Biken ] - "Qiang's Flurrying Tassel" (Mov/Aur/-)
Members of the Fourth division are expected to be able to manipulate their own Shunpo abilities to the fullest extent, utilizing them as both a shield and a sword. With Yari no Namidatsu Biken, efforts at maximizing Shunpo efficiency are combined.

The first and most obvious enhancement of the Shunpo is created by pooling spark charges into the area around the user's body and using the natural Reiatsu flaring off from the execution of Shunpo, stimulating the sparks into a flash. The flash is expanded and dragged outwards by the currents of the flaring Reiatsu from Shunpo. The result of these simultaneous movements is a momentary flash of light that can effectively conceal the direction that the user is Shunpo'ing, though someone with enough skill in reading Hohou movements will be able to follow their movements in any case.

The second and far less obvious use of this Technique compresses the user's Reiatsu within them, so that when they leave the flare of Reiatsu behind from Shunpo, the opponent gets a sort of 'over adjustment' sensation, having subconsciously calibrated their spiritual senses to low sensitivity so that the flare wouldn't 'blind' them. This makes following up on a Shunpo's movements much more difficult to follow, allowing the user what typically amounts to a free attack on an unprepared enemy, though someone of comparable speed will be able to prevent a truly decisive hit from landing in a critical area.

This Technique is primarily used in closing the gap between a Fourth Division member and a primarily long-ranged enemy, allowing them to bring the fight directly to their opponent. Consuming 150 Reiatsu is necessary to 'blind' the opponent, and the withdrawal of energy within oneself prevents the user from using Kidou or other energy-based abilities until they have exited Shunpo and brought their strength back up to normal.

[Attained when 1,500 Hohou and 4,000 Reiatsu are reached.]

** [ Tsuken no Jakureijin ] - "Jian's Elusive Blade" (Sta/Aur/-)
Being the first troops to be deployed into the enemy's ranks, members of the Fourth learn quickly how to handle large quantities of foes that are coming from all around them; they are trained to benefit as much as possible from the single advantage they posses on the battlefield: the element of surprise.

A crucial point in the Fourth Division's doctrine is to take their enemies by surprise and deal massive amounts of damage before they can setup their defenses properly; thus the first few moments are the most crucial for these warriors.

Tsuken no Jakureijin is a Technique which was developed at the Fourth's Taisho in order to further enhance the prowess of the Division's Shinigami, working in a somewhat similar way to Kitsue no Seisoumoku; the user enters a state of deep meditation, but instead of it projecting inwards and boosting the user's inert abilities, this meditation is projected outwards to hamper the foe's capabilities.

For the first four turns of battle, any calculations regarding the opponent's highest combat stat regard said combat stat as 70% of its actual value, while all defensive maneuvers used by the opponent suffer a certain percentage of degradation that may be found by weighing the opponent's dampened combat stat against the user's own in percent(note that this calculation will only consider the opponent's base combat stat; it does not consider any stat boosts that may be in effect). After five turns, the calculation modifier is reduced to half (causing said combat stat to be evaluated at 85% of its actual current value); and after four turns Tsuken no Jakureijin's effects completely end.

This will be the practitioner's chance of making swift attacks that will have a much more devastating impact on the foe and are more likely to either take him down, or be a significant step in the process.

[Cannot be used in the same battle session as Kitsue no Seisoumoku.]

** [ Daitou no Haura ] - "Dao's Back Edge" (Atk/Aur/-)
The second step to a successful blitzkrieg attack is to bombard the enemy after a surprise attack and finish his forces with maximum efficiency in the least time possible; true to this goal, the Fourth Division members often find themselves in the midst of a battle field, outnumbered by their foes by sometimes unparalleled ratios.

Due to these circumstances, it's absolutely vital that each member of the Fourth will be able to deal devastating amounts of damage with each blow he delivers; but since the blitzkrieg warrior is surrounded by enemies, making an attack would create a major opening, one the enemy won't think twice to take advantage of.

Daitou no Haura was conceived in order to counter these exact situations (though it is useful in its own right); when the user swings down his sword in a simple slash, he will move Reiatsu from his back (namely, the spinal cord) outwards and forward towards his Zanpakutou, creating a shell-like energy course.

This movement of Reiatsu bolsters the strength behind his attack, all the while blasting outwards from behind him, thus helping to negate, divert or at least lessen the impact of attacks made from behind the user while he attacks the foe in front of him.

Relevant damage and/or power calculations derived from the use of this Technique regard the user's Zanjutsu as being 140% of its original value at the time of this Technique's execution. Each execution of this Technique costs the user 500 points of their current Reiatsu value.

[Attained when 2,000 Reiatsu is reached.]


5th Division Techniques
Kidou Division​

The 5th Division's Techniques pride themselves in enhancing one's Kidou capacity. These skills are meant to give flexibility, as well as an edge to those that adhere to the path of Kidou.

** [ Baizou Tatari ] -- "Double Cast" (Aur/-/-)
The user is able to fire off two Kidou spells at once for the price/cost of one. For users with a Connection below 4,000, only low-level Kidou may be used with this Tech. Those with 4,001-6,999 Connection, low and mid level Kidou may be used. Those with 7,000+ Connection can use all levels as long as they have the Kidou reserve for it. There is an eight to fifteen second recoil time afterwards that Kidou cannot be used. When using Baizou Tatari, the Kidou used must belong to the same family, i.e. Hadou, Bakudou, or Bougyoudo. Baizou Tatari may be used more than once if Kidou reserves are over half, but once Reiatsu drops below 50% capacity, the cost of using this Tech rises by +20% increments per additional usage.

** [ Senmonka ] -- "Specialist" (Aur/-/-)
The user picks a family of Kidou to specialize in, ie, Hadou, Bakudou, Bougyoudo. With training, the cost for using spells from that family is reduced by -20%. If there is no specialization, the reduced cost is spread out evenly among the three Kidou families (three, since the 5th division is specializing in everything other than Chiyudou) for -6.7%

** [ Musei Mayu ] -- "Voiceless Cocoon" (Atk/Def/Aur)
Inside a projected, twenty foot radius Kidou sphere, the user will gain immunity from any voice/movement nullification effects that prevent effective casting of Kidou spells in the area. Under the same situation, if a Kidou spell was cast by someone with a Kidou stat valued less than the user's Kidou stat, the hostile spell will immediately be reflected back to the original caster. Musei Mayu may be used once for every 3,000 points in Kidou.

If the reflected Kidou was of the Hadou family, the user may choose to cancel out Musei Mayu and receive 75% of the reflected Hadou's damage. In turn, the Musei Mayu field breaks up and the user enters a state of "Hadou overdrive." In this state, the cost of using Hadou is increased by one-thirds, but the user experiences no recoil (downtime between casting spells), and lower level Kidou users would have Eishouhaki for the duration of the Tech's usage. Those already possessing Eishouhaki will have a cost penalty of 150% instead, and Baizou Tatari may be used without recoil. However, once the Reiatsu reserves drop below the 50% mark, Baizou Tatari's incremental penalty cost of usage is 10% instead. This state of "overdrive" lasts for three of the user's turns, and only works on the very first use of Musei Mayu in the current battle.

** [ Nigerou! ] -- "Run Away!" (Bst/Aur/-)
When the user drains their Kidou reserve, they are able to cast one more Hadou, Bougyoudo, or Bakudou spell from their list of currently equipped Kidou (at no cost). At the same time, they must consume 10% of their Reiatsu stat and raise either their Hakuda, Hohou, or Zanjutsu stat by +40%. The stat boost effect wears off after four of his/her turns. Baizou Tatari and Musei Mayu may not be used when this Tech is in effect.


6th Division Techniques
Ranged Combat and Support

Ranged tactics have always been a vital facet of war strategy, and in a great many cases throughout history, such tactics have often brought clear and true victory. The 6th Division follows this wisdom in providing the Gotei 13 with some of the best ranged skills that any warrior has to offer.

[ ??? ] - "???"

[ ??? ] - "???"

[ ??? ] - "???"

[ ??? ] - "???"


7th Division Techniques


[ ??? ] - "???"

[ ??? ] - "???"

[ ??? ] - "???"

[ ??? ] - "???"


8th Division Techniques
Arcane Sciences and Technologies (AST)

The 8th Division specializes in unique technologies and sciences that inspire awe to those that witness it. These skills range in function, hence their value is indispensable in a variety of situations.

** [ Severed Chain ] -- (Atk/Sta/-)
A special Technique in which the user delivers a precise punch to their opponent's spine or spleen, using direct Reiatsu to disrupt the power flow. The hit disrupts the flow of the Hakusui and Saketsu, reducing the efficiency of the energy being delivered through the body. During that time, the target's current Reiatsu is reduced by -20% for five of his/her turns.

A master of the Severed Chain Technique can also deliver strikes to the arms, legs and head. An attack the legs will lower Hohou by -20% for five turns, the arms will reduce Zanjutsu and Hakuda by -15% for four turns, and a strike to the head will reduce all stats by -10% for three. However, this level of skill requires at least 3,500 in Hakuda; 1,000-3,499 will only cause a maximum of -10% reduction, and less than 1,000 will only equal a maximum of -5% decrease. When these limb-targeting strikes are executed, however, the opponent's Reiatsu remains unaffected.

However, these strikes take a good amount of Reiatsu and precise aim, so doing it repeatedly will tire the user out.

** [ Ascension ] -- (Bst/-/-)
An ability that can only be used by someone who understands the Hakusui and Saketsu. This allows the person to release trapped energy in said organs, and concentrate the spiritual energy they do have. While doing this, his or her Hohou and Kidou will both rise by +20%, hence their Shunpo and Kidou skills experience a rise in efficacy as a result. However, this will only last for up to five minutes, then the body will enter a state of fatigue and he or she will experience a -20% penalty to Reiatsu for about three minutes. However, if it is canceled before it becomes critical, the decrease will only be -10% and last for about a minute, though the ability won't be able to be used again for at least another three minutes either way.

** [ Charon's Road ] -- (Mov/Aur/-)
Charon's Road is a teleportation ability developed by Kyin Fenre, taking the knowledge of the rapid transportation of Reishi and gate technology developed from previous generations. The user of this Kidou Tech quickly opens up a small gate within their environs, and then they quickly sprint through that gate to another checkpoint.

Raw gate teleportation is very taxing and only a few can use it. That is why most users use a series of set teleportation points to get around in. Their teleportation also doesn't work in a setting with large amounts of Bloodstone, and it is disrupted by large amounts of Reiatsu. However, that is only when passing through Bloodstone. Disruptions from Reiatsu only make it a bit more difficult, and the pressures must be massive in comparison to the user's.

Teleportation cannot be used in attacks, because when teleportation occurs, it takes a few seconds for the user's Reishi to reform, making them temporarily vulnerable and unable to do anything, though that doesn't mean it can't be used in evasion. But even then, rapid teleportation is tiring. However, to people who practice enough with it, it can become like breathing.

** [ Sloth's Redemption ] -- (Hea/Aur/-)
This is an ability that allows the user to slowly recover and regain spiritual energy much faster than normal. The ability concentrates the excess Reiatsu into the user, allowing it to be used more efficiently than normal. This ability can heal minor wounds and recover energy, however it cannot be used to recover the person completely. When Sloth's Redemption is used, the user regains back 3% of his/her exhausted Reiatsu for his/her turn only (does not regain during anyone else's turn). The efficiency of the recovery doubles to 6% if the user is resting.

While using this spell however, the user will feel a temporary -15% drop in Reiatsu. The Technique's effectiveness is even greater if the user remains stationary, but that isn't necessary.


9th Division Techniques
Black Arts and Trickery

It is said that battles must be approached directly, and victory gained indirectly. The Ninth Division's specialty lies in this philosophy, where methods of trickery and deception are used to outwit and outpace the unsuspecting opposition.

[ Heki Shunpo ] -- "Fake Shunpo" (Mov/Sta/Aur)
Deception is key for the 9th division, and misleading your enemies is the simplest way to cause confusion. Fake Shunpo lets the user make the impression that they Shunpo in one direction, but really move in another. The Tech is simple, but highly effective, as it can throw off an opponent's split second decision that they need to make. It costs twice as much Reiatsu as a regular Shunpo, though the cost can definitely be worth it.

If the opponent has comparable Hohou to the user, the deception can be kept up for up to a twenty step Shunpo. Any longer than that, and the opponent can see through the deception before the user of Heki Shunpo can complete it. This increases by ten steps every 5% Hohou above the opponent.

[ Kyouryuu no Gasshouki ] -- "Lunar Miasma of the Mirror Dragon" (Aur/Sta/-)
A trick, when extended to cover a whole group of people, can be far more dangerous than just a single man. Concealing a group's numbers can be just as important as showing overwhelming force, especially when trying to confront an enemy who can judge their odds of victory well.

By plunging their hand into the ground and pouring their Reiatsu into it, the user can cause the earth to release a colorless, odorless gas which, depending on the Reiatsu signatures inside, can bend light to cloak the individuals in the cloud. The only limit to the number of people who can be cloaked his how many can be fit inside the cloud, and how large the user can make the cloud. This can mean that a powerful 9th division member can cloak an entire army from view, if their Reiatsu is high enough.

Based on the Reiatsu signatures of the individuals in the cloud, the user can decide whether or not to let the gas cloak them. This is especially useful against Hollows, as their Reiatsu signatures are distinctly different than Shinigami. The Technique is naturally weak against wind-based attacks, as a strong enough wind can easily blow the cloud away, but the larger the ground area emitting gas, the harder it is to expose the cloaked individuals.

The Technique requires 2,000 Reiatsu to learn, with a starting radius of two meters. This increases another two meters every additional 2,000 Reiatsu gained. Each usage at full strength requires 3% of the user's Reiatsu, and the max duration is two minutes for an individual. For every ally affected by this Technique, the duration increases by thirty seconds.

In a non-combative situation, the individual duration is five minutes, and for each additional ally affected, the duration increases by two minutes.

[ Nikutetsu Kaihei ] -- "Flesh-Iron Machine Soldier" (Def/Aur/-)
Some soldiers can keep fighting long past their limits if given the right motivation and tools. This Technique draws upon the Kidou threshold, but on a far higher level. In addition to silencing any pain the user may feel, it also has the added benefit (or disadvantage) of literally putting a person's body in a near-stasis state. For the duration of this Technique, the user may still attack and defend as usual, but if struck by the enemy, no bleeding will occur, or even loss of limbs turning what would normally be a severed arm into a thin cut around the arm. It can let the user essentially walk into a wall of blades without so much as blinking, and still fight just as effectively for the rest of the duration of the Technique. Lost flesh is replaced by spiritual 'muscles' which work just as effectively. However...

If one isn't careful, they can literally fall apart if the effect ends. If they can reach a healer before the time is up, then healing the wounds isn't too great of a problem, with the exception of blast wounds, as the cuts are usually still bloodless, clean, and closed. If they do not, however....they suddenly have to deal with whatever injuries they sustained in full, pain and bleeding included.

This Technique is expensive, requiring at least 8% of one's Reiatsu for each use, with a required minimum Reiatsu level of 5,000 to learn. The time the effects last is in minutes = Reiatsu/5,000. It requires about ten seconds to come into full effect, but its end is a mere three seconds. One moment you might be the strongest fighter on the field... and the next you might be literally lying in pieces.

Injuries incurred upon the user while this Tech is active will cause certain stat penalties to arise. For every marked injury on the legs and/or feet, the user will suffer a -2% to -3% Hohou penalty. For every marked injury on the user's arm(s), a -2% penalty to Zanjutsu/Hakuda will be incurred. For every marked injury on the user's torso, a -2% to -3% Reiatsu/Kidou penalty will be suffered, and for every marked injury on head or neck, a -5% to all stats will be incurred.

[ Kokuba no Gizoukan ] -- "Fake Interval of the Black Horse" (Sta/-/-)
Sometimes in battle it can be impossible to open up a second front. In cases like this, deception of numbers, distance, and carefully laid traps can be very effective against the enemy, but can also be very difficult to pull off.

This Technique is similar to Kyouryuu no Gasshouki, in that a gas is used to produce effects to confuse the enemy's senses. However, in this Technique, instead of blocking out and cloaking the presences of anyone in the gas cloud, the users "sweat" out Reiryoku that, when reacting with the air, creates a transparent but smoky haze. The haze can either slow down sound, smell, visual cues, etc., or accelerate them. However, the haze needs to reach the enemy also, so initially, once it is created, it'll spread quickly like tear gas, but because of its effects, the opponent(s) won't be able to gauge the actual speed of the spreading mist.

In effect, it makes the users of this Technique appear further away or closer to their opponents depending on the user's will. It can also slow down or speed up other sensory stimulants, such as sound, and distort them as well to create an illusion for the enemy. For example, if the enemy is in the mist along with the user(s), then they could be confused into thinking the 9th division member is far away, lowering their sense of awareness. This can then be used to carry out a semi-surprise attack where one would normally be impossible.

This Technique requires a base of 2,000 Reiatsu to learn, with a starting maximum radial range of one meter, with an additional meter every 2,000 more Reiatsu. Individual duration is three rounds. For every additional ally, there is one additional round of duration.

One-on-one circumstances require that the opposition must have Reiatsu equal to or higher than 75% of the user's Reiatsu to see through the illusion. With an additional ally on the user's side, the opposition requires Reiatsu equal to or more than 110% of the average Reiatsu between the two users to see through the illusion. Each additional ally after that adds 10% to the requirement. The cost of this Technique initially comes at 5% Reiatsu, however, with each additional ally, the cost lowers itself by 1%, however, the cost cannot fall below 2% through this cost reduction.


10th Division Techniques
Imperial Elements

Skills of the 10th Division aim to further expand upon one's mutual contract with the forces of nature. Through this, these skills heighten one's ability to manipulate the elements.

** [ Seitenshi ] -- "Celestial Elements" (Aur/Syn/-)
When one develops a particular affinity for an element, often times, their Reiatsu begins to take on characteristics of that element. For example, one who is an ice user may have a very cold Reiatsu, while one who is affiliated with fire might have a scorching hot one. This Technique, particular to the Tenth Division, attempts to utilize this unique form of Reiatsu in such a way that it can be used to maximize the effectiveness and damage that one's attacks and elemental Kidou does.

With this Technique, one expends 3% of one's Reiatsu into the air surrounding them. By molding one's Reiatsu with that of the air, the properties of the area surrounding that person become much more favorable to using elemental attacks. For a water user, the humidity might skyrocket, but for a fire user, the humidity may decrease and the temperature might increase. Each person's Reiatsu and elemental skills are unique, and therefore the changes are unique based on the person. In addition, in instances where a Shinigami uses more then one element, their prominent element is the one to be favored.

This Technique affects roughly a twenty foot diameter around the user and lasts for five rounds. During these turns, the cost and strain of all Techniques and Kidou of that element are reduced by -15%, while the damage and effectiveness of these same skills are increased by 15%. After five rounds, the user may choose to extend the effect another three rounds by paying an additional 2% of his or her Reiatsu. If not, then in the sixth turn, the benefits are cut in half, and by the beginning of the seventh turn, the air will return to normal.

** [ Seisha ] -- "Fusillade" (Bst/-/-)
As a fighter with elemental manifestations, a Shinigami fighting alongside another with elemental powers will raise the overall morale and efficiency. When fighting alongside any elemental Shinigami, they can choose to have +15% boost to one stat, or +5% boost to three stats; in the presence of a Vice-Captain, they can have +15% boost to two stats, or +10% to three stats; when the Captain is present on the battlefield, then they get +15% to three stats, or +10% to all stat categories. When fighting alongside an ally with the same elemental manifestation, the bonus is then that of a Vice-Captain.

** [ Suiranken ] -- "Maelstrom" (Atk/Aur/Syn)
Stressing the importance of teamwork, Maelstrom, like Fusillade, is only useful when in couples. But, different from Fusillade, they must be in the 10th Division and taught, unlike Fusillade which automatically applies to anyone qualified. Maelstrom can only be used in pairs of elemental Zanpakutou, and when they are together fighting side by side, they can choose to combine and meld their attacks together to form one large-scale attack that combines the elements of two people's unique abilities. It varies with different combinations of people and will get different results of teamed up with another person; an earth user and a fire pair may be able to create long columns of hellfire and large-scale earthquakes if their abilities possess those attributes; a water and fire pair may be able to create a tsunami of oil that ignites on fire the moment it reaches its target; a wood and metal pair may be able to summon a forest which rains torrents of sharp spikes. Even if two users are classified under the same element, they will still have a combination of both attacks - possibly an enemy-freezing technique while being battered by acid rain. Maelstrom takes the key point of both Zanpakutou to create a new attack. As always, an individual's power will have an effect on how large and fierce the attack is. The total power of the attack is 150% of the combined powers of both Shinigami, creating a true storm.

Earthquakes + Hellfire = ?
Cyclone + Poison = ?
Magnetism + Water = ?

** [ Soujoukouka Souryuushi ] -- "Synergy Particle" (Def/-/-)
As a Shinigami with elemental powers, one should be able to control one's immediate surrounding areas and manipulate them freely, closely resembling the powers of a Quincy, but much more limited in terms of using the said power.

One who understands and uses Synergy Particle can use the surrounding area to one's advantage. During times of need for defense and protection, one can immediately summon a wall that envelops and protects him/her from an incoming attack. Naturally, one's fortification would be their power that they manifest: Reiatsu and their given element.

The interpretation of the elemental defense should be left up to the participating characters themselves.

In theory, this Technique should only be used at most twice for most users; one activation of this Technique should be sufficient enough to completely block the enemy's offensive for one turn before shattering. Once taking in the attack, the shield dissipates, so in other words, it only lasts for one turn.

The shield is susceptible to the user's elemental antithesis, in which it gets a reduced amount of defense, or worse, depending upon the strength of the incoming opposing elemental attack.

Each use of the Technique will consume 300 Reiatsu, and 300 added to that original cost thereafter; 300 for the first use, 600 for the second, 900 for the third, 1200 for the fourth, and so on.


11th Division Techniques
Heavy Combat / Combat Specialists

The 11th Division bears the brunt and burden in dealing with hostile forces. Their skills emphasize synergy through teamwork to achieve sweeping victories.

** [ United Shield ] -- (Def/Aur/Syn)
When two or more 11th Division band together, they can form a shield by touching each other once, connecting their individual Reiatsu, and weaving them all into a thread. Once the thread is established, the more Shinigami involved in the thread shield, the stronger the thread is. Once the thread is made, physical contact is not needed. The shield is only breakable when the attack unleashed against it is greater in value than the sum of all the connected Reiatsu of the Shinigami involved in the thread establishment.

While this Tech is in use, Kidou and physical attacks may not be used. Those within the shield (if it is a closed shield) cannot leave. The solidness of the shield is determined by Reiatsu, and that summed Reiatsu is shared equally along the thread so that the shield is strong on all sides.

** [ United Spear ] -- (Atk/Aur/Syn)
A variation to United Shield. Instead of weaving Reiatsu together to form a shield, this Technique weaves it together for a powerful offensive strike designed to cut deep into enemy lines, or as a devastating attack against a stronger foe. Once again, the attack is only as strong as the sum of the Reiatsu of the Shinigami using it. The attack can be blocked by an opposing attack or defense valued the same as the sum of the Reiatsu of the attacking Shinigami. The attack is destroyed if an attack against it is valued at least 10% greater.

Kidou cannot be used and all Shinigami involved must work together. Shikai and Ban Kai release may be used as power in the attack. If Shikai and Ban Kai are used, then only ONE ability of each Shikai is formed into the attack and the full range of Ban Kai are molded into the attack. The attack is a one shot deal. If the attack is successful, all involved are reduced to -75% of their Reiatsu. If it is blocked, -50%. If it is destroyed, -25%.

United Spear must be practiced with Shinigami beforehand so that when they work together, they can combine their Shikai or Ban Kai abilities into a harmonious attack.

** [ Biding Saint ] -- (Atk/Aur/-)
Through intense meditation and incredible patience, those with this Tech can take hit after hit. When they feel ready, the sum total force of all attacks received and withstood is released back at the opponent in the form of an attack that is unique to each user. The sum total of the attacks cannot be greater than one's Reiatsu however. When using Biding Saint, one cannot make any offensive move unless they intend on releasing the accumulated power. One can still dodge or redirect a blow to receive less damage if necessary, but it is not recommended.

(Fourth Technique unfinished.)


12th Division Techniques


[ ??? ] - "???"

[ ??? ] - "???"

[ ??? ] - "???"

[ ??? ] - "???"


13th Division Techniques
Castus Militia

The 13th Division's skills lie in turning the Holy into their aid on the battlefield, being a righteous destructive force and a divine shield of protection. Using the body as a vessel for holy powers, its members are fearful foes.

** [ Kyoukkou Hitoame ] -- "Aurora Rainfall" (Def/Hea/Sta)
A warrior is only as strong as his defense. A person who isn't able to protect himself or those around him will drown with the rising tide and in the end will be worth nothing.

Usable both in groups and when alone, Kyoukkou Hitoame is a sharp burst of gleaming light that erupts from the user, casting a quick bell-like shape around him/her and all allies within a five meter radius. In those short few seconds, the user and his/her allies are protected from harm, both physically and from Kidou spells with a magnitude equal to or below their own strength. The aurora burst heals the user of any negative status conditions or stat deprivations unless these are self inflicted. While the aurora is unleashed, the stats of all enemies within range drop by 10% to all. Status effects (not stat penalties) already incurred upon the enemy will escalate by 50% during this time. After this Tech has been used, any Chiyudo barrier that the user casts will have a +30% increase to strength and durability. Each use of this skill consumes 2% Reiatsu.

** [ Tsumibito Enkou ] -- "Sinner Halo" (Atk/Sta/-)
The members of the Thirteenth Division are devoted to their faith and their work as one, keeping the presence of a higher power ever existent in their lives. The unclean must be purified and the ill must be cured. Righteousness is the key to making the world a better place, and the presence of malignant foes must be fought. A sinner rapes a thousand saints-- Evil outweighs the good, and therefore, the Thirteenth Division members bring their sacred powers into combat to help defeat their opponents. With a prayer of summoning divinity, the user casts a spell on their opponent. A shining white ring appears around the enemy's head, greatly resembling the traditional halo that is present in the depiction of angels and saints.

The casting of the halo itself is an initial attack that deals Holy damage akin to that of such spells as the Hadou Soukatsui. After this initial attack, the halo decreases the opponent's Hohou with 10% and causes the victim to be at physical unbalance for the duration of three turns, vanishing afterwards. This skill consumes 450 Reiatsu per usage, and cannot be reflected by any refractory effects. To activate this Technique, the user must recite the incantation: "Expio Áƒ © purgo! The mark of the impure, Tsumibito Enkou!" If the user already possesses the Eishouhaki skill, this incantation may be bypassed without penalties.

** [ Kihou Youshiki ] -- "Highform" (Def/Bst/-)
A short and rough way to describe the basis of the Thirteenth Division Techniques is to say that it is a way for the Division members to act as vessels for channeling a higher power, and thus their abilities do exactly that. Kihou Youshiki is the most corporeal manifestation of such powers as can be summoned by mere humans. Users of this Technique will, through a divine summoning, channel sacred energy from the very life force around them, the ethereal binding element that is all around, and make this energy physical, bringing its force into the world of flesh and blood.

Upon use, Kihou Youshiki gathers pure white energy that is surmounted onto the user's body like a set of armour, complete with bracers, chest plate and leggings. Composed of energy, this armour will not affect mobility, but protects the user physically as well, able to withstand hits from unreleased weapons and hand-to-hand blows equal to or less than three times the Reiatsu spent for the Tech (ex., if the user spends 1,000 Reiatsu, he/she will be protected against Zanjutsu/Hakuda strikes valued at 300 and less).

The armour provides resilience against Kidou, making the user immune to low-level spells and halves the effects of mid-level Kidou. The armour provides no significant protection against high level spells.

A user of Kihou Youshiki will be given a short-lived flare of power that exceeds his or her original potential, and the striking power of attacks carried out while under the influence of this Technique (Zanjutsu/Hakuda/Kidou, but only one of those) is boosted by 40%. However, the use of Zanpakutou abilities during the duration of this Technique is rendered null. Because the supernatural power that is given to the user is already pushing the limit of the human host, any Kai abilities are prohibited from use, lest the Technique fade instantly. As well, any boosts that Shikai or Ban Kai provide will be put out of play until the Technique's duration is over. One can use a Kai ability while still under the effect of the Tech, but the Tech will disappear right away. Kihou Youshiki lasts for a maximum of three turns, and consumes 5% Reiatsu upon activation. A minimum of 2,000 Kidou is required in order for this skill to boost the user's Kidou stat.

** [ Kizu Boutoku ] -- "Wound Sacrilege" (Atk/Hea/-)
Powerful intervention and abilities are certainly useful in the fight to protect and serve. As the principle of the Thirteenth Division goes, being able to both destroy and preserve is the key to their unique modes of combat. This Technique is both an attack and a healing skill which affects both user and opponent.

Performing the sign of the cross with a free hand, the opponent casts a seal on the enemy. The mark of an encircled triangle appears on the opponent's torso, etched in black. Upon casting, the seal will knock the opponent to his/her/its feet. From then on, it will steadily cause the enemy more and more pain, tearing up wounds on his/her/its body over time and reopening the ones already caused.

Puncture wounds will appear in both the victim's arms and feet. This ability causes little critical damage to the body itself except pain and pretty severe blood loss, but the seal draws the vitality out of the blood spilled, redirecting it to the user of this Technique. The result is a slow and steady healing that cures shallow wounds and stops blood flow from breaching open wounds. Kizu Boutoku lasts for a maximum of two rounds, and consumes 3% of the user's Reiatsu upon activation. Can only be used once per battle.


Rogue Shinigami Techniques

The skills of rogues are sharp and honed purely by their isolation from the affairs of Seireitei. Having to survive in solitude has given them the capacity to live and fight independently, even when the odds are set against them.

** [ Hitokodoku ] -- "One Solitude" (Hea/Aur/-)
Estranging oneself from the collective ranks of Shinigami is one of the hardest decisions that can be made. Naturally, those that devote themselves to such a divergent path are fated to endure solitude in a world where, at any moment, the enemy may strike hard and fast. Given this, the bond between Shinigami and Zanpaku develop at a quicker and more substantial pace, and the result of that bond is made apparent in the form of Hitokodoku.

Once used, the user's Zanpaku passively grants certain measures of protection. First, the user's Reiatsu emission is limited to a spherical bubble around the user. The enemy may not detect the user if the enemy's Reiatsu is lower than that of the sum of both the user's Reiatsu and Connection. Second, for as long as this Technique is active, the user is able to heal and recover stamina at twice the rate while on the field (non-battle). Third, all field abilities are supplemented by the Zanpaku, hence those abilities are granted with a 15% reduction in cost (Hitomichi overrides this cost reduction if the most-used ability is executed with this Tech's effect). The duration of this Tech can be calculated by dividing the user's Connection by 300. Round the result to the nearest whole number, and that number is the duration in minutes.

During battle, Hitokodoku may be exerted with a higher cycle of Reiatsu emission for brief durations of time. This skill may be used as an omni-directional mitigation field that works as a buffer against hostile spiritual energy. While this Reiatsu bubble is active, all damage from spiritual energy and/or destructive Kidou attacks are reduced by -20% (if the attack is valued equal to or less than the sum of both the user's Reiatsu and Connection), or by 10% (if the attack is valued greater than the sum of both the user's Reiatsu and Connection). This bubble cannot shield the user if the hostile attack is greater than double that of the sum of both the user's Reiatsu and Connection. The defensive bubble lasts for no more than ten seconds, and the maximum amount of uses may be calculated by dividing the user's Connection by 1,000 and rounding the result to the nearest whole number.

** [ Hitomichi ] -- "One Way" (Aur/Syn/-)
Treading upon grounds that may instantly and arbitrarily become a battlefield is one of the most dreaded characteristics of rogue-ship. Without any tangible measures of safety normally accommodated by Seireitei, enemies may appear at any time, and thus does the user grow to hone and rely upon a favored skill to best take advantage of such situations.

The ability that the user uses most often receives an efficacy bonus and cost reduction of +20% and -20% respectively. If this ability is a Feat or Tech, it receives an additional bonus of +5% and -5% respective to above. If this ability is a Kidou spell, the time needed to cast that Kidou and the recoil after it is cast are reduced by 20%. Cost reduction is nullified if Hitozora is used, and this Tech applies to all other Techs except Rogue Shinigami Techs.

** [ Hitoshirushi ] -- "One Seal" (Sta/-/-)
Rogue Shinigami that have an extensive amount of personal experience in dealing with outnumbering enemies have all devised various ways to counteract such disadvantageous odds. One such method, though basic and rudimentary in nature, is Hitoshirushi, the One Seal. By calling upon its power, a Rogue Shinigami may summon the strength of the Hitoshirushi to enfeeble the enemy ranks.

Once used, all grouped opponents suffer a -4% drop in Reiatsu for every enemy there is. This penalty, however, is divided if there is more than one rogue fighting together (if there are two rogues, it's -2% per enemy, for example). This penalty lasts for five of the opponents' turns. However, if the stat reduction breaches -20% for each enemy, all enemies will suffer an additional -10% penalty to all combat stats (excluding Connection and Ability), and this added penalty lasts for three of the opponents' turns. This Tech has a base cost of either 100 Reiatsu for two enemies, and 50 more Reiatsu for each additional enemy, and may be used once again if the effects have worn off.

** [ Hitozora ] -- "One Sky" (Aur/Syn/-)
Another method in dealing with large numbers of hostile forces is the Hitozora, the One Sky. Having relied upon his/her skills for survival, flexibility and control over the said skills are further augmented with Hitozora.

This Technique allows the user to fan out a normally single-target ability, spell, or Tech to target several opponents at once. The efficacy of the divided ability is evenly distributed to each target, and the cost of the said ability increases by +15%. If this Tech is used again successively, the cost reduces by -5% each time, though the cost may not fall below 90%. Another use of this Technique is by focusing the strength of a normally multi-targeting ability into a single execution. The strength of this focused ability increases by +25% if there is but a single enemy present, and by 4% for every grouped enemy present. The cost mechanism for this focused effect is the same with the multi-targeting effect. If Hitomichi is used with Hitozora, the former's cost reduction effect is nullified by this Tech, though the efficiency bonus still applies.

*: Denotes Tech List-occupiers that do not take up a Tech Allocation slot.
**: Denotes a Tech that does not count toward both maximums for the Tech List and Allocation.
***: Denotes a conditional Invisible Tech (each has its own way of working).

Mar 19, 2005
Dahlitium (⏆50 per)
Bigatium (⏆100 per)
Auritium (⏆300 per)
Vitatium (⏆1200 per)
Caelitium (⏆6000 per)
Hametsujutsu no Rireki - Logs of the Destructive Arts

Hametsujutsu no Rireki
Logs of the Destructive Arts


Here is the record of all known skills practiced by the Quincy. These skills may be attained and used only by Quincy characters.


[ Gritz ] - "Five-Frame Binding" (Sta/-/-)


[ Haizen ] - "Sacred Bite" (Atk/-/-)


*** [ Hirenkyaku ] - "Soaring Screen Slide" (Mov/-/-)


[ Jigokuba Saiyakukai ] -- "Hell's Wave Crushing Burden"
Within Quincy history, their lack of close-combat weapons has always plagued them. Though bows rule at anywhere from middle to ultra long distance, the Quincy have always scrambled to come up with an effective counter at close range. The invention of silver tubes helped stifle the opponents, but soon various Techniques were made to counterattack those who breached Quincy fire.

This Technique, one of the second generations of these close-combat Techniques, is purely close-range. By taking the Reishi around one's body and exciting them, yet not harnessing their power, one creates a tangible kamaitachi vortex around their body.

The shrill winds that surround the loser last for barely five seconds and yet are capable of cutting through almost any material; a force of at least two times the Technique's strength is required to hamper the winds.

However, due to the focus required, any Reishi-based weapons will be temporarily useless (for the duration of the Technique, and a small instant of recharge time). Also, in order to operate and/or create Reishi skills/weapons, the user must relocate to another area whose Reishi has not been exhausted by this Technique (applies only while battling on Earth or any non-soul realm).

[Attained when 5,600 Reishisou is reached.]

[ Kourei ] -- "Command Of A Prince" (Atk/-/-)
Among Quincy history, there existed a caste of warriors so fierce they were given the name "Ametsuchi Ouji Ginrei" , or 'Heaven and Earth Prince Silver Soul', but commonly referred to as 'Ginouji'. This caste of warriors found themselves confronted with various limiters to Quincy power, including the human body itself. Kourei is a Technique created in reverence to these Gin'ouji, attempting to mirror their prince-like authority over Reishi.

When an arrow is fired, the Quincy having already prepared for the Technique, Reishi in the general vicinity all find themselves excited. Arrows will form in the general area around the opponent, all of them all pointed at (and pulled to) the opponent.

These arrows are slightly less powerful than their original counterpart, which itself is weakened a small amount. The end result is a hailstorm of arrows from all directions, all shooting inwards at the opponent. Generated arrow amount can be used by dividing [Quincy Combat Stat] by 1,000.

However, after this Technique is used, the immediate area of effect will be exhausted of its Reishi, disallowing adequate conditions for creating or using Reishi weapons or skills. Normal displacement will allow the area to recover after three rounds of combat (six-eight rounds if on Earth), but to use Reishi weapons or skills again, the opponent and/or the user must relocate to a different area.

[Attained when 12,500 Reishisou is reached.]

[ Kouu Dansai ] - "Cutting Rain" (Atk/-/-)
The user of this Technique charges an arrow up to the point of bursting from its physical shape, with which he/she then fires straight up into the air. Upon reaching a point a few stories up (the higher the peak trajectory, the wider and more encompassing the diameter of the ensuing rain will be), the arrow bursts into hundreds of tiny shards of charged Reishi that rain down upon the area. Each use of the skill consumes 4% Reishisou.

[Attained when 4,000 Reishisou is reached.]

[ Ransoutengai ] - "War Dress, Heaven's Enormity" (Aur/-/-)


[ Tenjou Joushin ] -- "God Who Rises Above Heaven" (Aur/-/-)
Throughout the experience of the Quincy, it's been noted many times that a greater amount of spiritual pressure or Reishi density within the immediate environment gives a Quincy greater powers. This is derived from a simple equation; if there is more supply, it is easier to meet a demand.

Joushin is a Technique that flows into this knowledge. Joushin itself has two capabilities, depending on the overall combat situation;

If the immediate environment is either rich or poor in Reishi, by the spiritual mass around the user, then Joushin serves to increase this available supply. By pulling the Reishi from a far distance in closer, one condenses the spiritual mass within a far distance to create a 'bubble' around them that serves to speed up any Techniques or commands.

If the immediate environment is rich in Reishi by an opponent's Reiatsu, or an ally's Reiatsu, then Joushin's effects gravitate that Reiatsu around the Quincy. While this makes the Quincy easily detectable (from the condensed Reiatsu), it will also be of the Reiatsu of the enemy or the ally; effectively masking them. This creates an effect which strengthens the user's Techniques very noticeably and drawing on this energy source.

Both uses can be used at once, but only for a period of ((Quincy Gathering Stat + Reishisou)/20,000) turns or else complete and irreversible burnout will occur.

[Attained when 7,800 Reishisou is reached.]

[ Volcore ] - "Green Grail" (???/-/-)


*: Denotes Tech List-occupiers that do not take up a Tech Allocation slot.
**: Denotes a Tech that does not count toward both maximums for the Tech List and Allocation.
***: Denotes a conditional Invisible Tech (each has its own way of working).

Mar 19, 2005
Dahlitium (⏆50 per)
Bigatium (⏆100 per)
Auritium (⏆300 per)
Vitatium (⏆1200 per)
Caelitium (⏆6000 per)
Kisotekina Bujutsushi - Records of the Fundamental Fighting Arts

Kisotekina Bujutsushi
Records of the Fundamental Fighting Arts


Here is a record of all Kisotekina Bujutsu. For more information regarding this classification of Bujutsu, refer to the first post of this thread. All Bujutsu listed here may be learned by those that meet their requirements. Remember that a character may adopt only one Bujutsu at any given time.


[ Ryuujutsu ] -- "Art of Dragons" In Ryuujutsu, the emphasis is on power over speed, and as such, the practitioners learn to gain great strength and skill at the sacrifice of movement speed. Followers of this ideal are able to deliver skillful and powerful blows through a trained method of projecting Reiatsu through with each strike. Because speed goes against Ryuujutsu's principles, all Shunpo-related Techs and Feats cannot be learned or used (this includes those already learned). Shunpo itself, when executed by the practitioner, suffers a -10% drop in efficacy and a +10% increase in Reiatsu consumption. Shunkou's requirements are reduced to 7,000 Hakuda and Kidou, and when learnt and used by a Ryuujutsu practitioner, its per-round cost is 1% Reiatsu. The Shunkou energy blast's cost is changed to consuming 5% Reiatsu.

[Requires 3,000 Hakuda and 1,000 Hohou. At least three Hakuda-centered Techs must be learnt beforehand.]

Stat Modification(s) :

+30% to Hakuda
-10% to Hohou

Special Condition(s) :

- Techs and Feats utilizing Shunpo cannot be used. Shunpo execution suffers a -10% drop in efficacy and a +10% increase in Reiatsu consumption.

- The requirement for Shunkou is dropped to 7,000 Hakuda and Kidou.

- Shunkou's upkeep cost per round is now 1% Reiatsu. Energy burst now consumes 5% Reiatsu. Using Shunkou negates Ryuujutsu's +30% Hakuda boost, but also negates Ryuujutsu's -10% Hohou penalty.​

[ Hebijutsu ] -- "Art of Serpents" Followers of Hebijutsu exercise a method of precise, swift strikes, inspired by the lethal and deadly strikes of snakes. Practitioners focus on speedy movements and accurate attacks. Because of this, Techniques that do not follow this belief cannot be used (e.g. Senpuuken can't be used because of its wild and inaccurate nature). There is a certain serpentine gracefulness to a Hebijutsu user, who often remains in a crouched, tense position, ready to strike like cobra at his/her enemy.

[Requires 1,000 Zanjutsu and Hohou. Sakuganki must be learnt beforehand.]

Stat Modification(s) :

+10% to Zanjutsu
+10% to Hohou

Special Condition(s) :

- Flurrying and inaccurate attacks, Techs, and Feats cannot be used.

- Precise attacks, Techs, and Feats are augmented. Currently, Hebijutsu practitioners that have Sakuganki may use the Technique with twice as many thrusts and maximum uses.​

[ Daiakiri ] -- "Diamond Cutter" The Diamond Cutter style emphasizes the use of the fist over the sword. Using strong and swift attacks, along with gathered spiritual energy at the feet and fists, to not only deal great damage, but to break the opponent's guard and knock him/her back, making them unable to counter and keep their balance. This Technique also uses a variation of "Sude" so the user's hands and feet are not damaged even when attacked by a Zanpakutou. Because the Technique relies on over-expressed arm and leg movements, it cuts down on one's speed, but the extra power increases the force of one's Reiatsu.

[Requires 1,000 Reiatsu, Zanjutsu, Hakuda, Hohou, and 510 Kidou.]

Stat Modification(s) :

+10% Reiatsu
-10% Zanjutsu
+10% Hakuda
-10% Hohou

Special Condition(s) :

- The user learns the Bougyoudou #43 Sude, and it doesn't occupy a Kidou slot

- Requirements for the Hankyou Tech is now 2,500 Hakuda and 1,100 Hohou.​

[ Hayaiba no Kamae ] -- "Feather Blade Stance" This fighting style is a blend of the Crane Style open-handed Kenpo and swordsmanship. It was originally developed for use with a butterfly sword, but it can really be used by anyone with a single-edged sword; can be used one handed and is well balanced. The Feather Blade Stance emphasizes long sweeping strikes, like the hand strikes of Crane style, only taking advantage of the blade to achieve a longer strike. Flourishes and complex parries to pull incoming attacks to the side and forward are also used.

Openings in close range are taken advantage of by using powerful high kicks, axe kicks and elbow strikes. Most hand-to-hand attacks are used to either push an opponent back into sword range, or follow up a sword attack while closing the distance between fighters and giving the sword arm time to prepare another attack.

Unfortunately, the Feather Blade stance is large, requiring a lot of space, and it also requires careful balancing of weight, and the form has limited flexibility. As a result, while its footwork allows the fighter to parry and avoid blows well, it cannot be adapted to covering ground quickly. Maintaining the stance also makes directing Kidou difficult.

[Requires 2,000 Zanjutsu, Hakuda, and 1,000 Kidou.]

Stat Modification(s) :

+20% Zanjutsu
+20% Hakuda
-10% Kidou

Special Condition(s) :

- Shunpo and Shunpo-related attacks, Techs, and Feats cannot be used.

- +10% to Hohou (accounts for only general reflexes; isn't displayed in real stats)​

[ Kaze no You ni ] -- "Like the Wind" The basis of this fighting style is to not be where your enemy is. This fighting style uses speed to quickly enter fighting range and make a few strikes, and then using speed to exit the range of fighting once more. Thus, this fighting style is highly supportive of long ranged attacks. Following one's own strikes in is a prime tenant of the Kaze no You ni fighting style.

[Requires 500 Reiatsu and 1,500 Hohou.]

Stat Modification(s) :

-5% Reiatsu
+15% Hohou

Special Condition(s) :

- Requirement for learning Kanshunpo is lowered to 17,500 Hohou.​

*: Denotes Tech List-occupiers that do not take up a Tech Allocation slot.
**: Denotes a Tech that does not count toward both maximums for the Tech List and Allocation.
***: Denotes a conditional Invisible Tech (each has its own way of working).

Mar 19, 2005
Dahlitium (⏆50 per)
Bigatium (⏆100 per)
Auritium (⏆300 per)
Vitatium (⏆1200 per)
Caelitium (⏆6000 per)
Joukyuu Bujutsu Shiryou - Archives of the Advanced Fighting Arts

Joukyuu Bujutsu Shiryou
Archives of the Advanced Fighting Arts


Provided here is a complete list of Joukyuu Bujutsu. For more information regarding this classification of Bujutsu, refer to the first post of this thread. A Joukyuu Bujutsu must be created and mastered by a character before its virtues may be passed onto another.


* [ Ueki Ryuu Kossapo ]
"Tree Style Fighting"

This style primarily deals with finding a balance between one's Hohou and Kidou skills. Once that is done the user is able to condense his Reiatsu so sharply that it violently bursts outward from the fists or feet.

Most people have difficult learning it because often they cannot keep the power contained in such a volatile state for long enough to release it usefully. The effect can be compared to slamming the hammer down on a bullet and then holding the blast inside for several moments before releasing it. As such, this style can be detrimental to one's own health if they cannot harness the power, and thus the current masters of the style will require proof a student's ability. If they do not meet the standards of the master, they will not be permitted to learn the Techniques.

The moves have been known to cause the user to lose feeling in the limbs for several days or experience excruciating pain, as though they have been torn off once the battle finishes and the adrenaline of the fight has worn off. Thusly, users of this style are often warned to use the Techniques as sparingly as possible. However, with a great enough mastery over the Techniques, the side effects are minimized unless the Techniques are used to their absolute maximum.

To initiate the style, the user must first concentrate his Kidou energy and say the chant:

"Ueki Ryuu Kossapo is insurmountable! No one can match the power it wields! Even a single blow is unstoppable!"

This chant initiates a concentration Technique that will protect one's body from the backlash caused by Ueki Ryuu Kossapo. Attempting to perform a Technique before initiating the chant will render the limb or limbs used in that attack useless for the duration of the battle. This chant only needs to be said once.

Special Condition(s) :

- Ueki Ryuu Kossapo Techniques utilize advanced Reiatsu control to lower their vulnerability to any penalization Techniques such as slowing and binding.

Pupil Qualification Requirement(s) :

- 6,000 Reiatsu and 2,000 Hohou and Kidou

Mastery Requirement(s) :

- Learn all Techs

- 8,000 Reiatsu, 2,000 Zanjutsu, and 2,500 Hohou and Kidou required.

Complete Mastery Requirement(s) :

- Learn and master all Techs and Tech Levels

- 17,000 Reiatsu, 2,000 Zanjutsu, 7,500 Hohou, 5,000 Kidou required.

Practitioner(s) :


* [ Kajou Hakusentou ] -- "Spiral Oak Punch" (Atk/-/-)
The user of Kajou Hakusentou gathers Kidou energy in their hand. The energy spirals up the arm to the shoulder, covering it in a spinning sheet of Kidou energy. The user then punches forward, releasing the energy from his arm and sending it spiraling towards his target. On contact, this energy explodes violently, drilling through a weaker enemy or doing a highly powered 'punch' to one of similar or greater strength. This is the basic form of the move.

The second level of this Technique allows the ability to be fired from both arms at once. The third level allows two shots from the primary hand and one from the secondary. The fourth allows two shots from each hand, and the final allows three shots from the primary hand and two from the secondary. The maximum amount of shots is five. The maximum usage is calculated by adding the user's Hohou and Reiatsu and dividing by 1,000, rounded to the nearest whole number. Each level is attained by gaining additional 1,000 Reiatsu and 500 Hohou.

[May be learned upon induction.]

[ Kaibun Tsubomi ] -- "Ash Blossom" (Atk/-/-)
The user of Kaibun Tsubomi gathers a torrent of Kidou in his foot, which is released in a slashing motion upon a kick. At the base level of this Technique, the energy will lash out vertically at a maximum of five feet in the air.

At the second level, a horizontal slash can be made with one's foot, throwing the slash forward approximately seven feet.

The third level will allow a cross shape slash to be made, which can reach up to four feet, where one foot moves horizontally and the other moves vertically behind it. The difficulty is in not kicking your own legs.

The fourth level allows the user to surround both legs completely with the energy and use the energy to propel oneself through the air a maximum of twenty feet. This level releases no blast, because the energy is so condensed, instead releasing it violently upon contact with an opponent,

The final level extends the range of the first two levels to ten feet and the third level to eight feet.

The number of times this Technique can be used is also based on the level. If the Technique is at the third level, the first level can be used three times, the second two times and the third one time. If the Technique is at the fourth level, the first level can be used four times, the second three times, the third two times, and the fourth one time. Also note that use of a higher level will deplete one usage of the levels behind it. The more distance the energy travels before contact, the weaker it gets.

The maximum level for this Technique is five. Each level is attained with 750 more Kidou and Hohou.

[May be learned upon induction]

[ Fuyou Erumuhandou ] -- "Floating Elm Kick" (Atk/Sta/-)
Fuyou Erumuhandou is performed by gathering Kidou energy into the sole of the foot and then stomping into the ground. The Kidou energy then leaves the user's foot and travels under ground toward the target. The energy then bursts upward in a pillar of crackling energy hewn from one's very soul. The maximum range is ten feet.

While this burst of energy does deal damage, it is more aimed at stunning the opponent, actually lifting the enemy off the ground.

This is where the name comes from. Each subsequent level of mastery increases the amount of bursts by one, each one lifting the opponent three feet in the air and range by five feet. he maximum usage of this Technique is the level. At level three, the maximum amount of pulses the user can create in total is three, but they can be in any amount of uses of the Technique. Ex: three uses of level one, one use of level two and one of level one, or one of level three. The max level is three. Each level is attained with additional increments of 3,500 Kidou.

[May be learned upon induction.]

[ Momiji Zenmetsuken ] -- "Maple Annihilation Sword" (Atk/Mov/-)
The final, last ditch effort Technique of the Ueki Ryuu Kossapo. By concentrating Kidou energy into the legs, the user of this Technique sinks into a crouch and launches off at high speed.

Using Kidou to 'split' his weapon, this attack creates a multi-hit strike from all angles. Glowing versions of the user's weapon will converge on his enemy. The weapons will not hit all at once, but they will hit in rapid succession. After the attack is either repelled or hit, the glowing weapons will 'bounce' off the target and return to where the user initiated the strike. The first two weapons are held by the user and the others are thrown. The thrown ones are controlled by Kidou and the held ones are by Zanjutsu.

The user's body will appear, holding as many of the weapons that he created, which will then fade back into one. This Technique is extremely straining on the user's legs, making it impossible to use any form of Shunpo for two minutes after using Momiji Zenmetsuken. A further use of Momiji Zenmetsuken will render the user's legs completely useless, reducing Hohou by 75% for the remainder of the battle. The initial level of this Technique is two weapons. The second level is four; the third level is five, the fourth level is six, the fifth level is seven and the final level is eight. The maximum level is six. Each level is attained with 2,000 Hohou, and 1,500 Kidou.

[Requires 8,000 Reiatsu, 2,000 Zanjutsu, and 2,500 Hohou and Kidou to be learned.]


* [ Ookamijutsu ]
"Art of the Wolf"

In the earliest days of Seireitei, when Zanpakutous had just become the new fashion, many sword styles were popping up left and right. Few have endured to this day, but Ookamijutsu (Wolf Technique) has. A style heavily based on Iaijutsu, the art of attacking from the sheath. A style that's balanced evenly between a solid, strong defense, and swift, lightning-fast attacks. The quick motions of this sword style are said to be like that of the Wolf: "The Wolf will bite you, then retreat, waiting until you make another mistake, then bite you again. You will never catch the wolf, for he never stands still, and he is already ready for you when you catch up to him."

When Kidou started rising, along with Hakuda, this style was quickly abandoned for the more popular forms of combat. It soon resided only in legends and myths of Soul Society. Kurohotaru Asuka delved in to these myths and legends, and with the help of one of her oldest friends, a former-Shinigami named Kazuki, was able to re-create the style. By searching through an old library, she even managed to find a scroll that listed the masters of this style throughout the history of Seireitei, the names of various Techniques, and even a few simple illustrations to give an example of how a Technique is supposed to be used. The list of masters is thus:

Hiruko "Ookami" Kimoku - Founder

Kenzo Ubora - Co-founder


Alexander Volte

Sakura Mizuken

Kobushi Mirako

James Sierra

Andrei Grigorev​

Special Condition(s) :

- One's reflexes are sharpened, allowing for blows and projectiles to dodged easier, but it should be noted that the style is more draining stamina-wise because of this.

Pupil Qualification Requirement(s) :

- 2,000 Zanjutsu, 1,400 Hohou, and 5,000 Reiatsu

Mastery Requirement(s) :

- Learn all Techs

- 3,000 Zanjutsu, 2,500 Hohou, and 7,000 Reiatsu

Complete Mastery Requirement(s) :

- Learn and master all Techs.

- 5,000 Zanjutsu, 3,500 Hohou, and 10,000 Reiatsu.

Practitioner(s) :

Kurohotaru Asuka - Practitioner, pending master​

* [ Ookami no Tate ] -- "Shield of the Wolf" (Def/Aur/-)
By flowing reiatsu in to the blade, and then sheathing it, the inside of the scabbard is heavily reinforced with Reiatsu, making it many times harder to break. Since Iaijutsu-users usually have to partially draw the blade, or draw the blade entirely in order to parry a blow, this Technique lets them block and parry blows with the sheath, and sets them up to use Uta-ken and Wolf's Phantasm. The first level makes the sheath as hard as a badly-made katana. The second level makes it as hard as a katana. The third level makes the sheath as hard as concrete.

[Requires 1,600 Zanjutsu and Reiatsu. Uses 250 Reiatsu per turn, when it's active. Each level is attained by gaining an additional 500 Reiatsu.]

[ Wolf Phantasm ] -- (Atk/-/-)
A Technique that signified Ookamijutsu in many people's eyes. By infusing the scabbard with Reiatsu, and suddenly slashing out with one's sword caused an after-image to form. The after-image looks real, and can (and most likely will) confuse the enemy in to leaving themselves open to a second slash. Wolf's Phantasm can only be used when slashing from the scabbard, as in, one slash. Only one "Phantasm" can be used at a time. The first level's after-image lasts for one second. The second level lasts for two seconds, and the third level for three second.

[Requires 1,800 Zanjutsu and 1,500 Reiatsu. It can be used an additional time every 500 Zanjutsu. Every use of Wolf's Phantasm uses up 4% of the user's total Reiatsu. Each level is attained by gaining an additional 400 Zanjutsu and 500 Reiatsu.]

[ Devastating Fang ] -- (Atk/Mov/-)
After having drawn the blade from the scabbard, this infamous Technique uses a series of blows to attempt to disarm the enemy. By using a pattern of attacks that is common in most sword-styles, and altering the last blow, it is theoretically possible to send the opponent's weapon flying in to the air. However, due to the muscle stress, this is a Technique that can only be used twice per battle. If one has more than 150% your Zanjutsu, it will fail. Between 100% and 150% your Zanjutsu, it has a 25% chance of success. At around your Zanjutsu (within 100 or so, either way) it has a 50% chance of success. Between 50% and 100% your Zanjutsu, the Technique has a 75% chance of success. Less than 50% your Zanjutsu is a guaranteed hit.

[Requires 1,600 Zanjutsu, and 1,400 Reiatsu. It can only be used the second time once one has reached 2,000 Zanjutsu. There are no levels to this Tech.]

[ Utaken ] -- "Song Sword" (Atk/Mov/-)
The most advanced Technique of Ookamijutsu, a Technique so-called because of the distinctive sound the blade makes when it whistles through the air. A pair of lightning fast attacks, the first one a parry and the second one a counterattack, usually made in the form of a thrust. One draws the blade from the scabbard and parries the enemy's attack in the same motion, and with a subtle twist of the wrist, slashes or stabs back at them with astounding speed. More than 150% your Zanjutsu, the counter-attack will fail. If one has more than your Zanjutsu, the counter-attack has a 25% chance of success. Between 50% and 100% your Zanjutsu, there is a 75% chance of success. Less than 50% your Zanjutsu is a guaranteed hit.

[Requires 2,000 Zanjutsu and 1,500 Hohou. It can be used again once every 2,000 Zanjutsu. The first level of this Tech has 33% of the potential of the third level, while the second level has 66% potential, and the third level has the desired effect. In essence, only the third level is effective. Each level is attained by gaining an additional 1,000 Zanjutsu and 500 Hohou.]


* [ Seikou Tenko Ryuuchoutou ]
"Energy Muster, Flowing Sword"

An ancient fighting style estimated to have been founded over three thousand years ago by the Sanhouka bloodline. The creator, Sanhouka Tenshi, was a powerful warrior that discovered he was able to massively increase his strength by combining his fighting style of Ryuuchoutou "Flowing Sword" with an energy he had discovered during the time of his life. He found that if he combined this energy with his attacks, he was able to perform combinations and feats that were regarded as godlike to many. Upon his passing, he made sure the newly formed fighting style was only passed on to the strongest within his bloodline. Sanhouka Juno was the last member of the Sanhouka Bloodline to receive it. Juno discovered he was infertile, so the fighting style was never able to be properly passed on for over two thousand years. Kanosuke Sasuke, one of the greatest scholars of his time, was able to rediscover the lost fighting style by piecing together bits of information the Sanhouka family had left all over Japan. Sasuke, realizing just how powerful the fighting style was, perfected his abilities with a sword. He wanted to make sure such a fighting style would never be lost again, and made sure it was passed through his own bloodline, just like his predecessors.

The original fighting style, Ryuuchoutou, was created with one thing kept in mind. The practitioners would remain on the aggressive as much as possible, using physics to maintain a constantly flurry of attacks by mastering how to follow up a single attack with another. Someone who had perfected the fighting style would be seen as a magnificent artist, moving in and out like the current flow in a river. Because of the practitioner constantly moving, the directions of the attacks consistently changing, bringing themselves to be able to defend an attack by either dodging or parrying was also greatly increased.

The modified fighting style uses the same concepts of Ryuuchoutou except through Shinigami practices; the user is able to draw upon their energy reserves to add power and ability to their attack and defensive tactics. For attacks, Kidou or Reiatsu is usually focused into the Zanpakutou or sword and able to manipulate how a slash works. Ones who have mastered the fighting style are even able to focus their Kidou energy to the point of launching concentrated blasts of Kidou energy from their Zanpakutou. On the defensive side, the practitioners have studied Kidou to the point of even being able to manipulate attacks against them.

Lineage Of Masters:

Sanhouka, Tenshi

Sanhouka, Muraju

Sanhouka, Isane

Sanhouka, Juno

Kanosuke, Sasuke

Kanosuke, Karasu

Kanosuke, Kazete

Kanosuke, Tenrai​

Special Condition(s) :

- The purpose of this fighting style is to combine swordsmanship Techniques with Kidou to create unpredictable and powerful attack combinations. As such, the practitioner must keep their base Zanjutsu and Kidou stats within 10% of each other to have a strong enough balance to maintain this fighting style.

- Through the development of this fighting style over the years, the masters have discovered the only problem with constantly combining Kidou with their sword mastery was quickly exhausting their Kidou reserve. Practitioners who have mastered all Techniques within this fighting style learn to compress their Kidou energy, being able to use Kidou expending 15% less Kidou energy while still maintaining the strength of the Kidou. This mastery requires one to focus on the teaching of this fighting style and the practitioner must have all Techniques equipped for this mastery to remain in effect. The purpose for this is to last longer in combat, and as such, cannot be applied to Kidou that cannot be bypassed at full power without the reduction.

- Effective use of this fighting style is to create powerful attack combinations between using a sword and Kidou. To make sure the user has a large variety of Kidou at their disposal for multiple situations, the practitioner is granted one extra Kidou slot for every Tech equipped including the fighting style itself. So, with all Techs equipped, the user is granted a total of five extra Kidou slots.

Pupil Qualification Requirement(s) :

- 1,000 Kidou, 1,000 Zanjutsu, and 2,500 Connection

Technique Requirement(s) :

- Additional 1,000 Kidou, 1,000 Zanjutsu and 2,500 Connection after pupil requirement.

Mastery Requirement(s) :

- Learn all Techs

- 4,000 Kidou, 4,000 Zanjutsu and 10,000 Connection

Practitioner(s) :

Kanosuke Jinju - Practitioner, pending master​

* [ Rintensetsu ] -- "Rotation Cut" (Atk/-/-)
A Technique incorporated from Ryuuchoutou, and usually used as an opener for a series of attacks. This Technique is very similar to the famous battoujutsu attacks, except instead of drawing from a sheath, the practitioner is able to spin around full-circle in either direction to grant the speed and power of the battoujutsu slash. The two primary reasons why this Technique was used was because it can be used with other weapons besides traditional Japanese swords, and it can be used mid-combat or even during an attack flurry. The practitioner uses the momentum gained from their spin combined with his/her Reiatsu to create a powerful diagonal, down to up, or horizontal slash, with the added strength being equivalent to the amount of Reiatsu infused with the attack. This consumes 5% Reiatsu per use.

[ Hayakae ] -- "Quick Shift" (Atk/Aur/-)
Another Technique incorporated from Ryuuchoutou because of the utility provided when combining Kidou with attacks. The user of this Technique infuses his/her blade with 2% of their Reiatsu and slashes his/her sword in an arc in front of them. The compressed Reiatsu is released in the trail of the slash, which creates a vacuum-like effect that draws the opponent into the arc, knocking them off balance and creating a possible opening.

[ Honbashiru ] -- "Home Run" (Aur/Def/-)
While this fighting style focuses on combining sword attacks with Kidou to become a powerful warrior in combat, the practitioners have also developed ways to defend against Kidou blasts as well. The practitioner of this fighting style has learned he/she is able to infuse a greater amount of Kidou energy into his/her Zanpakutou than a Kidou projectile being used against him/her, and are able to deflect such attacks away. Because of the nature of this ability, the practitioner is briefly left open for a moment from the recoil of deflecting the attack. While it is possible the Kidou blast can hit someone else after it is deflected, it is not possible to aim the deflection for that purpose because of how naturally volatile Kidou attacks are. This ability requires the user to expend 1.3 times the Kidou used against the practitioner to deflect the attack.

[ Seishou Houshutsu ] -- "Energy Release" (Atk/-/-)
As the purpose of this fighting style is to combine Kidou with difficult-to-predict attacks, the practitioner is able to charge his/her Zanpakutou with 15% of his/her maximum Kidou stat, and launch a wave of Kidou energy at his/her opponent. It is a standard energy projectile, where the size and power varies depending on the user's Kidou stat. It is non-explosive, so it is possible to perform this ability at close to medium range without worry of self-damage. Note that the power of this ability is directly related to the user's connection with their Zanpakutou as well, and can only be used once per fight for every 5,000 Connection.


* [ Zanken Sokuki ]
"Slaying Fist, Speed Demon"

Zanken Sokuki is a fighting style refined by the principles of Kidou and Hakuda. It was developed to aid Shinigami who follow the way of the fist rather than the sword.

Shinigami of old, once learned of the disadvantages of Hakuda oriented people compared to those who specialize in the sword and demon arts. Since there was no way for someone to exceed one physical limitations, they turned to the spiritual side to gain more strength.

Zanken Sokuki is a hand to hand fighting style which is powered by Kidou. Although there are Kidou spells that could augment fighting ability that still isn't enough. There is a lack in Kidou since it lacks continuity. The founders of Zanken Sokuki style, Matsumura and Chatanyara, devised a way to tap into the spiritual energy of one person to enable him to raise his fighting ability above those of other people.

In order to do this Matsumura devised a way to increase the flow of energy in one's vital points to ensure that can take the strain of fighting in such a high level for a long period of time. For every hit the user connects with a short burst of energy will also explode creating an effect where the power of the punch is almost doubled.

Lineage of Masters





Yamamoto Essei

Shirou Hayabusa

Ankoh Itosu

Takero Idaten​

Special Condition(s) :

- Every strike the user delivers will come with a short burst of Kidou creating an effect that increases his strength by +50%, though costs 1% Reiatsu and Kidou for each strike, and needs to be indicated in writing that it is being used.

Requirement(s) :

- For this fighting style to be used, one's Hakuda must be in harmony with his Kidou energy. There should be a balance between them and they should be kept close to each others levels. The only stats allowed to exceed these two are Reiatsu and Connection.

- People are able to learn this fighting style when they are of 5,000 Connection and when their Hakuda and Kidou are two of their top fighting stats. The user should also learn the Bougyoudo #43, Sude before learning this fighting style.

Practitioner(s) :

Takero Idaten - Residing master​

* [ Shougekiha ] -- "Shockwave" (Atk/-/-)
Zanken Sokuki is well known for its defensive Techniques and it is very rare for one to see an attack coming from a practitioner. Shougekiha is one of the strongest attacks that the Zanken Sokuki school has to offer. By utilizing the Kidou energy that is present inside the practitioner's body as well as his physical strength, Shougekiha draws these two together to create a mid-ranged attack that would cause the target to be thrown off.

As the name suggests the attack cannot be seen through normal means as its medium is the air. The force of the attack greatly surpasses that of its Kidou counterpart, Hakke Kuushou. By channeling Kidou into the user's arm, he or she releases the energy stored in it through the palm, creating a shockwave that travels through the air (it doesn't matter if it is extended or not, but as long as the palm is directed to the target, then the Technique can be used). Once the energy has been released, it would hit the target almost instantaneously. The force of the attack will vary depending on the range of the opponent from the user.

The force of the attack equates to the user's normal Hakuda striking power, which will degenerate incrementally as the attack travels farther distances.


1-2 meters : 100% power
3-4 meters : 90% power
5-6 meters : 80% power
7-8 meters : 70% power
9-10 meters : 60% power

Once the Technique has been used, the user will suffer a 3% decrease to his current Reiatsu and will not be able to use the Technique for another five RPG turns. Using it again during this recoil period will result in an additional -3% penalty to the user's Reiatsu.

[May be learned upon induction.]

[ Shashinzounobure ] -- "Image Movement" (Atk/Aur/-)
Zanken Sokuki users are also able to project images of themselves while they are in movement. By channeling their Kidou through out their bodies they can project an exact image of himself out of his bodies. The image then follows the previous movement of the user's body. This will then create a chance for the user to alter the course of his attack or maybe use this chance to get away.

The image just follows through with the motion whether it be a dash or a punch. And when the image collides with the opponent it just passes through them, with no damage done. The image will last for a five seconds before disappearing. During the time Shashinzounobure is in effect, this is the only image the opponent sees. The user would only look like a silhouette of the image.

Usage of this Technique is limited to once per turn.

[Attained when 1,000 Hakuda and 2,000 Kidou are reached.]

[ Shumonten ] -- "Gate Guardian God" (Aur/Def/-)
The founders of Zanken Sokuki also developed a Technique that will enable them to defend against energy blasts sent against them. The user extends his hands forwards with his palms facing forwards. He then channels his energy through his hand and to his palm. He then creates a small barrier in front of him that is fit for at least three people. The barrier strips the blast of its energy and diffuses it into the air. This is not a physical barrier and it only defends against energy attack. In short it a nullification barrier. This barrier will last for fifteen seconds and then will cancel out once the duration of it expires.

Take note that this will defend against energy blasts as strong as the user's Kidou base. Also this doesn't defend against physical attacks, and each use of the Technique consumes 1,000 Reiatsu, and will place a -1% penalty on the user's Hakuda stat for the duration of the battle.

[Attained when 3,000 Hakuda and Kidou are reached.]

[ Kaijo ] -- "Cancellation" (Aur/Def/-)
The user gathers his Kidou energy around his arms and compresses the energy. He will then extend his arms forwards with his palms facing forward. He then puts his thumbs and index fingers together creating a triangle gap between them. He then aims that part to the center of a blast and releases his energy into a countering blast. This massive amount of energy will then collide and cancel out each other.

The blast's strength will vary from time to time depending on the strength of the Kidou that was cast. The cost of Kaijo will be depending on the cost of the Kidou used, and since Kaijo doesn't require any incantations or of any sort, more power will be consumed at each use. Also this Technique can only be used on Hadou spells.


Low level Hadou -- 1x Kidou
Mid level Hadou -- 1.5x Kidou
High level Hadou -- 2x Kidou

[ Kouboujun ] -- "Beam Shield" (Def/Aur/-)
As the newest Master of the Zanken Sokuki School, Takero has developed a Technique that will aide the school's practitioners in battle.

The Technique of Kouboujun is an invisible coating that extends two centimeters from the user's body. This protective coating is able to deflect some Kidou spells (or certain Hollow attacks) directed at the user and reduce the damage he or she receives. The coating will only activate when the body of the user feels a surge of energy near it, thus it will only be active when the projectile or spell is close to striking the user.

The output defense of the protective coating is equivalent to half of the user's total Reiatsu plus the total Kidou stat.

The rate of deflection is as follows:

  • Attack power 0%-25% of output defense = complete deflection with no damage

  • Attack power 26%-50% of output defense = slight deflection with one-third of damage from attack

  • Attack power 51%-75% of output defense = No deflection; user receives half damage.

  • Attack power equal to or greater than output defense = coating is dissolved and full damage is received

Aside from these, there are some conditions that should be met when the barrier is active. The user will not be able to cast any Kidou spells (offensive or defensive). The user will not be able to do any other Technique listed in the Waza Toshokan. The user is limited to using only physical means of attack or defense (weapons, fists, etc.). The Technique also forbids the use of any Zanken Sokuki Techniques as it will deactivate the coating.

If the coating is dispersed forcefully, then the user will not be able to use this Technique for another six rounds of combat. Each use of this Technique consumes 2% Reiatsu.

[Attained when 20,000 Reiatsu and 5,000 Kidou are reached.]


* [ Bunindou ]
"Way of the Dancing Blades"

Long ago in the history of Soul Society, a group of Shinigami in the old Gotei 13 dedicated themselves to training themselves for fighting with a certain degree of flair and style. Originally, this was intended to reflect their philosophy which regarded combat as an art rather than merely their job. They enjoyed combat and wanted to reflect that enjoyment not just in the number of fights they participated in, but also in the way they fought. Before long, however, they discovered that as they refined their stylistic and somewhat acrobatic way of fighting, such an unpredictable fighting style provided them with a number of advantages over their opponent. Without giving up their original philosophy of 'fighting hard and looking good while doing it', they began to focus more intently on developing these advantages. Thus the Way of the Dancing Blades was born.

The original master of the style, Hideo Kimura, was a dual Zanpakutou wielder (hence the plural 'blades'), and thus had more flexibility in his combat than those who wielded but one blade. In his honor and to better accomplish the goals of the Way, every student after him who learned the style was made to craft their own wakizashi blade to be presented to them upon completion of their training.

While the order who practiced the Way of the Dancing Blades rose to prominence, their love of combat soon turned against them. Approximately five hundred years ago, word reached their ears of an S-ranked Hollow by the name of Bedragen who was massing a small army of Hollows on the outskirts of Eastern Rukongai. Eager to take on the challenge, a small group of five men, all of whom were practitioners of the Way, volunteered to hunt down the Hollow and eradicate his forces. However, in the midst of the battle, one of the five revealed himself to be a Vizard. In a fit of rage, the Vizard killed each of the Shinigami and each of the Hollows except for one each to return and tell the tale of his deeds.

The one practitioner of the Way of Dancing Blades who survived was a man by the name of Mitsunori Sutou. Upon returning to the relative safety of Seireitei, he delivered his report before the Central 46, where he announced his retirement from active duty within the Gotei. He couldn't sleep at night, visions of the sickening betrayal haunting him and instilling a deep sense of paranoia in any he called 'friend'. He felt the best course of action would be to remove himself from the fighting, painful as it was to his love of combat. For the past five hundred years, he has been living on his own in the woods surrounding the fiftieth district in West Rukongai. He continues to train and hone his skills in the Way every day of his life and longs for the days when he could pass the knowledge he holds freely, but is afraid of getting involved with Shinigami affairs. Disheartened by the deaths of their comrades at the hand of another, the remaining practitioners of the Way began to stray away from the style, lapsing into boring, everyday lives as Shinigami.

Technical Details :

Users of this fighting style learn to combine their skills in Zanjutsu, Hohou, and Kidou to allow their bodies the grace and speed required to perform many of the acrobatic maneuvers this style embodies. Zanjutsu and Hohou are the main two areas, with Kidou being used more to support movement in the various Techniques associated with the style.

Special Condition(s) :

- Due to the extreme focus on using Reiatsu and Kidou to boost one's speed and agility, users of this Bujutsu are able to learn the Technique Kanshunpo at 12,000 Hohou.

Pupil Qualification Requirement(s) :

- 2,500 base Zanjutsu, Hohou, and Kidou

Mastery Requirement(s) :

- Learn all Techs

- 5,000 Zanjutsu, Hohou, and Kidou.

Complete Mastery Requirement(s) :

- Learn and master all Techs and Tech Levels

- 7,500 Zanjutsu, Hohou, and Kidou.

Practitioner(s) :

Masuto Ono - Practitioner, pending master​

* [ Tsumujikaze no Tobiagari ] -- "Whirlwind Leap" (Mov/-/-)
In order to perform many of the aerial acrobatic maneuvers the fighting style includes, exceptional leg strength is required so the user can achieve more time in the air than the normal person might while jumping. However, practitioners of the Way quickly discovered that it was easier to achieve these greater heights and hang times by wrapping their lower extremities in a mixture of Reiatsu and wind-elemental Kidouryoku. Performing such a Technique requires a great deal of Reiatsu control, especially to prevent themselves from becoming particularly tired. The Technique costs 50 Reiatsu to perform and gives a 3x boost in jumping height and must be used to initialize any of the other Techniques in the style.

[Must be learned upon induction.]

[ Tatsumaki no Uchi ] -- "Tornado Strike" (Atk/Mov/-)
With this ability, the fighter leaps into the air with both blades extended parallel to the ground. Wrapping a layer of wind Kidouryoku around his body, the user is able to twirl while in mid-air at extremely high speeds, creating a propeller-like motion that can affect a number of enemies surrounding the user. Due to the Kidou assistance utilized in this Technique, a landing can sometimes be difficult to successfully complete. If one were to hold onto the Kidouryoku for too long, they would continue spinning after their feet touched the ground, resulting in sprained or broken ankles and knees. Thus, special care must be taken to learn the exact timing required to release the Kidou so the user ceases their rotation before they hit the ground.

Upon learning the Technique, the user has a 50% chance of missing the landing and leaving an opening for his/her opponent in addition to causing a low degree of injury to their legs (resulting in a slight drop in agility). There is also a 50% chance of the rotation successfully protecting the user from any single physical counterattack sent their way during the rotation (any additional counterattacks will have a base 25% chance of being dodged).

For each level (gained with an additional 500 Zanjutsu and Kidou), the percentages decrease and increase (respectively) by 10%.

[May be learned upon induction]

[ Kyokuhoujun ] -- "Acrobatic Shield" (Def/Mov/-)
The only purely defensive Technique in the Way of the Dancing Blade's arsenal was accidentally discovered when one of its practitioners infused too much Kidouryoku in his blades and was unable to maintain the compression of the energy while completing his maneuver. In this move, the user infuses their blades with Kidouryoku as they leap into the air and perform a simple, single backflip. After they pass the vertical upside-down position, they release the Kidouryoku energy in their blades, causing it to flare out as the motion is completed. The result is a brief barrier that dissipates the moment another attack hits it. The barrier is particularly effective against energy attacks, able to completely stop one valued at less than half the Kidouryoku that was used in forming the shield. Physical attacks are also hampered by the shield, but are unable to be stopped completely; merely slowed.

To use this Technique, the 300 Reiatsu must be consumed. For higher-leveled spells, more Reiatsu may be used, but if this is the case, the user must inform his/her opponent.

At the first level, this Technique may only be used once per battle. For each subsequent level (gained with 2,000 Kidou), another usage is gained. The maximum usages per battle is three.

[ Kuuchuugeki ] -- "Aerial Fury" (Atk/Mov/-)
The epitome of the Way of the Dancing Blades is the ability to manipulate the energies flowing through one's body to perform acrobatic feats even the most well-trained of Shinigami who are unfamiliar with the Way would be unable to replicate. Thus the Technique "Aerial Fury" is born. Through intense manipulation of Kidou and Reiatsu combined with the body's own agility, the user is able to perform feats that are typically physically impossible, specifically changing rotational direction in mid-air. As the user becomes stronger and more proficient with the Technique, he is able to perform these feats more rapidly, creating large strings of combos in a single aerial assault. Due to the huge strain and fatigue use of this Technique causes, it is typically reserved for times when a fight must be ended immediately, as if the combo doesn't end the fight, the surviving opponent will end it because the user will be so tired. When the user is first able to use this Technique, he is limited to two changes of direction, or a combo of three hits. For every 2,000 Kidou the user possesses over the base requirements for the Technique, another hit is added to their maximum possible combo.

[Attained when 4,000 Zanjutsu and Kidou are reached.]


*: Denotes Tech List-occupiers that do not take up a Tech Allocation slot.
**: Denotes a Tech that does not count toward both maximums for the Tech List and Allocation.
***: Denotes a conditional Invisible Tech (each has its own way of working).

Mar 19, 2005
Dahlitium (⏆50 per)
Bigatium (⏆100 per)
Auritium (⏆300 per)
Vitatium (⏆1200 per)
Caelitium (⏆6000 per)
Shinseina Bujutsu Rekidaishi - Annals of the Sacred Fighting Arts

Shinseina Bujutsu Rekidaishi
Annals of the Sacred Fighting Arts


Here is a referential list of Shinseina Bujutsu, or Bujutsu that occupy Feat slots. As such, they are character-specific, and may only be learned and practiced by the character that inherits the respective Shinseina Bujutsu.

Note that 'hidden' Shinseina Bujutsu are indicated by a §. This means that the marked Shinseina Bujutsu is shrouded in mystery and do not exist in any of Seireitei's records. By this, knowledge of the 'hidden' Shinseina Bujutsu is retained only by a few select individuals unique to each practitioner's plotline.


[POST=403291][ Senkumo Yamatou Ryuu ][/POST]
"Thousand Clouds, Mountain Sword Style"

[THREAD=5914][ Practiced by Amagawa Sougen ][/THREAD]

[POST=461398][ Ninmyou Souin Shiranui no Hakei Ryuu ][/POST]
"Edge of Light, Destruction Shadow, Waveform of Sea Fire Style"

[POST=366533][ Practiced by Haruzaki Joushirou ][/POST]

[POST=495607][ Oukyuu Mutekitou Yuudou Ryuu ][/POST]
"Royal Deliverance, Invincible Sword, Evening Shrine Style"

[POST=386864][ Practiced by Ryuutei Haiten ][/POST]

[POST=272043][ Setsu Ryuukaryuudojutsu ][/POST]
"Ardent Art of Dragonhunters"

[THREAD=7158][ Practiced by Senbokuji Ame ][/THREAD]

[POST=591634][ Koushuuki Kanafuge Ryuu ][/POST]
"Ascending Sky, Silver Phoenix Style"

[THREAD=2740][ Practiced by Shinkou Masaru ][/THREAD]

[POST=337435][ Myousa Tsuki no Genjin Ryuu ][/POST]
"Shining Deception, Crescent Blade of Moon Style"

[THREAD=9582][ Practiced by Masamune Enshunou ][/THREAD]

[POST=429097][ Kouu Tendou Ryuu ][/POST]
"Steel Feather, Path of Heaven Style"

[THREAD=11181][ Practiced by Shouyuu Yasougin ][/THREAD]

[POST=601068][ Ranchuu Hichou Ryuu ][/POST]
"Flying Bird in a Tempest Style"

[POST=601060][ Practiced by Shouyuu Nobutada ][/POST]

[ Ukigumo Ryuu ]
"Floating Cloud Style"

[ Practiced by Tenka Kizuken ]

[ Yaonuku no Yomiwa Ryuu ]
"Hellwheel of Eight Hundred Flames Style"

[POST=386902][ Practiced by Ryuutei Emiko ][/POST]

[ Haitokuou no Hiryuu ]
"Secret Style of the King of Immorality"

[ Practiced by Greyson ]

[ Eun no Shinsou ]
"God Source of Eun"

[ Practiced by Eun ]

Mar 19, 2005
Dahlitium (⏆50 per)
Bigatium (⏆100 per)
Auritium (⏆300 per)
Vitatium (⏆1200 per)
Caelitium (⏆6000 per)
Yuujigou no Sondou - Hall of Heroic Deeds

Yuujigou no Sondou
Hall of Heroic Deeds


Listed here is a compendium of Common and Rare Feats. Common Feats are colored in Sea Green, while Rare Feats are colored in Purple.


[ Fujin no Kuyami ] - "Lament of the Wind God" (???/???/???) - Fuu

[ Kajin no Ude ] - "Arm of the Fire God" (???/???/???) - Ka

[ Kaso no Fuuin ] - "Seal of the Fire Rodent" (Aur/Syn/-)

- Hides Shikai description in Profile.
- Can mask Zanpakutou's sealed state as any proportionately-sized object.
- Shirei Hatsuri is automatically learned and is fully invisible without any penalties.

[ Keijin no Kakerukoto ] - "Flight of the Firefly God" (???/???/???) - Kou

[ Kidou no Shuusai ] - "Kidou Prodigy" (Aur/-/-)
This character is recognized as a true master of Kidou and can utilize both sword and spell seamlessly in battle. Both the momentary delay in using Kidou (even with Eishouhaki) and the recoil of using a spell (which delays the effective usage of a weapon) are ignored. Reiatsu drain from using Kidou spells is -30% percent less than normal, but Reiatsu consumption is increased to 120% the normal rate when other skills are used. Also, the Kidou requirements of all other skills (including Kidou spells) are lowered by -20%.

[Attained after completing specialized Kidou training with highest marks.]

[ Kyoshitoku ] - "Obtain Bearing" (Aur/Syn/-)

- Able to retain learned Division Techniques after leaving said Division.
- Division Techniques remain fully invisible.
- Able to retain any Division based characteristics (items, Kidou, etc.).

[ Nejiba no Fuuin ] - "Seal of the Spiral Horse" (Aur/Syn/-)

- Hides all Ban Kai descriptions from Profile.
- Shin'ishikengo is automatically learned and is fully invisible.
- Allows slight amounts of Ban Kai energy to be used to power up Zanpakutou attacks, even if in sealed state.

[ Raijin no Koe ] - "Voice of the Thunder God" (???/???/???) - Rai

[ Renjin no Koshitsuki ] - "Gait of the Lotus God" (???/???/???) - Boku

[ Senshin no Meirei ] - "Command of the War God" (???/???/???) - Kin

[ Setsuro no Fuuin ] - "Seal of the Snow Heron" (Def/Aur/-)

- Blocks off all negative status effects, penalties, and manipulations. All present status effects will wear off by 25% per RPG turn.
- Shuts off and prevents all positive status effects and boosts. All present status effects will wear off by 25% per RPG turn.
- Magnitude of opponent's Reiatsu cannot adversely affect user.
- Whenever physically injured, user's body suffers half damage.
- Whenever spiritually injured, user's Reiatsu receives half damage.
- For every three physical injuries incurred, user is able to completely heal away one.
- For every three spiritual injuries incurred, user is able to gain back Reiatsu from one previous injury.
- Kai releases are not possible when activated.

[ Shakujin no Tsukami ] - "Grip of the Red God" (???/???/???) - Chi

[ Tamanushi no Fukushuu ] - "Ghost Lord's Revenge" (Aur/Syn/-)

- Stat requirements of all skills (Techniques, Feats, Kidou, etc.) are lowered by -50%. Cost of all skills learned this way increase by +50% until the original stat requirements are met. Afterwards, all skill costs are lowered by -10% and can be used to achieve a total -50% cost reduction.
- After reaching the original stat requirements, Techniques learned this way gain one additional asterisk (*) for a maximum of two (**). Techniques that are normally not invisible will gain one, while Techniques that have one asterisk turn into fully invisible Techs.
- 50% chance that damage dealt to one's own Reiatsu will also damage one's Connection stat. Lasts for the entire battle.

[ Unjin no Manako ] - "Eye of the Cloud God" (???/???/???) - Hyou

[ Ushin no Furui ] - "Shiver of the Rain God" (???/???/???) - Sui

[ Yajin no Kinu ] - "Silk of the Night God" (???/???/???) - An

Mar 19, 2005
Dahlitium (⏆50 per)
Bigatium (⏆100 per)
Auritium (⏆300 per)
Vitatium (⏆1200 per)
Caelitium (⏆6000 per)
Bulletin Board

Bulletin Board


News, updates, and pending issues will be posted here for RP-wide notice.

  • Updated Library, Quincy, and Joukyuu Techs with new additions. Removed the first two Rift Techniques.

  • Added Concepts section to the first post. Please read!

  • Updated Shirei Hatsuri's invisibility.

  • Updated Feat post with notes and additional Feats.

  • Added a post for Common and Rare Feats. Under construction!

  • Added some placeholder names in the Quincy section. Under construction!

  • Updated very first post with Feat categorizations =)

  • Updated the very first post with some minor corrections and a section dedicated to explaining different types of costs. Please read it!

  • The Library Techs post was split into two and its original post was deleted (corrupt?). The new approved Techs were also added.

  • All Tech and Feat costs and requirements are being revised! Please check here often for updates.

  • Updates and FAQs post is gone. Pretty moot.

  • Techniques and Feats Expansion complete! Please look forward to its full implementation.

Here is a list of upcoming Techs/Feats that may or may not be coming to a Tech Library near you. Skills listed here are subject to changes.

[ Shiorugi ] - "Tide Motion" (Aur/-/-)

[Requires 23,000 Kidou.]

[ Hasei Koutai ] - "Pulsar Shift" (Sta/Aur/-)

[Requires 27,000 Kidou.]

[ Kiremehari ] - "Rift Needle" (Aur/Syn/-)

[Requires 30,000 Kidou.]

[ Koufugenya no Fuuin ] - "Seal of the Rainbow Ouroboros" (Sta/Aur/-)


[ Kajin no Umare ] - "Birth of the Fire God" (Atk/Sta/-) - Ka

[Requires 50,000 Reiatsu. Elemental affinity must be that of Fire.]

[ Kajin no Neimou ] - "Ferocity of the Fire God" (Aur/Syn/-) - Ka

[Requires 57,000 Reiatsu and 27,000 Zanjutsu or Hakuda. Elemental affinity must be that of Fire.]

[ Unjin no Namida ] - "Tears of the Cloud God" (Atk/Sta/-) - Hyou

[Requires 55,000 Reiatsu. Elemental affinity must be that of Ice.]

[ Unjin no Sasayaki ] - "Whisper of the Cloud God" (Atk/Def/-) - Hyou

[Requires 55,000 Reiatsu and 23,000 Zanjutsu or Hakuda. Elemental affinity must be that of Ice.]

[ Ukigumo Ryuu ] - "Floating Cloud Style"

[Requires 65,000 Hakuda, and 60,000 Kidou. Must be learnt from Tenka Kizuken.]

[ Karura no Kaiikkatsu ] - "World Vociferation of Garuda" (Atk/Sta/-)

[Requires 89,000 Hakuda. Must be learnt from Tenka Kizuken.]

[ Ashura no Teitsuuro ] - "Slaughtering Passage of Asura" (Atk/Sta/-)

[Requires 100,000 Hakuda. Must be learnt from Tenka Kizuken.]

[ Kougen no Fushi ] - "Negative Death of Vishnu" (Atk/Sta/-)

[Requires 67,000 Hakuda and 80,000 Kidou. Must be learnt from Tenka Kizuken.]

[ Sougousou no Bakken ] - "Explosion Fist of Shiva" (Atk/Aur/-)

[Requires 125,000 Hakuda and 72,000 Kidou. Must be learnt from Tenka Kizuken.]

[ Bonten'ou no Tenmon ] - "Heavenly Gate of Brahma" (Atk/Def/Aur)

[Requires 115,000 Hakuda, 100,000 Hohou, and 90,000 Kidou. Must be learnt from Tenka Kizuken.]


Mar 19, 2005
Dahlitium (⏆50 per)
Bigatium (⏆100 per)
Auritium (⏆300 per)
Vitatium (⏆1200 per)
Caelitium (⏆6000 per)
Scroll of Righteous Ignorance

Scroll of Righteous Ignorance

。゚( ´Д`)゚。

[ If your name's in here, this is what you'll be looking like. ]


Any names and Techs/Feats listed here can be ignored in all literary works in progress or posted ones. In other words, if you are fighting or collabing with a person listed here, and he/she/it used a Tech/Feat ALSO listed here, then you may completely ignore the person's actions and continue on as if they never happened. This also applies if a Tech/Feat not connected to a particular person's name is used. For graders, if you're grading the work of a person and he/she has used a Tech/Feat listed here, please grace this punishment method and not give the said writer any points. There's also a warning list for those that are in danger of being plastered on the ignore list.

Those that continue to violate the ignorance rule run the risk of having the entire Tech/Feat Staff denying the approval of ANY and ALL Techs/Feats submitted for an indefinite period of time (mainly until the violator agrees with any and all modifications the Staff puts forth).


Warning List

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Ignore List

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